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Wednesday, 18 August 1999 (the darkest night of all) 6:12am She lost all her innocence 8:26am Just because I didn't tell you doesn't mean it was a secret. 8:34am Well, shit. Summer's out of the office today. So who's going to tell me if my makeup is splotchy? 9:17am Oh, no. No no no no no. He's back. That's not right. It hasn't been a month yet. It was supposed to be a month. I was supposed to be away from this place, with Madeline... 9:22am There. Finally. I just cancelled my Sirius account, which I've had since 1995 but has been little more than a spam magnet and $20+ suck on my credit card for quite some time.
Dana has graciously accepted my plea to help me set up my new computer whenever I actually
get it, so that way (among other things) they can't nail me for labor costs. I have Brigid
to thank for pointing that one out to me; indeed, she's been invaluable in helping me navigate
through the increasingly icky legal potentialitiesit hasn't gotten truly litigious yet,
and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn'tfor which I have neither
the background nor stomach to deal with. Being a Law & Order junkie doesn't do
me a damn bit of good in this case.
I also wrote the mailroom again, since they never responded to my previous inquiry about
receiving mail under both names. Oh, I really hope they don't hassle me about this.
If I have to involve HR, I will. And I know I'm not the first, since Trevor surely
did the same thing with them...
if you live through this with me i swear that i will die for you 2:28pm Harry Shearer is god. 3:17pm go on take everything, take everything, i want you to 5:01pm At last count, in my department at work:
Fifteen men (counting the two who have have been hired but haven't started yet)
This is so very wrong.
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Tuesday, 17 August 1999 (entrenchment) 8:50am My hooked mail has been resurrected, thankfully. Now, to clear it out and remove the important stuffmostly the first few months of talking with Madeline. 8:53am They're just gonna have to live without me for now...I simply don't have the energy anymore... 9:35am I hear that you're building your little house deep in the desert 11:29am I found it. Just to be sure, I called and spoke to an actual person who confirmed that yes, they have it in stock (damndidn't ask how many) and it can be shipped in four business days. Happy happy. In the meantime, I've been making that itemized list of what The Ex owes, as accurately as I can. The simple fact is, I didn't keep every single receipt. I know I should have, but I didn't. It felt wrong to do so, as though it meant I couldn't trust her. And now, that trusting nature seems to have come around and bitten hard...
Not so happy.
5:06pm Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll have the numbers ready. Not tonight. Can't do it tonight. Tomorrow, for sure. 7:16pm While I was in the subway this evening, there was a 4.7 magnitude earthquake. Didn't even realize it until I got home. Just another of the risks of living in the big city. 8:08pm Mmmmm. The big salad. 9:48pm Wait a minutehow can stripeys be too long? That doesn't make sense. 10:00pm I don't want to deal with tomorrow, or anything that's going to happen in the next two weeks. It's all going to hurt, it's going to be about pain and little else. I just want September to get here, for Maddy to arrive. The rest...the car and the bed and everything else, that's all just more fighting with The Ex, and I want it to be over and done with...it's not supposed to be like this...
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Monday, 16 August 1999 (the reflecting god) 7:28am when all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed 8:03am Occasionally, the Chronicle gets it right. It really was a stunning show. I've decided it was a closure of sorts. Seeing R.E.M. without The Ex on what would have been our ninth anniversary was all too perfect. As I've mentioned before, they've been my emotional soundtrack since the breakup (along with Manson and Hole, the only other concert I've been to this year), and their recent album Up was playing that night. So far as I know, she still can't listen to it for that reason, while I still gain strength from it. There's something resembling symbolism at work here...
I'm very pleased to note, however, that the poster I bought at the concertthe one concession I allowed myself,
in spite of how much I wanted a t-shirtfits perfectly into one of the more noticeable gaps of my cubicle wall.
The blacklight complements it nicely, too.
3:53pm My pride is telling me to fight, damn the consequences. My conscience is telling me to seek out a compromise, to minimize the damage between us. That a victory in this case wouldn't be worth the emotional cost, and I must rise above it all somehow.
Figures. Those two can never get along.
