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Haven't been at our computer much lately. The connection's been spotty anyway.
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Maddy and I sat in front of Bruce Campbell and director Don Coscarelli at a showing of their as-yet-unreleased movie Bubba Ho-tep at the Roxie last night. If I'm going to have to block somebody's viewand at the Roxie, it's a givenit might as well be the person who made it. Bruce, sitting behind Maddy, had a considerably better view.
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Everyone did a bit of starfucking tonight, and mine was telling Don Coscarelli that I liked Phantasm IV. Not many do, so he was happy to hear it.
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Thanks to inertia, I've been going to the gym every morning this week, even on the dreaded weekend. Still, in spite of the two to three hours of daily cardio, I'll probably end up gaining weight. My current reading (after having finished Liberace: An American Boy and zoomed through Michael Moore's Stupid White Men) is Re/SEARCH's Zines! Vol. 1, through which I've discovered Inconspicuous Consumption, my latest vote for The Greatest Site Ever. A mere two weeks after we'd originally discussed it, I finally worked up the courage to call Vale. I'll be going to his place on Tuesday to help him set up a blog. (Kinda ironic, considering how remiss I've been in my own online duties lately.) It's times like this that I love my City.
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If I can't save my soul, I'll save my body.
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New glasses. Headache. Coincidence? Perhaps.
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The Spang Bang was last night, and Lynnee was there, working on his standup routine. She did a great job, and since I'm his fucking secretary, she enlisted me to take notes during his set. (I didn't mind, of course.) My piece seemed to go over well, though at times reading to the mostly straight male audience, I was struck by just how queer/femme my perspective can be. Well, it's what I am, y'know? As usual, the majority of performers were comics, and most were pretty good. At one point, I hurt myself: I doubled over laughing and banged my forehead on the seat in front of me. I'm not entirely certain when it happened, but it might have been at one of the most tasteless jokes I've heard in a long time, involving The Great Overshadowing, which we're not supposed to joke about yet. It also happened to be extremely funny. It works that way sometimes. Afterwards, I had my first piece of pizza in a long time. I gave Lynnee the pepperoni from my half of the large slice we split, and I tried to allow as much of the excess cheese and grease to slide onto my plate (there was plenty of both) but I still didn't like it very much. Burned the roof of my mouth, even. If that isn't a sign, I don't know what is. I started this diary four years ago today.
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kittypr0n debuted in Portland last night, and in prime time. (I'm pretty sure 10pm is still technically prime time.) I doubt CSI: Miami lost any viewers, but I'd like to think we stole at least one soul away from Jack Van Impe.
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