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Thursday, 20 December 2007 (grow grow grow) 12:53pm Vash and I went to a thank-you party for ArtSpan volunteers last night. (We'd bused tables at a party back in October, the day before everything changed.) From there we went to Angkor Borei for dinner, and then back to the Black Light District to crash. There was processing last night and this morning, and I don't know where we are anymore, and I don't think I've known for a long time, except that it never seems to stop hurting.
Though there were surely others, the only dream I remember involved the current manuscript, the one with several months' worth of handwritten edits waiting to get typed in, burning up. I don't cry in dreams that often (which is surprising given how easily it happens in real life, as it had before sleep and after), but I did then.
Things change: for assorted reasons, my uncle's wife has vetoed my visit, so I'll be staying in the Bay Area for xmas. A bummer, but it also means I'll have more time to work on my apartment-cleaning project (wherein I clean the apartment during these precious, silent hours), and Vash and I are already talking about hiding from the holiday together. Which actually goes against one of my original reasons for wanting to leave town in the first place but, as I say, things change. And perhaps not every decision I make is the correct onein fact, I'd wager that nine out of every ten decisions I've made lately has been incorrectbut I have to do what feels right at the moment. At this moment, it's what feels right.
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Wednesday, 19 December 2007 (dear darkness) 11:10am Some clips from my reading at Transforming Community in June of '06frack me, was that really a year and a half ago?are up on YouTube. Yay! They spelled my name right! Thomas Roche has asked me to read at San Francisco Sex Information's My Sucky Valentine next year. It's nice to have a gig lined up. I haven't read since the It's So You show in October. Had dinner with Ennui at Old Jerusalem, after which we went to a bar down the street from her apartment. They couldn't make a Bloody Mary (temptation and deceit, the order of the day), so I had a Cappuccino Tini in hopes that something with the word "cappuccino" would include caffeine. Sadly, I don't think it did. It would have come in handy an hour or two later.
I've finally made a page with links to my online articles, currently just Medialoper and Eros Zine. Mostly Medialoper.
Either at my uncle's place or elsewhere in town, I'm hoping to get a lot of work done. He's going to be gone a lot of the time himself, and I have no idea where his wife is going to be at any given time. I know my father will be there for some period of time, so that'll actually be kind of neat. According to family lore, this is the same uncle who turned my mom onto grass in the early eighties to help her cope with my father leaving her. Like most of my family's lore I'm not entirely sure I buy it (which is why so much of what I do goes on recordif some descendant wonders if I really did, say, drink Vash's urine, then it'll be right there in Chapter 16, "Malediction and Pee Play"), but I'd like to think it's true, and I probably wouldn't say no if he busted out a pipe while I was there. Kinda doubt it'll happen, though.
Anyway, though I'm hoping to be productive, I'm also anticipating time for reading. To that end, I went to the library today and stocked up. Which is ridiculous, since I'm at no loss for reading material, either from the library or otherwise. Currently checked out on my account is Time Out's 1000 Films to Change Your Life , The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction and The Official Razzie Movie Guide, all of which are staying in my bathroom at home during the trip, and for more portable I also have The Best American Essays 2006, One Hand Jerking: Reports from an Investigative Satirist by Paul Krassner, The Shooting Script by Laurence Klavan, Slaughterhouse-Five, Slapstick and A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut (the last of which I've finished and need to return), and Willie: An Autobiography by Willie Nelson and Bud Shrake (also finished and needing to be returned) Magical Thinking: True Stories by Augusten Burroughs. Of course, realistically I'll have time to read maybe half of one of them, but, you know, better safe than sorry. Besides, what else am I going to put in Phoebe's trunk? I'm also expecting to listen to PJ Harvey's White Chalk a lot, as it's currently sharing heavy rotation duty with Willie's Phases and Stages. There's a connection if you squint and use your imagination hard enough.
