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Tuesday, 28 February 2006 (something else) 3:50pm The butler part is being recast (inasmuch as it was ever cast in the first place, since I never accepted the role), and a male is specifically being sought. So much for it potentially being rewritten as female. In happier theatrical news, my Twilight Zone episode now has a complete cast. Three actual speaking roles (Maddy, Anamoly and Dav'id Stein) and one voiceover (Dr. Hal). Vash has even agreed to do some drawings, as the main character is an artist, and, well, so is she. This means my girlfriend will be be providing the artwork drawn by my ex-wife's character in a play I'm directing. That's the kind of weird confluence which only seems natural when you have a life like mine.
Speaking of said ex-wife, she's going to be reading in both the San Francisco in Exile showing I'm curating in June as well as the
one Cindy's doing in March, though only for Cindy's show are Maddy's breasts
prominently featured in the promotion. I'd like to think the ads for my show will be equally sexy, if in a considerably different way.
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Monday, 27 February 2006 (already working on my brain) 9:17am Vash's cousin is getting married in Los Angeles weekend after next, and she's asked Vash to bring me. So, I'm going to Los Angeles to attend a big Jewish wedding, and meet her family in the process. She met mine at xmas, so it seems only right.
We're intending to make the most of the trip.
It'll be an adventure, I'm sure, if not a downright whirlwind.
I might even finally see Bronson Canyon.
kittypr0n has a new time: first and third Saturdays, half past midnight. You know, right around the time that Saturday Night Live historically starts to suck ass. Not that I watch it anymore. I don't watch teevee. I download it, for as long as it lasts. Anyway, it'll be followed by The Tim & Roma! Show. That's a damn good hour of programming.
So I got out of bed last night at some point to piddle. Nothing unusual there. Vash was spending the night, which is also
nothing unusual. She stays over about two or three nights a week on average. It's a pretty good balance for us. Anyway,
she stirred when I got back into bed, as she often will. Opening
her eyes long enough to acknowledge my presence (and probably smiling, that intoxicating smile which seems to come as
natural as blinking, even when she's mostly asleep), she put her arm across my chest, and promptly fell back asleep, almost
as promptly as when we went to bed in the first place. (Seriously. Her sleep habits resemble a
kitten crash more than anything else.)
Seemingly out of nowhere comes Perdita, who'd been in an especially affectionate mood that evening. Purring so loud
it's a wonder she didn't wake Vash, she quickly settled in on my stomach just below Vash's arm. Both of them were fully
in Deadweight Kitty mode, in which a cat manages to warp gravity and increase their weight (but not their mass or volume)
by a factor of ten. The main problem with this was that I can't really sleep on my back. If I'd been on my side or laying on
my stomach, sure. But my back, not so much. And I didn't want to disturb either of them...
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Saturday, 25 February 2006 (plasmatography) 8:10am It's an apostrophe, folks. It's not fuckin' rocket science. Learn it. 1:54am So, yeah. I wore the hat again yesterday. I had a gig, so that justified it. The gig was the Queer Open Mic. I drank two glasses of wine throughout, but never really felt it. Both Cindy and I had been having really craptastic weeks, and though we maintained our grace while hosting, we weren't afraid to let the anger show, either. Like I said after the feature read (and she came up and thanked me for saying it), one should never apologize for catharsis. Like pleasure, you should get it every chance you can. I'm still hurting from Thursday morning. I have completely withdrawn myself from the play, the part changed to a girl or not. The grapes are not sour, but they're no longer to my taste, either. Vash has been cast in the play, though not in the role which she read against me on Tuesday night. I guess that's ironic. I'm proud of her all the same. The world kept pushing my fucking buttons yesterday. I actually got shushed at a department meeting, buy someone who has no fucking business shushing me or anyone. When I called him on it later (via email, since there was a good chance I would have lost my shit otherwise), he said that it hadn't been directed toward me in particular, but everyone at the table who was talking, and he'd spoken first. Of course, he specifically turned to me, and did not direct it to the rest of the table. Every time I think about it, I get a new surge of anger. My emotions are spiking a lot lately. I also had the one-on-one about my future in the company and what I'd like to do. Turns out I'd misinterpreted the company email in which he asked for people to set up meeting with him; he wanted broader visions for the company overall, not our own personal ambitions. When I said that I'd like to do more work-related writing, the response was one notch away from patting me on the head and saying Awww! It's So Cute When You Pretend To Be A Grownup. I mentioned that I'd heard some scuttle regarding possibly launching themed blogs similar to Gay Porn Blog, and it was like the Russian scientists asking Dr. Floyd what was found on the Moon in 2001. Okay, sure, whatever. Can't say I didn't try. Making things even more entertaining was suddenly having two new data entry monkeys dropped on my lap. Which is fine in and of itself, except that it was up to me to train them, and I wasn't expecting them to arrive until Monday afternoon. In fact, nobody but the new head of our department had known these new people were going to be starting today, as he'd neglected to inform anyone, including the project manager he'd recently hired to, well, manage projects. Minor detail, I suppose. Tiny world time regarding said project manager: turns out her and I were both in the goth scene at the same time, around the turn of the century. In all likelihood we were in the same club at the same time at least once. This was revealed when I was telling Officer Dave about The Leader, not using his real name, and from across the office she guessed who I was talking about. Thankfully, she was not at all offended by the things I was saying about him; back in the day, whenever I spoke ill of him, people would usually go all seventies Body Snatchers, pointing and screeching. More than anything, she seemed glad to be past all the drama of those days. But there's always new drama, isn't there?
