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Thursday, 26 August 1999 (pretty persuasion) 7:47am I was practically in the elevator on my way out of here yesterday, at half past five, when I got pulled into a semi-impromptu meeting about a project which I'm told I'll be "immersed" in today. Hasn't happened just yet, but my network password inexplicably futzing out on me for the second day in a row might have something to do with that. Don't know, don't care. It does go to show just how many eggs they're laying in my basket, though. I can handle the pressure, that's no problem; rather, I'm just going to be amused to see the reactions when I send out the email later today announcing that I'll be gone for part of next week. There's at least a couple people I'm expecting to come by and see if they can't somehow convince me to stick around. Ha! Oh, this should be entertaining. With any luck, I can use the phrase "conjugal relations" at least once. "Rutting like wild animals" also gets the point across with a considerable degree of shock value, and as such should be saved for a time when heavy artillery is clearly necessary. Like an elevator full of suits or something. The right tool for the right job, y'know what I mean? So I started the deconstruction of the apartment last night, which involves making it as simple as possible for The Ex and her entourage to move her furniture out on Saturday. Part of the problem is that I don't have anywhere to temporarily relocate my stuff. Like, I have to find a new home for my ailing electronic equipment, as it currently resides on a big long narrow coffee table-esque thing which belonged to The Ex's grandmother. The couch seems most likely, as she's graciously leaving it behind. However, loading up the couch with my stuff might not make things any easier for them, since it's smack dab in the middle of the apartment, and...*sigh* This sort of thing is always a logistical nightmare. At least the nightmare is almost over. (Famous last words...?)
I also need to call my landlords and see if they've made any progress with the bed, since when I get home
on Saturday night (or Sunday morning, as the case may be) the apartment will otherwise be lacking one. Even
scarier than that, though, is the thought of being computerless. The Ex has continued to be vague
about the delivery date, only slightly vaguer about that than whether or not I'd be getting it at all.
Ideally, the new one would be waiting for me when i get home, preferrably installed. In all likelihood,
though, I'll be computerless on Sunday, and for who knows how long after that. Something I simply must
be prepared for.
By god, that's what it is.
So Summer has a small refrigerator at her desk. It's something of a valuable resource for me, since I eat two meals a day here (barring these last few weeks when Summer and I have gone out to lunch quite a bit), and it's almost always cold food. The main kitchen is on the other side of the floor from our office, a little incovenient to say the least. The relatively short distance to Summer's desk works much better. So I open it this morning, and what do I find? Everything's been rearranged to make room for that cake from yesterday. It's a sheetcake filled with fruit, if you can believe that. I love vegetables, but I hate fruit. It doesn't make any sense, but there it is. It's one of the most repulsive, foul-smelling things I've ever seen, and half-finished as it is, it looks like a cross section of a leperous torso. Not pleasant to look at, and having it so close to my food bothers me in a very strange way.
Oh well. Just one of those little things.
4:54pm Must...be...extremely...careful.... 5:33pm My old friend from Autodesk, Leigh, is interviewing here today. I really wish I'd known ahead of time so I could have gotten made up this morning (I haven't seen her since December, and suffice it to say a lot has changed since then), but alas. It'll be nice to see her all the same. Oh, it would be such a good thing in so many ways if she got hired... 6:03pm Brian's giving Leigh the tour, introducing her to everyone. The same thing happened during my first interview as well, and it wasn't a given at the time that I'd be hiredbut damnit, I'm taking it as a good sign. I need something to be happy about at this place.
Even if she doesn't get hired, it was wonderful to see her
again. Like a reminder of a time which, if not necessarily
better, was at least simpler. Sometimes I long for
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8:22am You see, "divorced" sounds more official than "broke up," and it's all about what looks good on paper. The paperwork in this case is regards the switchoff of the car registration. I don't pretend to fully understand all the details, but The Ex's parents had to pull a few strings to get us the deal on the car to begin with, and similar ones had to be pulled once again. And appearances must be maintained. So, according to the Chrysler Corporation, The Ex and I are divorced. It shouldn't bother methere are many, many reasons why it shouldn't bother meyet it does. On the brighter side, there wasn't nearly as much tension between us as there had been on Friday, and not a tear was spilt. Which I guess is good. She also said that while she hasn't completely made up her mind, she'll more than likely be selling me the computer, since it was built to my specs. Although she'll want to get it in writing. Not that she doesn't trust me, but, you know, with all the other weirdness going on, it's good to keep track of these things as much as possible. Of course. Brigid should appreciate the irony in that one.