and she said,
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Tuesday, 18 December 2007 (the devil) 10:48am The NakedSword 2007 Holiday Video is on YouTube. (It starts with Officer Dave shouting fuck you, too!, for the record.) My hands at my keyboard make an appearance at :05those inclined to notice such things (and who don't blink) might spot the Antichrist Superstar poster, Vivienne Westwood postcard and pictures of Vash next to meand the rest of my body can be seen briefly at :56, and again from 1:09 to 1:25. Ignoring for the moment that my character name of "Punk Priestess" is arbitrary and meaningless, I cannot account for why the accompanying music is "More Than a Feeling" by Boston, the arena rock group generally considered to be the antithesis of seventies punk rock, nor do I especially want to account for it. Besides, I would have gone with "Foreplay/Long Time," a much better track from the same album. As Sister Edith pointed out, though, at least they used my proper name.
The Ex wrote last night. She gave birth to a boy last on Thursday, December 13 at half past five. His name is Alexander, or Xander for short. It's a reference to the character Xander Harris from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a show I introduced her to after Howard did the same for me back in '98. She surely would have encountered Buffy on her own, so I can't rightly take any sort of credit for planting the seed of that decision. On the other hand, she also tells me that "he really seems to like Peter Gabriel's Passion." I'll gladly take credit for that one, since it was one of the first albums I played for her when we first started dating in '90. If Xander gets into Neil Young or Bob Dylan via his mother, that can also be traced back to me, and I'm fine with it.
A few days earlier, it had occurred me that I was doing well with the whole passing thing lately, that people had been calling me "Miss" and using the female pronoun and all that other unenlightened binary stuff to which I cling so desperately. So, of course, the universe had to take me to task for it at the party, much as it had in '05. To quote from my unpublished femme visibility essay: December 2005. I worked for a major gay porn video-on-demand company. Our holiday party was a huge industry event, and I was dressed to my equivalent of the nines, lots of fishnet and black lace, complete with kitty ears. The theme of the party was the Gold Rush, and my girlfriend Vash was wearing a gorgeous period dress she’d rented from the San Francisco Opera. We were a striking pair, straddling the line between classy and slutty, which was how we liked it.So. At this year's party, around midnight, a man I didn't recognize came up to Ennui and I. He asked: are you her husband? Jesus. I immediately replied: no. i'm her girlfriend. Which is not semantically correctI was her date, but I'm not Ennui's girlfriend and she's not minebut I needed to get the point across that I was not a boy, and using the word "girlfriend" seemed the best way to do it. I also started rummaging in my bag for my wallet, which he noticed me doing. He then said: you look like this guy i know named andre. I briefly flashed on my friend Steven Schwartz, who is often mistaken for another man (and possibly a Russian mobster) named Andrei. This felt a tad more offensive, though. I found my wallet and got out my driver's license, which looks just like me down to the pink-and-white squid, and showed him bit where it says "Sex: F." I said: see? that's an f, not an m. that means i'm a girl, not a boy, and most definitely not a boy named andre. He looked unconvinced, and I turned away. A while later Ennui and I were at a table, and I commented aloud that I almost hoped that guy tried something again, because I was feeling especially catty. (And not just because I was in kitty ears.) Lo and behold, he showed up a minute later and said: are you sure you're not andre? I raised my palm to himtalk to the paw!and said: you are really pushing it with me. just walk away. now. And he did, surely wondering why Andre was being such a dick. It was about half past one when somebody said to me: you get more action than any man i know! I flinched a littlewhether it was the intention or not, it sounded like I was once again being called a manand just said: thanks. I guess it was because when they first met me I was dating Collette, and then Vash, and now Ennui, and for all they knew I was also schtupping Sadie, when in fact she was just a platonic friend I brought along for the ride. (I'd planned on bringing Vash when the party was originally announced in September, and then things went south with us and I was dating Ripley so I asked her, and then things went so scarily south with her that they were practically north, at which point I decided to invite Ennui, whom I hadn't seen since shortly before I met Ripley in early October (and if I'd stayed with Ripley dating Ennui wouldn't be an option at all). Things have improved between Vash and I recentlywe sorta kinda conditionally got back together on the morning of the party, in fact, not the way I'd hoped and not in a way that gives me a lot of hope, but in a way that has to be triedbut I'd had to get my guest names for the party turned in a couple weeks in advance, and besides, Ennui still sounded the most appealing as a date, since there was still a level of casualness between us, a lack of baggage or issues. It would be uncomplicated, and we could just enjoy ourselves, and I really needed that more than anything else. At the party, I gave Ennui a recap of the past couple months, the first time I'd tried to tell the story.) I then told Sister Edith what the person had said, and Sister Edith wasted no time in telling them why what they said hurt me. They copped to it, apologized, and as they were turning away they said: god, people are so sensitive these days! That must be it.
