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Wednesday, 20 December 2006 (by the time we got to oslo) 9:55am I have not seen A Christmas Story in years. I only hear xmas music when I'm in stores, and not at all at home. Being able to largely avoid such things has made these past two Decembers the least stressful in years. (Though they almost have to be compared to toxic meltdown which was Christmas in New Orleans, 2004.) That said, "Just Like Christmas" by Low is a song I'm happy to listen to any day of the year. It's that good. The wonderful reverb on the Keith Moon-like drums, the backing vocals which sound like trumpets (or are they trumpets that sound like voices?), the pessimistic yet uplifting wordsso delicious. You can download it for free from Music for America. 3:21pm I hate the Secret Santa ritual. Hate it so very much. 8:08pm Phases and stages, circles and cycles. Though I've had some major twits living upstairs in the past, a decade's worth of good luck is coming to an end: my new neighbors move in on January 1. A couple. With children. A one year-old and a fiver. Seems they're happy about the backyard, the one which is right outside my window. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Very grownup and non-kid-friendly things happen within these blacksheeted walls, and that is not going to change.
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Tuesday, 19 December 2006 (coming back for more) sometime after midnight Late night with Jezebel. We ate at Spices! II, returned to the Black Light District to watch more Battlestar Galactica, played for a while (it's amazing how situational my ethics can be, the things I'll do when desire and mutual consent intersect, but that's growth, isn't it?), and then I drove her back to her apartment. Tempting as it was for her to spend the night, she has work training tomorrow morning, and I'd just as soon not take the chance.
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Monday, 18 December 2006 (dust and thick skin) 9:40am I bought a mocha yesterday morning and today, so I can only assume that the Cold of '06 has subsided. 1:52pm The continued story of the restored entry and beyond. I had tickets to see Lou Reed in Berkeley on June 6, 2000. So did Burnout and his wife, as well as The Ex and her boyfriend. It was suggested that we all get together for dinner before the show. I agreed. All I had to do was tell Madeline. Now, just the week before, Madeline had emailed The Ex, after Madline finally realizing how much she was hurting me by not letting The Ex and I maintain a friendship. Then, on June 1, when I told Madeline about the before-show plans...from the email I wrote to Tania on the subject: It was easily the worst tantrum yet, precipitated by learning that I'll be getting together with The Ex and some mutual friends (including her boyfriend) for dinner before the show. Neither The Ex nor I knew the other would be at the show until last week, and in fact I found out through Madeline after I'd already gotten my ticket. Although aware of how much i've been looking forward to the show, and that I was very excited when Lou's new album came out a few months ago and have played it ad nauseum since then, Madeline still asked if my reason for going was because The Ex would be there. I don't think she believed me when I told her no.That I was being unfair. The mind reels. Madeline's preferred metaphor was that in emailing The Ex she was trying to take "slow, sure steps," but in me going ahead and seeing The Ex before Madeline was ready, I had "turned up the treadmill." (Recurring theme: having to wait until Madeline was "ready." Nothing was ever done when she was "ready" for it, not even posting diary entries from five years earlier. This continued on after we broke up, when she attempted to dictate my dating patterns based on her readiness.) I resented the treadmill metaphor, and I was tired of her painting it like it was some big huge sacrifice to let me be friends with The Ex. She often said that she wished The Ex wasn't my first relationship, because if I'd had other girlfriends I would understand where she's coming from. From the perspective of my relationship with Vash (with Jezebel on the side), not to mention having been involved with Collette for some months last year, this notion of denying the person you claim to love the right to friendship with past partners makes less sense than ever. In any event, I might have had some sympathy and even bought the notion that it was a lot to ask of her if this contact had happened when we first got together, but in those days I would get into trouble (and occasionally hit) if I even referred to The Ex's existence, and any communcation with her was completely out of the question. By her own admission, Madeline was fighting me on it in the hopes that I'd simply give up on having The Ex as a friend. The reason Madeline didn't know how to find her way home on foot was because, after living in San Francisco for seven months, she still didn't know her way around. It wasn't just that she hadn't learned it; she actively refused to do so. She got very angry at me when I suggested that it would be a good idea to be independent and get places on her own. This would become a serious point of contention later in the month the day of the fashion show. Granted, she got very angry at me about everything in those days. I took the following week off from work since it was my birthday, and the flareup started on Monday night. She was in a foul mood when she got back from work because she did a lot of thinking on the train ride, and she told me in an accusatory tone which I knew very well at this point: when i'm left by myself, i think a lot. See, by taking time off work, I was leaving her by herself and thus abandoning her. She also accused me of being glad that she didn't also have the time off as well. Guilty as chargedtime by myself was precious, since it was time that I didn't have to worry about her exploding at me, which could happen at any moment for any reason, usually imagined infractionsbut I denied it out of necessity. No, not out of necessity. Out of weakness. I was too weak and scared to stand up for myself, so I let her emotionally terrorize and walk all over me. It got really bad when she read in my diary that I was planning on seeing a couple documentaries and a foreign film that Tuesdayyou know, on my vacation and all. I suppose that's what I get for putting such private information online, huh? She said she wanted to see two of the three movies, which was news to me. When I asked her which ones, she got angrier and refused to tell me. Ergo, all I could do was to either go see them anyway, or not at all. I chose to go, which she interpreted as further proof that I hated her. (We did see one of them at the Red Vic some months later, a documentary called The Girl Next Door about a pr0n actress. It was a borderline traumatic experience because a man was sitting in one of the recliney seats directly ahead of us, and she felt that he was intruding on her space. She didn't like men getting close to her back then.)