While en route, Imani emailed me to confirm that yes, she's working at the club tonight and she'd love for me to come see her show. Aargh. Bad timing. I'm thinking definitely next Monday, and hopefully I can drag Summer and Laurel along. I doubt it'll be too difficult to convince them since grrls get in free, although I imagine this might be one of those rare cases where my damn boi ID causes a problem. I'm getting closer and closer to just going to the DMV and getting the name change out of the way. Speaking of such things, I contacted the mailroom at work today and told them that I'd be receiving packages under the name Sherilyn as well as Jeff. I haven't heard back from them yet, but I can't imagine it'll be too difficult, but if worse comes to worse I'll speak to them in person. I'm also finally having my employee ID reshot this week. I hate my current one with a passion; not a smidgen of makeup (I wouldn't discover eyeliner for roughly another week), face lumpier than usual, looking right in the camera, pigtails (which I've discovered simply do not photograph well), and worst of all I heeded the most dangerous instructions ever: "Try to smile." All in all, it's not a very representative picture of me. And don't even get me started on my Evil Levi Plaza badge, which I'm sure would be even more difficult to get retaken. I've considered just covering it with a picture of myself that I like better; nobody ever looks at the damn thing, so I could probably get away with it. So I started doing the math on exactly what The Ex owes me. I can't begin to describe what an awful feeling it's leaving in my mouth and stomach. I hate this. I didn't want this to happen. It's the last thing I wanted, for us to start using numbers and figures against each other. Somehow this has to end in a way which doesn't involve us hating each other. I simply cannot accept that. Maybe I should just sell the damn car and be done with it. Then there'll be actual tangible money to deal with as opposed to "value." A solution with a certain Solomon-eqsueness to it.
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8:25am What the hell happened to John Hughes? The man made a string of movies which came as close as my generation ever got to The Graduate: Sixteen Candles, Weird Science (okay, not exactly profound), The Breakfast Club (masterpiece) and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Bam bam bam, in a row. That's pretty goddamned impressive. Planes Trains & Automobiles went in a different direction but still may be the funniest movie John Candy was ever associated with. After the relatively contextual profanity of TBC, Hughes really got it out of his system: "And I really don't care for the way your company left me in the middle of fucking nowhere with fucking keys to a fucking car that isn't fucking there. And I really didn't care to fucking walk down a fucking highway and across a fucking runway to get back here to have you smile at my fucking face. I want a fucking car RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" My mother squrimed very uncomfortably during that scene, as I'm sure most parents did. Good. That was the whole fucking point. I couldn't get into She's Having a Baby because the title alone sounded like a horror movie, Uncle Buck was a decent last gasp, and this as close as I'll ever get to admitting Curly Sue even existed. He's also been responsible for the Home Alone films as producer and writer, as well as two a lot of people think he directed but didn't: Pretty in Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful. If you're a grrl in your mid-to-late twenties right now, you probably have strong personal feelings about one if not both of them. (I'm pleading the Fifth.)
Most recently he's been writing and producing bad remakes: Flubber,
Miracle on 34th Street, 101 Dalmatians, and so on. That really
hurts. Even when Dylan or Mike Nichols fell, they didn't fall quite so hard.
She is, however, coming by to pack up some stuff to take to storage. Something
tells me this is going to be like Sundays used to bevery bad.
Won't be for a few hours yet anyway. The worst part will be her explaining
why she suddenly wants the specifics of what she owes me, and why the computer's
not ready today. Both are going to be along the lines of me being unreasonable
and putting too much pressure, if not flat out saying that I should be paying
her. Ah, drama. Fun fun fun. I'm a bad person who has done very bad
things, so I guess it's only fitting.
Boy, it's a good thing I've been so emotionally stableI haven't cried in
at least 48 hours. Otherwise, I'd be worried. A breeze, this will be.
The proverbial cakewalk. What could be simpler?
Until we got onto the thorny subjects of the computer and the car. Then it went bad. FUCK! Sorry. Sudden mood swing. Burst of frustration and anger and disappointment which I had to do something with, what Tom called the bitterness and rage of love gone bad. "Value." That's the word The Ex kept using. That she's not getting enough "value." Whatever I may have shelled out over the last year or so while she was unemployed? Don't matter, because of the value I'm getting in her "giving" me the car that I've been paying for. And she confirmed that yes, her parents are involved. They had to be; I know them too well. Being on their bad side is a very frightening thing, but there's not much I can do. She grudgingly agreed to have her mother write and explain the situation to me. My insistence upon having these things in writing clearly bothered her why can't I just accept what she tells me and be done with it? In the plus column, she moved a lot of her stuff out, and she'll be taking her belongings from our storage spaceat which point I can bring my stuff back here and not have to pay the $80 fee every month. That's what I need to keep reminding myself: that there is a bright side. Even beyond the issues of personal growth, the fact is, this apartment is a one-seater, and I'll be much more comfortable here by myself. I'm allowed to be happy about these things. I've mourned the loss. I've beat myself up more than I care to remember. And yes, there's still going to be pain and hurt. I suppose I'll always feel a tug when I remember how things once were. But they aren't anymore. We aren't anymore. We once were; we are no longer.