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Monday, 17 December 2007 (a fugitive safe at last) 12:52pm The first sentence of Kurt Vonnegut's memoir A Man Without a Country: As a kid I was the youngest member of my family, and the youngest child in any family is always a jokemaker, because a joke is the only way he can enter into an adult conversatiom.My god. That explains so much about my childhood, and why my sense of humor developed as early as it did. He also advises against the use of semicolons later, which I may or may not take to heart. Then again, it could just be the sleep dep talking; I haven't gotten much sleep these past couple of nights. I'm really not sure why I didn't sleep much last night, except that I was awake more often than not. (The Bad Movie Night feature had been It's a Wonderful Life, which should be enough to put anyone to sleep. Seriously, that movie's entire reputation is based on the last half-hour. The rest of the movie is boring financial talk the likes of which would not be seen again until The Phantom Menace.) Saturday night I hadn't gotten much sleep, since I didn't get to bed until around five, and was awake again before eight. Ironically enough, that was one of the few times in recent memory in which I might have gotten more sleep if I'd been at home, what with the bad people upstairs being on vacation. It's been quiet, blessedly peaceful and quiet. As it was, I was at Ennui's. Her bed is just about the most comfortable ever and it was plenty warm in spite of how coldness of the night, and I've certainly slept through the morning sounds of the coffeeshop below her apartment before, but for some reason it just wasn't happening. It was okay, though, since it made more conscious of body against mine. Ennui's a full-contact sleep-cuddler, a heat-seeking missile. Which is how I like it. Increasingly I've been understanding the concept of the cold bed, of what it's like to wish there was someone in it with you. Maddy and I tended to keep to ourselves when sleeping, with our own blankets and all, and I'm fairly certain that The Ex and I did the same thing. (It's been almost nine years since I shared a bed with The Ex, so my memories of such things are a tad fuzzy.) Certainly a common theme in both cases was that they would spread out, and I'd usually be teetering on the edge of the bed. As a result, I actually rather liked it when one of them would spend the night elsewhereThe Ex went to Fresno fairly regularly, and I think Maddy went to the Midwest solo at least once without mesince it meant I got to spread out and take advantage of what was a rather meager bed. Now I have even more room since it's a queen-sized bed (courtesy of my last decent neighbors, whom I miss more than ever), but it just feels lonelier. And colder, for some reason. It wasn't until Vash that I really began to appreciate sharing a bed with someone on a regular basis. (I dated Collette for six months before Vash, but for various reasons, I think we actually spent the entire night together once, maybe twice. I wasn't comfortable at her place, and she wasn't comfortable at mine. Good thing we lived so close to each other.) This doesn't I'm ready for cohabitation, not by a long shot, even though Vash still talks about us living together someday in the distant future. It's a nice thought, especially these days, but I just can't see that far ahead.