As for seeing The Ex at the Lou Reed show, we didn't fall in love all over again or fuck or do anything of
the things Madeline was convinced would happen. I did, at one point, cry. We were talking in the lobby of
the theater, and she just seemed so happy and plesant and glowy, and I told her the verboten truth which I wasn't allowed to tell anyone (especially not her), that things at home were really bad and harsh, and that when I needed to think of a friendly face hers often
came to mind, and then I just started to lose it right there. She was remarkably...gracious about it.
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Sunday, 17 December 2006 (the most unoriginal sin) 2:54pm In summation. Spent most of Wednesday evening at Java Beach, writing. Thursday night I read at Elizabeth Latty's new open mic, then went to dinner with Vash. After, she went home and I went to the Power Exchange, where I met up with a young male friend who's been curious about the place. I acted briefly as his native guide, giving him the tour and introducing him to my friends. Before long he as off on his own, and I only saw him sporadically until we both left around two. In the meantime, there was a birthday party for one of the regular couples. There was soda and candy and cake and the traditional copyright-violating singing of "Happy Birthday." All of this in the King Arthur Room, with all its accoutrement. Except for the surroundings, it was a birthday event like any other, because people are people pretty much wherever you go, and rituals seldom change. Friday evening was my company's holiday party, and we were let go from work at two in the afternoon to prepare. For me, it meant getting dressed for the Black Mass: shiny black pants, my newly acquired Power Exchange tee, pigtails with anemone, my Chloe coat, and entirely too much eye makeup, somewhere between Pris and Mechanical Animals-era Manson. A much smaller affair than last year, Vash (looking quite devastating in a cheongsam) and I got to the party around a quarter past six and left around half past seven. Just long enough, really. We arrived in plenty of time for the Mass, and I was able to rehearse my lines some. Since it was essentially a theater piece, Sister Dora and I worked out a bit more stage business for the piddling, which was the big moment for us both. We didn't run it by the priest (that's Peaches Pendragon Partridge to you), but didn't need to. He looked quite pleased while we were doing it, happy to have almost inadvertantly brought on such a performative couple as Sister Dora and I. Given the low red lighting, I don't know how much of it the audience saw, but I hope at least the people up front got a good look. As Dora lifted her habit and urinated she writhed and moaned in ecstasy. I read my lines, standing close, running a hand over her. Though they aren't my words and it's someone else's party entirely, I gave it my all, the energy I try to put into any performance. In the name of Mary, She maketh the font resound with the waters of mercy. She giveth the showers fo blessing and pourest forth the tears of her shame. She suffereth long, and her humiliation is great, and she doth pour upon the Earth with the joy of her mortification. The waters of her shame become a shower of blessing in the tabernacle of Satan, for that which hath been withheld pourest forth, and with it, her piety. The great Baphomet, who is in the midst of the throne, shall sustain her, for she is a living fountain of water. Her cup runneth over, and her water is sublime. Ave Maria ad micturiendum est.And runneth over she pretty much did. Dora had drank a liter and a half of water before the ceremony, and had eaten a pineapple to give her pee some flavor. As I read that last line of Latin, she dipped her hand into the stream, then spread it over my lips and into my mouth. It tasted like slightly tart water. (After the Mass was over, she filled a cup from the basin, and we drank a bit more; it was mostly just the water that had passed through her.) This also gave me a chance to turn the page to read the final part: And the Dark Lord shall wipe all tears from her eyes, for He said unto me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give freely unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life.(I just know I'm not the only only one who thinks "Voldemort!" when they hear the words "Dark Lord.") Sister Dora spread more of her urine on her lips, we kissed, and I picked up the basin. Peaches dipped a dildo into it, performed a blessing, then offered the dildo to the Subdeacon and I to kiss. By this point what little of Dora's urine had gotten onto it had either fallen off or dried. Oh well. I'd gotten mine.