Now it's time to be happy about starting a new life, one I've always wanted
to lead. I am happy about it, and best of all, I'm not doing it alone.
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Saturday, 14 August 1999 (fables of the reconstruction) 9:02am Airportman (dum-dum-dum), Lotus (flame on!), Daysleeper (i cried the other night), Why Not Smile (you've been sad for a while), Walk Unafraid (yes...yes, yes, yes, yes, yes), Hope (fuck 'em, Michael, it was gorgeous), At My Most Beautiful (*sigh*), Sad Professor (why not?) The Apologist (thank you for being there for me thank you for listening goodbye), So Fast So Numb (this is what i wanted you to see), The Wake-Up Bomb (1973), What's the Frequency Kenneth? (withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy), Star 69 (monster!), Tongue (this song has tits), Sweetness Follows (of all things), Man On The Moon (Courtney had a lot to do with it, didn't she?), The Great Beyond (Andy!), Find the River (nothing is going my way), Losing My Religion (consider this the slip that brought my to my knees, failed), Pop Song 89 (hi hi), The One I Love (fiiiiiiire), It's the End of the World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine) (right? right), Cuyahoga (most daring of all), Pilgrimmage (momentum). "Neon clip art" is the best way to describe the set design. From my angle on the lawn I could see there a fireworks display off in the distance for the first few songs. (I have no idea why that was happening.) There were several meteors over the course of the evening.
Wow. Closure? All three now?
Hmmm...oh, jeez, the farmer's market in the parking lot next to the building. I'd forgotten
all about that. Yep, it's in full swing. Hmm...I need more salad stuff anyway...and it's
only going on for another hour...and Madeline isn't online right now (I hope she's catching
up on her sleep, because she was on when I got back home at 4:50am her time), so except
for the work which ostensibly drew me in to begin with, there's no reason I can't nip
down there for a short bit...and, hell, it's noon, right? Lunchtime! It's in the
Okay. Work now.
3:49pm Thanks to "system upgrades," it now appears that I may have lost all of my mail on my hooked accountincluding the bulk of my early correspondence with Maddy, none of which I deleted. I'm waiting for hear back from them to see if it's gone for good. I will be very unhappy if that's the case. 9:23pm I'm a headache carrier. That's the only theory that makes sense at this point. Like Typhoid Mary, I carry them but aren't affected. I just spread it to others. The Ex had them so bad some mornings she couldn't get out of bed, and now the same thing is happening to Maddy, Laurel and Brian. Maddy's distance suggests that it's some form of telepathy rather than a biological agent. Hopefully it won't turn out that I'm a latent scanner and their heads start exploding...
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Friday, 13 August 1999 (a simple prop to occupy my time) 8:38am Perfection? Hardly, my dear, but I must admit, I do look pretty damned good in them. 9:15am Must feed the meter. 10:15am Must feed the meter. 11:35am Must feed the meter. (Rhythm was never been my strong suit.) 11:49am If you want something done right, you're shit outta luck. 1:41pm i've stopped trying to make a difference 2:14pm I guess I should have known it was going to happen, but I didn't want to believe it. Even Maddy figured it would, and told me she'd understand. (She's too good to me.) I, however, was convinced it wouldn't. The words went through my mind: this would have been our nine-year anniversary. And it just started coming out. I couldn't help it. It bordered on involuntary. Not so much as a scrap of vicodin in my system, either. I suppose it's just part of being human, or at least emotional, which I can be to a fault sometimes. I wonder if the same thing happened to her. Probably. It's only natural.
To top things off, I'm going to R.E.M. alone after all.
Oh wellbuying two tickets was a gamble and I knew it.
I'm sure I'll still enjoy myself...
Wow. It's been a while since I felt like I was cracking up. This is almost nostalgic. South Bay traffic is perilous, as usual. Many accidents, backups, etc. No point in even leaving here until at least six or seven...
Haven't fed the meter in a while. The meter maids have
seemed lax today, though. Guess I'll find out.
5:56pm I'm coming to work again tomorrow. Yeah, more of this place. That's precisely what I need.
The traffic is still quite slow. But I have to leave here by seven,
at latest.
Okay. Must relax. Must get out of here. Concurrently.
It was nice to be able to sing along with nearly every song, except of course for the brand new one they did for Man on the Moon, the Andy Kaufman biopic whose title is derived from their song about Andy. And Michael was in full flamer mode, which is always fun to watch. I, on the other hand, was in full gaf mode. There were a few others around, surprisingly... And then, for some reason, after getting back into town, I went to Shrine. Sometimes I don't understand myself.