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Friday, 24 February 2006 (taken for lost) somenight after midnight Why is it that scuzzy-looking guys who smell of beer and haven't shaved for a week always insist on commenting on my hat?
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6:17am I don't expect answers to all my questions. Sometimes I just need to ask them. 10:11am I think I've just about reached the point where I have to declare today as Bad and accept it. After my early morning emotional trauma, I decided to go back to bed. I laid there for a while, utterly unable to sleep. At some point, I slid into one of those incredibly lucid, vivid dreams in which things are just realistic yet surrealistic enough that I realized before too long that I was dreaming. I even said to someone, i just realized that i'm dreaming. The story was fairly common stuff for my dreams, having to get someplace and facing all manner of obstacles and roadblocks (literal and otherwise). Specifically, I was trying to track down Vash, who'd left without me. (I think this may have been her first appearance in a dream, and it's also the first time I can remember having a cell phonewhich didn't work, of course.) My father was involved, somehow, living in a large twisty house with a lot of strange people, the streets were equally crowded and frequently narrow. Upon working out that it was a dream I realized that meant I could fly, or do whatever I wanted. I tried, but was unable to get more than a few feet off the ground at first. Figures. Everybody else gets to fly like a bird in their dreams, but I'm the frackin' Greatest American Heroine. When I did get the hang of it, the walls I had to fly over just got higher. My dreams do follow their own internal logic, I gotta give 'em that, even if it is Brazil logic.
I was the first at the office this morning at eight, and though
the door was still locked, the alarm was blaring. I almost turned around and made the Starbucks run
I'd talked myself out of a short while before, but decided that it would look bad if I walked away now.
I let myself in, entered the code, and nothing. Kept on blaring. I called the company, and they told me
how to make it shut up, but not exactly why it was going off, beyond a cryptic reference to an
entry that morning at half past six. Uh-huh. The alarm had been going off for am hour and a half, but
I guess the company didn't figure it was worth the trouble to alert the cops or anything. And yet, these
people charge us a couple hundred bucks every time someone accidentally sets off the alarm. I'm impressed.
That's a hell of a scam.
Charlotte and I left the office for a little bit. I told her about last night, how much it hurt to be offered a boy role without any sort of indication that the part might be altered to accommodate the minor detail and that I don't consider myself to be a boy and don't like putting myself into positions in which I might be parsed as male (especially given how often I'm getting called "sir" lately), and got teary all over again in the process, right there in Starbucks, adding unnecessary chocolate to my already sufficiently chocolatey mocha, no sunglasses in the bright day because I've yet to make an appointment with the Kaiser vision people, but feeling glad that I've grown out my bangs because in addition to giving me a more outwardly feminine appearance (or so I thought), it's nice to finally be able to cover my eyes with my hair, something I could never do with the Betty Page cut.
That was one of
the reasons I wore my hair like that for so many years, especially
early in my transition (note the difference between it and my hair in the above picture, though the makeup is almost exactly the same), because there was no way to hide my
face or my eyes. I was right there, exposed, my face for the world to see. Y'know what? I've paid my fuckin' dues. I've earned
the right to hide a little. And this is not me saying that all trannies should have that kind of hair. It was just my thing, and
this is about me, not anyone else.
May not have quite the same ring to it, but it's equally valid.
Maddy and I had dinner tonight at Kiki's, the same place Vash and I went to on Tuesday. Not the first time I've gone there twice in a week, and besides, this time my teeth were feeling up to the challenge of some of the crunchier rolls. I have her some burned DVDs (including the original version of the Twilight Zone episode I'm directing and in which she's acting), and she gave me a tin of Penguin Mints and a gift card to Starbucks. I'll make good use of both. If "stimjunkie" hasn't entered the parlance of Galactica fans yet, it will soon enough.