I don't get it. Does she think I've changed that much? Does she really have this vision in
her mind that I'm selfish and uncaring? That I'm nothing like I am before? I guess it's to
be expected...it's sad, though, it really is...
That's metaphoric for something, though I'm not sure what.
8:27pm Gorgeous evening here in my little City. Big huge wall o' fog from the ocean, completely covering the Sunset district. Indeed, from a distance, if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't know where the water ended and the land began. Once actually inside the fog, the sunset was spectacular. It's the kind of weather that I hope we get at least a little of while Maddy's here. I imagine she'll find it as fascinating as I would crickets or swarms of fireflies. That may sound facetious, but it's not meant to be. It's so weirdthe grrls who work at the Hot Topic in the Serramonte Mall know me. I haven't been in there for at least a month if not two, but as soon as he saw me, the grrl behind the counter told me they got more of my white powder in. I'm not wearing it daily like I was before and I have a pretty good supply now thanks to Maddy (and The Ex, credit where credit is due), but I bought a compact anyway. It seemed only right; in a retail job, that's clearly above and beyond the call. Not that they work on commission, but still. I also overindulged a little at clearance rack. (What's the distinction between overindulging and simply indulging, anyway? Can you underindulge?) Well, there were some Manson shirts that I didn't have, at 50% off, and I knew if I didn't get them I'd end up wishing I had, and...*sigh*...being an iconoclast can be a pain sometimes.
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Tuesday, 24 August 1999 (strafe) 7:52am I have to spend all day with the intern, as he explains every line of the code he's been working on over the last month. This is going to redefine pain. There's no doubt in my mind that I can learn the stuff; I have no confidence in his ability to teach it, though. I'll just have to keep thinking of Madeline...that'll keep me going, as thoughts of her so often will these days... 9:24am In the plus column, it's looking like I'll be able to lure one of my old Autodesk coworkers here. In addition to her actually being a woman (of the non-male gender and everything), if she's hired, I'll get a referral bonus. Not a huge amount, but every bit helps right about. Certainly enough to take a chunk out of the cost of the new computer should The Ex decide to sell it to me.
I also wrote the mailroom again about having Sherilyn mail sent to me. I actually
explicity asked them to respond this time (I didn't before since it's common courtesy to
reply in these cases, so I'd assumed they would), as well as using Outlook's "Tell me when this
message has been read" feature. It breaks my heart to resort to Outlooks's goddamned
bells and whistles, but these are desperate times. The vindictive part of me, which
has otherwise been holding itself in check lately, is hoping that they'll try to refuse
so I can sic HR on their asses. Maybe I just want blood right now. (Eight days...)
Anyway, it looks like I'm going to see Mystery Men with Joy tonight. And I really need to call Imani to apologize about last night...or maybe
I could invite her to join us...
He didn't object at all. I think he knew better.
sometimes after midnight Just because you didn't get married doesn't mean you can't get divorced. Funny how that works.
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Monday, 23 August 1999 (a.m.) 7:11am My epitaph should read: "She gave it a shot." That just about sums it all up. I tried to go to the gym this morning. I got up at 3:10am, was out of the house by 3:30 and got there at 3:45. The fucking place, the sign on the door wo which claims to be open 24/7, was closed. I went back home and called their complaint number, only to be told that the particular location's hours had changed because of remodeling; they simply hadn't bothered to, like, put up a sign or anything like that. Can't say I'm surprised; that's the only gym I know of which doesn't offer magazine racks for their equipment. (The Ex gave me a magazine rack for xmas last year to compensate.) They used to, but not anymore. I think the illiterate, brutish gorillas who work there are threatened by people reading. Just a theory. Anyway, I was annoyed to the extent that I decided to cut my losses and just hop in the shower then go to work. (The trains were subsequently running late, but that's another story.) So I move onto Plan B from here. I'm not sure exactly what Plan B is; it either involves going to the gym at night (which would severely cut into my chat time with Maddy), or going to a gym closer to my office and showering there afterwards like I used to when I used Club One. Club One, however, is no longer an option; I cancelled that particular membership for financial reasons. One should be enough. And I don't think I'll be joining the Evil Levi Plaza gym, either.