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Friday, 14 December 2007 (waiting on the last train) 12:52pm I crashed at about half past seven last night, and was woken up a couple hours by the giraffe. Thumping, banging. I screamed into my pillow and thrashed my fists some into my pillows, freaking out Perdita. I went back out into the living room, put on my headphones, and was up until midnight. They'd quieted down by then (they don't always), so I went back to bed. The alarm went off at five, and I got bundled up and walked out to the beach (I forget sometimes that I live a few minutes from the ocean), where I had a front-row seat for the meteor shower. I was out there for about a half hour, then returned to the Black Light District and went back to sleep. I had a dream which combined elements which have always been in my dreams (anxiety, a sense of loss, of being watched or followed, of having to get somewhere and never being able to) with some that are new as of the last five years (affection and intimacy), and I was actually a little disappointed when I woke up, because it meant I wouldn't see her again and there would be no telling where that road would lead because it wasn't real anyway. My landlord had emailed overnight to tell me that the tenants upstairs will be gone for the next two weeks. Almost makes me reconsider my current plans of going to Grass Valley for xmas, so I can take advantage of the only guarantee of quiet I've had for the past year. I got a notice in the mail from Wells Fargo yesterday saying that I was delinquent in my loan, the one I'd taken out to buy Phoebe. I was supposed to be on automatic payment, but evidently that wasn't happening, so I went to the Wells Fargo around the corner and talked to the same girl who'd facilitated the loan in the first place. She took care of it for me, getting the loan people to eliminate the late fee and remove the delinquency from my credit, since the error was on their side, not mine. Whew. Yay for nice people. Hanging out with Vash tonight, probably going to see Ear Candy at The Dark Room, and tomorrow night I'm going to my company's holiday party with Ennui and Sadie. Eventually, this year will be over.
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Thursday, 13 December 2007 (yesterday's wine) 4:01pm My latest Medialoper article is up. I'd hoped it would cover all the various movie things I went to last week, but it's only about Friday night. Still, at five thousand words, it's my longest Medialoper article yet, even longer than the one about Star Trek: The Motion Picture. That's neither a good nor a bad thing. It just is. Turns out my company's insurance (partially) covers therapy, so I guess I'm out of excuses to not go back to The Nice Lady. Tonight is the Geminid meteor shower.
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12:45pm The squid is doing just fine, behaving as a healthy young squid should. My not-as-young natural hair is also behaving the way that bleached hair does when squidified, which means it's turning into its own squid. And that's okay. It's different, and different is good.
I hadn't taken any Advil or anything before the tightening, and while I didn't hurt nearly as much as the initial squidification, when it was over I was still loopy from the pain. (As opposed to loopy from pain medication.) Sadie and I had a work date planned, but just going home to my warm bed sounded nice, especially since I knew I wouldn't be getting any work done. On the other hand, I was already planning on staying the night at Sadie's and was going to be driving to work the next morning anyway. So, I split the differenceI went to Sadie's got into my jammies, and crashed on her couch. Didn't even bother to start my laptop, instead reading my current book (Willie Nelson: An Autobiography) and falling asleep. It wasn't as warm or comfortable as my bed with Perdita would have been, but it felt like the right place to be. Sleeping on someone's couch with a still-sensitive squid, though? Tricky. I dreamed, though, and I don't feel especially tired today, so I guess it worked.
There are pictures of Vash all over my workspace, along the bottom of my monitor and on the wall to my right, some of us together and some of her by herself, some in which I can see how difficult things were at the time and some in which he we seem almost impossibly in sync. I should probably take them down, but I don't want to. Not yet. Just the thought of it makes me teary, which is probably all the more reason why it needs to be done. I've printed out the current draft of the Medialoper article I've been working on, that I pretty much threw myself into to give myself something to do (and if the net result is more words, then it's all worth it, yes?) and now I'm heading to Divas to edit it. I've considering going to Bondage A-Go-Go, especially since The Glas Kat is literally around the corner from my office, but, no, even though the squid is looking as good is it gets. As ironic as this may seem, I don't go to goth clubs alone anymore when I'm sad. I'm not that cruel to myself. Well, most of the time I try not to be. But there's really no telling.
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Tuesday, 11 December 2007 (getting over) 12:45pm Going to get the squid either tightened or removed tonight; depends on the condition of my hair. I've officially declined the job of running the Tranny Stage at the Pride '08. Most lessons don't stick with me, but that one sure did.
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