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Thursday, 12 August 1999 (deformography) 6:24am The train which goes by at 5:15am, whether or not it's the earliest one, gets me to Embarcadero at 5:45 and therefore here at 6:00am, right when the Evil Levi Fitness Center opens. That's a strong incentive for me to join. A stronger incentive is the card I received in the mail yesterday from Club One, saying they're about to cancel my membership. (Or, as they put it, "they're confirming my request to resign." Except for not having gone for the last four or five months I've made no such request, but pick pick.) Fine, terrific, no problem, I've been trying to bring myself to cancel the memebership for some time; hell, I shouldn't even still have it at all, since it was supposed to be temporary while I was Autodesk. Perhaps they only now got around to noticing I haven't been at Autodesk since last year. Though the account was valid at any Club One location, it was mostly convenient because of the location actually at Autodesk, which is how I was able to go every day. So it makes sense to start doing that here. And I so so so need to. I'll never be like I was once, I'll fuckin' die first, but my weight slowly creeping upwards still scares me. Can't let it happen. The Levi account is slightly more expensive than the Club One fees; for something I'll actually use, it's worth it. My mother also wrote yesterday, asking if I'd be willing to take her cat "if something should happen to me (dead or incapacitated)." Yikes! I sincerely hope that isn't her way of trying to tell me something. Then again, as she's observed that I tend to drop vague hints about serious matters (wanting to be a grrl, things like that), so maybe she thinks this is only fair. I've been meaning to call her for a whilefor how much I mean to do, it's a wonder I ever actually do anythingand I'm definitely going to tonight. Ironically, I've received my answer from the landlords about getting a cat. They called while I was on the phone with Maddy last Saturday; nine times out of ten I simply ignore the call waiting since I have voicemail for that very reason, and it's almost never for me anyway. (The Ex still gets more calls than I do.) This time, though, I decided to click over, and it was them with good news and bad news. The good news was they had a bed for me if I so desired, which I definitely do; the bad news was they'd decided that no, I couldn't get a cat. Despite frequent charges of pride and arrogance, I'm selective about my pride. In this case, I tossed it into the dirt where it belongs, then proceeded to grind it into the dirt by kneeling on it and groveling. I asked them to reconsider, that I'm both very lonely (true, in the immediate physical sense) and that I miss having a cat, that it would be indoor, declawed, housebroken, et cetera. Of course, they don't know about Mary, and as far as I'm concerned they never will.
It sorta kinda worked: they said they'd think about it some more. Probably my blatant
begging had a lot to do with it. Good. That was the whole damn point. And it was
genuine, too. I groveled and pleaded and attempted to change their minds in all the
ways that, say, for example, The Ex didn't when
I suggested we break up. Where she was complacent with that crushing bad news, I'm
intending to fight this.
10:21am Something tells me the network is down. 1:28pm Just got back from lunch with Laurel. Had a wonderful time; she really is too sweet for words. I'm almost beginning to think she's more excited about Maddy's visit than I am. (Naaaaaaah.)
Speaking of whom, she just wrote. Lack of sleep (not just
from our late night chats, but genuine insomnia) and migraines
are keeping her down once again. *sigh* God, there's that
helpless feeling again...even if I was there I couldn't really
do anything to make it go away, but still...
I've also decided that one of the elements of my actual web page (as opposed to this) will be a
FAQ. There seems a certain arrogance to having a FAQ about yourself, but the fact of the matter
is there are questions which I get asked frequently. (What I consider myself, do I intend to go
"all the way," how long I've known, etc.) Hence, ergo, and y'know what I mean? It's not that
I mind being asked questions, not at all. This just seems to make sense. It's all about spreading the
knowledge whenever possible.
Anyway, we discussed Tom's wedding, and to my surprise she put no pressure on me to attend. She doesn't want to go either, really, it being a wedding she doesn't entirely approve of in place she doesn't like (LA, Southgate to be precise) held by a religious demonination which thinks that she's going to hell because she's Catholic. I'm probably beyond salvation in their eyes. Tom and his bride are coming to the Bay Area for their honeymoon (part of it, at least), and I've accepted their request to show them around. That alone ought to get me out of having to attend the actual ceremony. Let's face it, it would surely be for the best if I wasn't thereand if my mother doesn't mind me skipping it... To her credit, she asked about Madeline, but didn't say a word about The Ex. Progress.
Because that's the weird way our conversations twist and turn, I discovered her side of the family
are Mennonites from way back. I'm guessing the old school types wouldn't be too
happy with how the family turned out. From Mennonite to Mansonite? There's your long hard road
out of hell...