I know I've been saying this for months, but I'm quite determined to start working out again.
Besides the simple terror involved in my recent weight fluctuations (190 last night, 185 this
morning, not to mention the Meridia
seems to be losing its potency) and my shallow desire not to be obese again, it really is
a great way to deal with emotional stress. I wouldn't be able to make anything resembing
real progress before Maddy arrives, and an argument could be made that I should just wait
until after her visit, but the time feels right. if i can't save my soul...
But anyway. The Ex never did come by yesterday, nor have I heard from her at all. Probably what will happen is what we'd tentatively decided on Friday: that she'll move the bulk of her stuff out next Saturday while I'm in Bolinas visiting Lee. Which should give me about three days to make the place presentable, and construct something bed-like, before Maddy arrives. Burning Man. I'd completely forgotten about Burning Man until Friday night at Shrine, when both Imani and Tiff commented that they were going to be there on Labor Day Weekend. They aren't the only ones. Damn. That changes things a littleoh, our plans are very much the same, but it seems Maddy won't be meeting quite as many people as we'd previously suspected. So I was driving Tiff home on Friday night, and the R.E.M. show came up. Turns out she's a fan from way back (she remembers when "Radio Free Europe" came out as a single, which is certainly before my time) and would have loved to have gone. And what with me having that extra ticket...I swear, it did not even occur to me to ask her. Of course, if I hadn't been constantly flaking on our admittedly tentative plans to go to the Evil Sony Metreon for the last few weeks then surely the subject would have come up in time...oh well. Once I explained to her the other circumstances (i.e., the nine-year anniversary with The Ex and the signifance the group has had for me this year), she concluded that it was probably just as well that I'd gone alone.
We're still hoping to hit the Metreon in the very near future, though. Hell, for that matter, Imani
wants to take me to dinner at her favorite Vietnamese restaurant as thanks for what she considered
to be my generous tipping last week (which suggests to me that she still hasn't quite grasped how
that particular system works, but who am I to judge?), Laurel and I are hopefully going to go see
Better Than Chocolate, and my singular confirmed plan for this week is for Dana to color
my hair on Thursday. Yikes. It's weird what can happen when you're not paying attention.
We just had a meeting with representatives of a company whose software we've been modifying, and if I'd been them, I would have been extremely offended. Everything he said sounded like an accusation. He didn't describe problems with the software, but rather "Your guys's" software. i.e., it was all their fault. I just sat back, kept quiet and tried to look inscrutable. That's not too hard in purple-and-black stripeys, believe it or not. Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to sit down with the intern so he can bring me up to speed on what he's been doing. This is going to hurt, because explaining things in a logical manner is not amongst his strong suits. I won't be teaching at Harvard anytime soon, I fully admit that, but I don't express the level of constant hostility that he seems to, either. A very angry young man. He's the classic geek, socially inept and only able to truly interact with computers (and even then not very well, considering his intolerance of HTML), whereas I'd like to think I'm more of the new model geek. We both watch Star Trek, but I've been with a woman. You get the idea. Oh, and he also loves Babylon 5. The less said about that, the better.
Imani called and said she's working tonight. I might go see her, I'm not sure yet. If these
next few weeks are going to be as intense as I think they are, I might as well leap in
7:05pm Okay. No Imani tonight. Way too tired for that. But I still have errands to run, unfortunately, namely picking up prescriptions. Very important, not something I should put off, and Maddy's offline this evening so that's even more of an incentive to go out into the world. *sigh* Okay, okay, I'll go be responsible, goddamnit. And I've even put on jeans to increase the stealth aspect of the mission. Happy? Good, I'm glad. 7:27pm Looks like I'm staying in after all. The Ex wrote to say she's bringing car registration by tomorrow, which compels me to not to drive anywhere, both for legal reasons and (as always) to clean this place up a bit. Yeah, right. She also said she has stuff she needs me to sign. I assume it has to do with the car, but I don't know for certain. I just hate how that makes this all seem even more like a divorce. Oh well. Deal with it. I didn't ask about the computer. To be blunt, I'm afraid to. When she has something to tell me, she will.
