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Thursday, 31 December 2009 (there goes another one) 8:02pm After shopping yesterday, Marta and I ate way too much food at Nippon Sushi (which, for my money, is the point of going there) and returned to the Black Light District. The plan was to smoke a little and watch How I Met Your Mother while eating soy cream. Instead, after taking a few hits we started making out, shared nitrous kisses, and never made it out of the bedroom. Which was even better, though I started crashing out earlier than usual because of the grass. I'm such a lightweight. This morning, after picking up where we left off, we headed into the Presidio to go bowling, have lunch, show Marta where I work, and do some shopping at Sports Basement. The bowling thing didn't quite happen, since we were told when we went in that the sprog-heavy joint had a wait of an hour, so we took a number and headed out for lunch. When we returned about forty minutes later, they'd long since zoomed past our number. Alas. The vibe in there was kinda weird anyway. That's twice now, with the bowling alley and the Y, in which places which are otherwise very convenient to my office just don't click with me. Further evidence, as though any were needed, that this new office won't become a base of operations the way NakedSword used to be. So be it. Things change. Since we spent last night together, Marta and I won't be together tonight, on New Year's Eve. We don't normally spend Fridays together, she doesn't really care about the holiday either way, and she needs to spend time with her partner. That's okay. I already miss her, but I also know that whatever 2010 holds, this will be my best New Year's Eve in recent memory because I know my girl loves me. That hasn't been the case for a long, long time. 2005, I guess. They've all been pretty rough since then. So, I'm at The Dark Room. There's a comedy show right now, and after that, Jim and I will probably play Wii or something. Beats being alone at home, to be sure. sometime after midnight Dick Clark isn't look well at all. On the other hand, Elizabeth Montgomery was a major hottie when she appeared on The Twilight Zone in 1961. (There's a marathon on the horribly renamed Syfy.) | ||
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Wednesday, 30 December 2009 (a message to pretty) 1:20pm Crunched and planked and squatted and pressed in Damiel's class this morning, I've hit my twenty hours for the week, and the big wiki project is even most presentable. Time to go get Marta. 3:04pm Ugh. Even by Haight standards, The Haight is crawling with hippies. It's pretty horrible. But this is where New York Apparel is and I need new stripeys, so here we are. 11:12pm I thought I was out of Whip-Its, but then I found an unused charger. It's a New Year's miracle! | ||
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Tuesday, 29 December 2009 (one liner) 4:02pm There's a bowling alley near my office! This job just keeps getting better. Of course, there's a good chance they'll be shutting down soon, but that's to be expected. Everything dies. I've been working this week, though the office is technically closed. I don't mind. I like having the place to myself. Well, mostly to myself. There's usually at least one other person here at any given time, and of course they insist on turning the overhead lights on. That's what the windows are for, people! The one bummer about me working this week is not getting to spend more time with Marta, especially since she's going on vacation for two weeks starting a week from today. That's gonna suck. (For me. Hopefully she'll have a good time.) 5:27pm I'd like to think I'm a pretty good speller, but "bureau" confounds me every time. So many vowels! | ||
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Monday, 28 December 2009 (impatient and unwilling) 12:19pm In spite of the fact that I didn't make it to bed until about half past midnight, I got up at five this morning and made it to Damiel's abs class by six. Ow, ow, ow. I hate planks so much. But I'll keep doing them anyway, because this is the only way it works. Among my xmas loot was a neat collapsey berry basket from my mom's boyfriend, The Onion A.V. Club's Inventory: 16 Films Featuring Manic Pixie Dream Girls, 10 Great Songs Nearly Ruined by Saxophone, and 100 More Obsessively Specific Pop-Culture Lists from my mom, Battlestar Galactica seasons 2.0 and 2.5 from Barefoot, and volumes one and two of the Cinema Sewer compilations. (Still hanging on to my issues of the original 'zine, of course.) Anyway, the latter includes a cartoon by Leanne, a girl I somewhat controversially made out with a few years back. Dig me, I'm a starfucker! Or a starsnogger, anyway. We never quite made it to the fucking, nor were we ever likely to. And that's okay. It was just right the way it was. 4:21pm Is it bad form to say "Piss off, hippie!" to a panhandler? I haven't, but I'm trying to get a karmic barometer reading. 5:23pm I'm watching the third season of Lost, and, hey, there's Samantha Mathis! I like her. She's no Meredith Salenger, but who is? (Besides Ms. Salenger herself.) | ||
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Sunday, 27 December 2009 (leaving greensleeves) 11:31pm Wow. You can just never tell. The final Bad Movie Night of 2008 (The Perfect Holiday) was a financial flop, with a mere four paying customers. This year's final show, however, was huge smashif we didn't sell out, we came pretty damned close. And for Toys of all things. I ain't complaining, of course. Nothing makes me happier than people coming out to my silly show. Even if we are pinkie-extendingly pretentious. | ||
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Saturday, 26 December 2009 (year of mondays) 10:46am At my Dad's. Amazingly enough, he still has the Ranchero I (partially) learned to drive in. I just can't fathom driving anything bigger than Phoebe (a Saturn SL1) these days. 1:20pm After a big lunch of huevos rancheros and a margarita (blended, no salt) at El Toro Tambien with Dad and my brother Barefoot, it's time to hit the road. 4:33pm Made it from the Shaw and 99 in Fresno to the Bay Bridge Toll Plaza in three hours. Not too shabby at all. It was one of those drives where even when I was pushing Phoebe close to eighty, people were still zooming past. Everyone just wants to get home. sometime after midnight Picked up Marta when i got into town, went to the Stonestown YMCA (togethershe worked out with me), then back to the Black Light District for Spaced and dinner and sex and sleep. Pretty much in that order. I like staying at my mom's, but I wasn't sleeping very well this time around, and it's nice to be back in my own bed where it's warm and familiar and Marta and Perdita on either side of me. Of course, most nights it's just Perdtia, but that's not bad either. Having one of my girls with me is better than none. | ||