I'm still not well emotionally. My eyes have felt...heavy all day long. Every time I blink, I'm aware of the moisture behind them, just waiting for an excuse. But all things pass eventuallynot always satisfactorily, almost never painlesslyand this will too. It helps that the director and I have been corresponding. I explained exactly how my feelings were hurt, and he feels really bad for having done so, saying it was through misguidedness and haste, and not any sort of maliciousness. I believe him to be sincere, and it means a lot. Besides, it's so damn rare for someone to actually cop to screwing up. Lord knows I rarely ever do so. Cop to it, that is. I screw up more often than not.
As is usually the case when I'm depressed or unhappy, I dread going to sleep. Thankfully, I dread sleep deprivation even more. I also have a meeting
with Tim tomorrow morning about my future in the company, so rest is all the more important. It'll be a good meeting, I think. They want me to
start showing more initiative and ambition, huh? Okay. That's what I'm gonna do. I will start getting invited to the coke table at industry parties, damnit.
Yeah, I am still bitter about that. Why do you ask? And let's ignore for the moment the utter foolishness the very concept of a goth community. It's right up there in absurdity with, oh, "punk community" or "knitting community," the confluence of which leads us to such brain-bruising concepts as subversive knitting. (I don't claim to understand the mind of the Republican, but I'd be willing to bet Perdita that "the subversive knitting community" is not too high on Karl Rove's enemies list.) Then again, this is the country that brought us Extreme Vanilla, so nothing surprises me anymore.. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some subversive masturbation to attend to. Masturbators Against Bush!
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Wednesday, 22 February 2006 (workshopping) 6:40am The nighttime has its charms, but morning nookie is the best. 3:51pm Vash and I both auditioned for a new play last night. I can't really speak to how she did, but I feel like I kinda screwed it up badly. Then again, it was my first real audition since the one for Clue which I also kinda screwed up badly. Indeed, the only part I've gotten that I've actually auditioned for was Night of the Living Dead, which was also my first play. I had a hunch at the time that it was beginner's luck, and it seems I was right. (I stumbled into Hitch-hiker's, and Karen Carpenter in Zippy was written with me in mind, so I'm told.) Being her first audition, I hope she gets some of that luck as well.
We actually got to play a scene against each other, which was an interesting experience. The director
admitted that the scene in question was actually lifted from the original movie of Clue,
a scene between the butler and Mrs. White which didn't make it into the play. Mrs. White, of course, is
the part I originally auditioned for way back when. I've also thrown my hat into the ring as a possible replacement
if the original actress is unavailable for the revival later this year, though I'm third or fourth in line.
My hopes, needless to say, are not up. Anyway,
I'd like to think that the director was testing Vash's chops as the Mrs. White, since every time we ran through the
scene, I played the butler. (Can butlers be girls? I'm way too middle class to know these thing.) Yeesh.
I guess I'll just never play Mrs. White, no matter the situation.
sometime after midnight
What the fuck is it about me? Why am I getting clocked as male so much these days, and even being offered boy roles in plays? I've looked into it, and butlers are men. Quick, try to think of one female butler character. Nope, neither can I. Is it the top hat? Fine. I won't wear it anymore, not even at gigs where I'm also wearing a slip and fishnets and a zillion other indicators of my delusional state of female self-identification. Can't be too careful, huh?
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Tuesday, 21 February 2006 (tiling back) 4:27pm My teeth feel like they’ve been sandblasted and scraped raw (because that’s pretty much what the dentist did), but my gums are healthy and I have no cavities. Go me. I may even be able to eat crunchy food again someday.
Other than a dental appointment at noon, today has been all about the paperwork. Officer Dave sat me down and went through my performance review; unsuprisingly,
the main point made was almost exactly the same as from my first review at CNET in seven years ago. Basically, I need to start showing more iniative, be more outspoken
with ideas, that sort of thing. Otherwise, he's very happy with my work, and I scored high. Dunno if it'll translate into a raise or not. Kinda doubt it. He also told me to start
actively looking for more webmonkey work in the company, both because it's my strength and because if I don't, I may well end up becoming a dedicated data entry monkey.
Not only is it a waste of my abilities, it's going to be especially painful when I inevitably get to the boxes of straight movies which have been piling up around my desk.
Interestingly, Tim told me the same thing earlier in the morning, that I need to be careful not to get roped into data entry full time. Ah, office politics.
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