Back to back Law & Order. What more reason do I need than that?
Ugh. I officially hate the word "lover."
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Sunday, 22 August 1999 (being there) 8:19am Another Sunday. The Ex may or may not be coming by today to move more stuff out. Either way, this is going to be another of the tough ones.
For the first time, I dreamed about Madeline last night. It wasn't as
vivid as hers are, but her presence was there. That's enough.
Maddy arrives on the first of September. My landlords just told me they don't expect to be able to get me the new bed until at least the first week of September.
Oh, hell.
you're dead but the world keeps spinning 7:47pm My LD/CD player appears to have just died on me in a big way. So, let's see here. At this rate, by the time Maddy arrives, I may in fact have
Just perfect.
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Saturday, 21 August 1999 (halo five track four) 8:45am Any victory will be pyrrhic at best.
This was never what I wanted.
Don't worry, it plays there every six months. We'll make it next time. For that one, I am truly sorry. I screwed up, there can be no question.
i have been loud and pretentious 2:30pm Ow ow ow. Bright. Too bright outside. This is San Francisco, where's the goddamn fog? 4:26pm I can't remember the last time I wasted a day so efficiently. 7:57pm In here, good. Out there, bad. 8:28pm Minimalistic generalizations suck. 9:58pm Inside all day long. 10:44pm Haiku! 10:52pm "Could you help me with this rubber thing?" Cigars. The night of the nipple. Choad psychology at ground zero. The prettiest grrl in the joint. "Why don't you have your friend join us?" Apartheid: gone but not forgiven. Blatant discrimination towards non-goffs. The stripper fantasy. "Why is your hand shaking?" Swing low, sweet cherry, make it awful. Just too damn weird for the job.
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8:55am I knew they were around. I've heard the scratching sounds in my walls long enough. It's not constant, but happens just often enough to give me the creeps. When I saw the mouse scurry by in the bathroom this morning, I yelped and jumped. As has been observed, I'm jumpy by nature. But I was able to go back in and go on about my business, which I guess is a good sign. The Ex was pathologically afraid of all forms of rodentia, and would probably still be catatonic right now.
I suppose I should tell my landlords. It may even help with the cat issue.
Will you live to 83? 1:59pm I hate this. I cannot accurately describe how much I hate this. 3:51pm No rings were exchanged. No children were reared. No vows were spoken. No names were changed. No sacraments were offered.
I am not my parents.
It's an ambush, pure and simple. Brigid's advice has been quite
helpful, though, and when/if things should escalate from here
(oh please god no) I'll be very fortunate to have her on my
side. Maddy and Summer's moral support has also been invaluable.
Helps me to remind myself that I'm not the bad person that I used
to think I was, a vibe which I still slip into at times like this.
Not a helpful thing when you're being drawn into a legal battle.
Confidence is a bit better.
I'm feeling better about it now, but earlier in the evening in I was dreading the thought of sleeping. It was scary feeling that way. I don't ever want to go back to being like that.
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Thursday, 19 August 1999 (doll parts) 8:55am There's never a good time for the network to crash. However, some times are worse than others. Case in point: last night around 7pm, as I was chatting with Madeline and getting ready to leave. I hadn't quite decided yet if I was going to see Imani or not. I was certainly curious, she very much wanted me to (and had mentioned offhand that she'd already had some people flake on her, including myself on Monday), and it was almost too bizarre an offer to pass up. Besides, I'd just sent off a preliminary bill to The Ex, listing my current estimate of what she owes me. Needless to say, I wanted to get that off my mind as much as possible. Then, just after I hit "send" on an ICQ message, the world went away. My telnet window disconnected, AIM crashed, yahoo lost its DNS entry, etc. Bad stuff. The worst part was, I had no way of contacting Maddy, since she was online. I waited about twenty minutes, calling her every few minutes just in case and getting a busy signal. Of course.
Trusting that Maddy would understand (she knew that I'd been thinking
about going to see Imani, and didn't mind) and figure out what had
most likely happened, I headed out...