There were a few blocking issues because we'd only had one rehearsal early in the week, but otherwise, it went really well. The room was packed, and there wasn't
nearly as much laughter or restlessness as I expected. When Peaches said i curse this schoolmay it wither and die, people were quiet. They
were in the moment. A lot of people took Communion, too. First time I'd done it in years. Straining slightly to read it from the Satanic Bible in the rather dim light,
Reverend Steven Johnson Leyba barked out the The Fifth Enochian Key in its original
Peaches' parents attended, and, they couldn't have been more proud of him. Really, they were beaming. It was quite touching. There's going to be another Mass in April, and Dora and I are tentatively on board to be the Nun and Deacon. Peaches wants to have more blood, more sex, more pee. And, one presumes, more snakes. After a so-so late night meal, we headed back to Wonderland and crashed hard. Didn't get out of bed until around noon on Saturday (I've said it before and I'll say it again: the nighttime has its charms, but morning nookie is the best). It's a good thing we canceled our lunch plans with The Ex, which we'd had to cancel for other reasons. (Our plans were in flux a lot this weekend.) We ventured into the City for the Industrial Culture Film Festival. It was one of a zillion events going on around town, but for me the main attraction was the premiere of RE~TG, a video of Throbbing Gristle's reunion show in 2004. Projected large and in deafening 5.1 sound, it was pretty much the next best thing to being there, perhaps even better in some ways, what with getting such a good look at Genesis these days. Between that and seeing Nurse With Wound live this year (not to mention Negativland last year), I feel so damned lucky to live in this town. Vash was unfamiliar with all these things before we met, and thankfully, she's been enjoying them too. We also ran into some old acquaintances of mine from the goth scene; one mentioned a potential job opening in her company, which Vash is looking into. She needs a new job, very much. The impossibility of finding parking in the Haight on a Saturday night prevented us from attending a friend's Chanukah party (no latkes and Conspiracy of Beards for us!), so we returned to the Black Light District. After a bagel and caffeinated beverage at the Sea Biscuit this morning, she headed out to meet up with a friend, and I dragged myself to the Sunset Cafe, which is not the most pleasant environment but at least they have wifi and accessible power outlets and I can always find a place to sit and a table for my laptop. That's what matters. Tonight is White Christmas at Bad Movie Night, and tomorrow is the rest of my life.
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Saturday, 16 December 2006 (ripping the shackles clean away) 1:10pm ...if you're a writer yourself, you don't have mentors. Maybe when you're very young, but I never did. I never went to university, so I never had the opportunity to be taught by people who thought they knew what literature was. This was a great blessing.Yes, yes, yes.
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Friday, 15 December 2006 (so easy so far) sometime after midnight shemhamforash! hail satan!
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Thursday, 14 December 2006 (dying on the vine) sometime after midnight A birthday cake. Of course. It's a birthday party, right?
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Wednesday, 13 December 2006 (drawing a heart) 10:42pm We had Black Mass rehearsal last night; I am, in fact, the Deacon. The few bits of Latin are going to take a bit of practice, and the prose is certainly purpler than I'm used to, but I think it'll go fine. And, most importantly, I get to present Sister Dora with the piddling basin. Let's face it, the Deacon and the Nun being girlfriends can only make it hotter. My next Medialoper article is done. I haven't been given anything resembling a set schedule, but I think that pounding one out a week is reasonable enough, especially considering how behind I've gotten on my more personal writing. That's the thing about lifewhen you're living it well, it doesn't necessarily give you a chance to document the last interesting thing before the next one occurs.
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Tuesday, 12 December 2006 (suiting us well) 11:06am The results from my Kaiser bloodwork have been trickling in. Among other things, my blood type is A-Positive. My doctor had been reluctant to include that among the tests, since he claims it's not something I really need to know. That's as may be, but I wanted to know all the same. Maybe he was afraid I'd be disappointed, and admittedly, I was hoping I wouldn't have the same type as thirty-four percent of country. Oh, there's a lot to be said for having a common type when it comes to transfusions and stuff, but if I'm not going to be left-handed, I might as well have a rare blood type. Nothing doing. Evidently being a tranny isn't sufficiently alien for me; for some reason, I also want to have difficulty with regular scissors and a higher risk of not surviving an emergency.
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Monday, 11 December 2006 (your tale of yesterday) 10:52am Not only is the Black Mass back on, but I've been recruited to participate as a Deacon. Or Subdeacon. One of those. Doesn't really matter, just so long as I get to be the one to carry the bucket into which Sister Dora piddles. I don't think that's too much to ask. 11:24am And so it begins.
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