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Friday, 25 December 2009 (say it's so) 10:23am Last night, we engaged in our newish Xmas traditions: dinner at an Italian restaurant (Ovidio's this year and last year, though it's been DiCicco's in the past), walked around the neighborhood to see the luminaries and other decorations, and then Jonco and I drove down Huntington Blvd. Not bad at all. I just wish Marta could have been with me. Maybe next year. | ||
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Thursday, 24 December 2009 (another side) 9:11am Woke up to find Phoebe covered in frost. There's a lot that's not great about Fresno, but there's no snow, and I'd rather drive here than fly just about anywhere, especially right now. | ||
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Wednesday, 23 December 2009 (one way out) 11:22am I was closer to Damiel in his abs class this morning than I had been on Monday, and it was reassuring to see him struggling along with the rest of us, especially during the fucking planks. Makes me feel a little better about the fact that I can barely go for ten seconds before collapsing. But I'm still just getting back on the (metaphorical) treadmill. I'll get back to where I was before. Heading to Fresno soon. 5:19pm Once again, the Disabled American Veterans Thrift Store knows when I'm coming to town and puts out a bunch of Sherilyn Clothes, including a terrific black velvet dress. Some of them might even fit eventually. | ||
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Tuesday, 22 December 2009 (hold the reins) 11:01am Another reason I want to be hired for real: the organization has a presence at Burning Man, and I've always wanted to go. The main reason I haven't yet (aside from money) is that I want to go with people who are experienced and know what the hell they're doing. Thus far, nobody's invited me or even hinted that they might want me to go with them, but if I can do it with my office, that would be pretty awesome. 10:12pm No Wiiing with Jim this week. Came straight home from work, did some packing and cleaning, had dinner, went to the gym and sweated for an hour (Tuesdays are for cardio, they are), and now to bed so I can get some sleep for Damiel's abs class tomorrow. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I do feel like the muscles in my legs are firming up, and the skirt I've been wearing is a little looser on me. It's subtle, but there. | ||
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Monday, 21 December 2009 (overdrive) 8:37am Went to my first of Damiel's morning abs classes today. It's pretty much exactly the exercises he showed me how to do, but in a group, which really makes all the difference, mostly so I can look at other people to confirm I'm getting the form right. That's what keeps me from being able to do that sort of thing on my own, the fear of not doing it right and possibly hurting myself. Not that there isn't pain when it's done correctly, too: the class ended with planks, the first time I've done them in a long time. Ow. But that's what works. The group lasted about twenty minutes, then I hit the weight machines. After doing all the crunches and squats and planks and stuff, doing the weight machines was dead simple. 12:21pm Just emerged from the weekly staff meeting smelling of rosewater. It's that kind of company. Coming up in a couple hours is a potentially less pleasant meeting, about my work on the wiki and how to make it not so scary to so many people. Not looking forward to it at all, since my paranoia tells me they're going to sit me down and say what the hell's your deal? Or words to that effect. 2:48pm Nothing of the sort, actually. My supervisor met with them beforehand without me, which I was perfectly happy about. Then they came to my desk and said, basically, to keep doing what I'm doing, but to be in closer contact with the wiki people about it. Fine by meI'm always happier when I know exactly what's expected of me in any given project, since it makes it easier to focus and get the actual job done. I'm mostly focusing on the structure and navigation of the wiki, which is pretty atrocious right now. Nothing was said about my atonal voice, though my supervisor (who has always reassured me that there's nothing actually wrong with it) told me to err on the side of letting the copy remain not-so-great for the time being. The real proof that I'm not in trouble is that I was asked to come in to work next week. The wiki goes live (or, at least, people start coming to en masse) on January 4, so it needs to be as polished as possible by then. I leave for Fresno at noon on Wednesday, and there's just no chance of me getting it all finished before then, so my supervisor as arranged for me to get another twenty hours next week. Paid, obviously. It's not overtime as such, and my remaining UI probably would have covered it if I didn't work, I'd prefer to come in and work, quite frankly. Shows how dedicated I am and stuff. Besides, I pretty much just came off a six-month vacation, so working over the holiday break is not such a bad thing. The only downside is that Marta and I were hoping to spend a lot of next week together since she's off from work as well. The office will be pretty much deserted and there's plenty of room at the desk next to me, though, so I'm sure we can work something out. Tonight, however, and I are going to go see Where the Wild Things Are and Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans at The Roxie. Best double feature ever, even if we have to pay separate admission for them. Monday is five-dollar night at The Roxie, so it's totally worth it. | ||
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