The place was small and rather cozy, decorated in bordello colors but with a brick wall behind the stage. Just in case Robin Williams decides to stop by for some stand-up, no doubt. So I sat at the far end of the stage, close to backstage and the stairs leading to the dressing rooms. In spite of the crowd consisting entirely of myself, hardly the most overtly enthusiastic patron in the world, the grrls went on about their business. It seems a shame that their most energetic work (since the level surely must decline over the course of eight hours) went mostly unseen. Not necessarily unappreciated, but I'm simply not a huge fan of this sort of thing. Nothing I saw on the stage came even remotely close to the arousal inspired by simply talking to or fantasizing about Madeline. If anyone could have even been anywhere in the ballpark, it was Imani, who was of course goffed out. Her hair was in Betty mode (dyed black, blue and purple), and she wore a black leather bikini top, red velvet knee-high stockings (which I correctly guessed were from New York Apparel), short black sequined skirt and black platform shoes which almost put her at eye level with me. Almost. Since it wasn't an actual all-nude club and she's not a professional sex worker, her dancing was more like, well, dancing than any of the others. Very goff, natch, with no shortage of swoopies. Indeed, I recognized more than a few of my own favorite moves. She tried to use the standard-issue pole as best as she could, but those sorts of acrobatics are a bit beyond her. She wasn't clumsy by any means, merely inexperienced with that sort of thing. Some of the otherswhose names I never learnedwere clearly veterans, however, probably career. One grrl seemed to spend most of her time climbing up and down the pole, often in positions which if her legs lost their grip probably would have resulted in brain damage since her head would have collided hard with the stage. She also had a wide, toothy grin permanently on her face; it didn't seem insincere, precisely, but rather eerie. I could almost see the alien attached to the base of her skull, its tentacles poking through her cranium, constanly stiumating the pleasure centers of her brain. (Wow. I've clearly been reading too much John Shirley.) The first time Imani went on, there still weren't any customers besides me, and I didn't exactly count. Towards the end of her final song (she leaned towards industrial and goff, not surprisingly, with a liberal amount of Tori Amos thrown in for good measure; the grinning grrl, on the other hand, clearly had a passion for nine inch nails), the bartender disappeared outside for a moment, and the rest of the grrls were nowhere to be seen. It was a very surreal moment, just her and I. It also made me realize that I didn't feel like a spectator in the classic sense, or at least as defined by this particular context. I was not there to ogle her, but rather to appreciate and support a friend in what must be an exceedingly nerve-wracking form of artistic expression. More importantly, it drove home for me once again that...how do I put this, exactly? That even when in such a classical position as this, such the male position, I didn't feel it at all. I connect with very little of what it means to be male in this society, (particularly? even? especially?) what could be described as the more stereotypical stuff. This doesn't mean I have anything against men or can't be friends with them (no militant transdyke fascist horseshit for me, thank you very much), just that I don't really identify with them anymore, and the extent to which I did before was based on not seeming to have any choice in the matter. Though even then, I didn't go to strip clubs (save for that time Jose invited The Ex and I to see her) or drink beer or watch football, to name but a few of the more obvious examples. After her first set, Imani admitted to me that she felt a bit more self-conscious than usual knowing that it was just me watching and nobody else. I'm sure it's much easier to do this sort of thing in front of strangers than people you know. Hell, ask anyone with an online journal. (Damn exhibitionists, the lot of 'em.)
Very soon thereafter normal clientele began trickling in; indeed, it was little
more than a trickle. There was never a crowd, but it was frequently chaotic...
10:33pm I was standing in the muni station this evening when my right ankle started itching something fierce. So I rolled down my sock, lifted up my legging and scratched. Probably not a good idea, but damnit, I'm an American by birth (and Antichrist by choice, thank you very much) and sometimes I want my instant gratification and I want it NOW. To make a long story short (I know, I know), I have several bite marks on my right ankle. From what, I don't know. We used to have a problem with fleas when Mary was still alive, but she died over a year ago. (No matter how bad things may get between The Ex and I, all either of us would have to do is mention Mary and we'd probably wind up crying in each other's arms.) And the fact that I didn't even notice them until this evening, after being at work all day, must mean something. Further proof that the building is evil. This is not to say I'm entirely down on the idea of biting; on the contrary, there'll be a lot of it going on during Madeline's visit, I'm quite certain...this just isn't what I had in mind.
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