Incredibly gnarly traffic on the Bay Bridge made it more practical for me to simply BART out to the East Bay, so I did. After picking up the car (more on that shortly), I went to the Target near her place and finally restocked on eyeliner. Three narrow sticks of Street Wear Tar, one thick, and a bottle of the Tar nail polish, which I'd never seen before. So hopefully I'll be painting my nails tonight; I've been neglecting them for too long. I also got a new pair of black bicycle shorts, which will come in handy tomorrow since I'm wearing my red-and-black stripeys to work and heading straight to the R.E.M. show from there. *sigh* Possibly alone, as my companion seems to have disappeared. Oh well. It was $30 I spent three months ago, ergo meaningless now. I'll still enjoy myself thoroughly, perhaps even moreso since I won't have to worry about anyone else. So when I picked up the car, The Ex asked me if I could in fact try to come up with a reliable figure for how much she owes me. She wouldn't say why ("too long a story to go into right now"), but that the sooner I could get her a decent ballpark figure, the better. This, in spite of if not in complete contradiction to our conversation last Saturday. Two possibilities. One pleasant and unlikely, the other unpleasant and (of course) all too likely. The first: she has the means to somehow pay off the remainder and wants to do so. I really don't see that happening. The second: her parents/her boyfriend/someone has decided she's getting screwed in this whole deal and intends to turn the tables on me and my machiavellian attempts to bilk her from her fortune. It's certainly up her parents' alley. It would involve the car. To make a long story short, I suspect they're going to tell me that the car's current value is worth more than what she owes me, and that as a result I actually owe her. Since, of course, the car is an asset worth however many thousands of dollars, so it should be treated as though I'm buying out her share. Otherwise, it'd be as though she's just giving me the money, and that certainly wouldn't be fair, now would it? Never mind that the car is only translatable into cash if I should decide to sell it, which I don't intend to. But that's not the point. Nor is how much I spent supporting her during her unemployment. All that matters now is my apparent attempts to squeeze every penny out of her (wasn't it bad enough that I broke her heart? what more do I want? how cruel and vindictive am I?), and somebody somewhere ain't standing for it. I could be wrong. I certainly hope I am. But it's the only theory that fits the facts, and I know how her parents can be. Trust me, you do not want to get on their bad side, 'cuz they can get litigation-happy, and in spite of being outwardly fond of me me for the last nine years (hey! it's midnight! how ironic!), I don't doubt they're capable of turning on me. I may have stopped beating myself up, but that doesn't mean I've ceased to be the villain in this little drama. If the net result is that I have to give up possession of the car (which I don't really possess anyway), fine. But if that ends up being the case, then fuck it all. She'll get the car, she'll get the payments and the satisfaction of having defeated me. Whatever. I won't dance anymore. According to the clock, it's now what would have been our ninth anniversary.
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Wednesday, 11 August 1999 (faithfull) 7:33am Virtual includes: they separate the geeks from the nerds. 10:42am Bah. There. Done. All updated. Could I have possibly spent the last three hours a little more productively? No, of course not, what a silly question. I'm meeting Laurel for lunch tomorrow; turns out she lives fairly close by to where I work. This'll be the first time she's seen me in natural light, which is a slightly frightening concept. And as it is, I've been flying barefaced for the last few days (to Summer's relief, probably), both to allow my skin to heal as much as possible and for purely conservational reasons. I still haven't been able to track down the foundation anywhere, and my shadow will reassert itself in a week, tops. The half a bottle I have left needs to last, at least until Madeline gets here. After she leaves, though, things won't exactly be slowing down: it looks like I'm going to my brother Tom's wedding in LA on 9/11. There are many reasons why I don't want to go, most of which should be fairly obviousouting myself to the extended family, dealing with the extended family in and of itself, a wedding, a wedding in a church between two fundamentalist xtians, being in an ostensibly fundamentalist xtian church surrounded by fundamnentalist xtians, and I don't have a fookin' thing to wearbut it doesn't appear I'll be getting out of this one too easily. I'm granted an astonishing amoung of leeway when it comes to family functions as it is, but every so often the token appearance is required. In any event, I'm already preparing myself for the inevitable confrontation with my mother about my appearance.
Oh well. I'll surely still be glowing from having just spent a week with Maddy.
So whatever may happen, I know I can handle it.
Pacfic Bell just calledI qualify for DSL! It makes no sense whatsoever since the phone line can't even handle
56k, but pick pick. This doesn't mean I'll be getting it anytime too soon, but it's still nice to know, particularly
since I should be getting my new computer this Sunday. If all goes well.
*sigh* That'll happen.
See you in hell.
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