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My Face for the World to See (Part II): The Diary of Sherilyn Connelly a fiction
Friday, 31 August 2012 (dark mood woods) 8:22am Oh, good heavens, it's another three-day weekend. Didn't we just have one of these? 12:01pm If I were a fly, I'd be the exception to the honey / vinegar rule. 1:52pm Went to the library with the police report to report the DVDs as stolen. Since I actually had a copy of said police report I didn't have to pay to replace the DVDs, but I still feel kind of horrible about it all, especially the other people who won't get to watch them. And I've also come to realize that they took my Penny Lane coat, since it's neither at the Black Light District nor Marta's place, and Phoebe is the last place I remember it being. So. Also, frak frak frak. | ||
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Thursday, 30 August 2012 (the mill fire) 5:08pm Got in and out of the San Francisco General Hospital Pharmacy this afternoon in record time, but it was creepier than usual. It always feels like The Walking Dead there, and today in particular was like a season finale. There weren't even that many people, all things considered, but man oh man, the looks I got. | ||
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Wednesday, 29 August 2012 (teresa's autopsy) 2:22pm I filed this police report today. I parked my car at approximately [down the street from Marta's place] at about 10:30pm on 8/28/12. I returned at about 8:35am on 8/29/12 to see one of the seven DVDs I'd borrowed from the Noe Valley Branch of the SF Public Library on the afternoon of 8/28/12 on the ground and the trunk door ajar. The other six DVDs I borrowed from the library (Tonight: 4 Decades of the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, Discs 7, 9, 11, 12 ,13, and 14) were missing from the trunk. The doors to the car were also unlocked -- I habitually check to make sure the doors are locked every time I walk away from the car, so they must have had a dummy key. The glove compartment had been rummaged through, though there was no apparent theft other than the DVDs in the trunk, which can unfortunately be popped opened from a level below the front seat. The steering wheel column was locked, leading to me to believe they unsuccessfully attempted to start the car with their dummy key.I'm grateful that there was no actual damage other than my pride and my sense of security, but I'm seriously bummed about the DVDs, not only because I was looking forward to watching them and I'll have to pay for them now, but I know how suspicious it's going to look to the library. oh, suuuuuuuuuure they got stolen out of your car right after you checked them out, uh-huh... Speaking as a current library student, of course. And it happened right after Phoebe got her cutie mark, too! That's just cruel. On the plus side, my piece on the children's film is the lead movie review in the print edition of the weekly, so that's neat. | ||
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Tuesday, 28 August 2012 (birds in hell) 5:27pm My review of the children's film I saw a couple weeks ago is now up on the Voice (and will be in the print version, too). Also, I've gotten my first of what I'm sure will be many you suck as a critic because your opinion differs from mine about a movie I haven't seen comments on Rotten Tomatoes. I have arrived! | ||
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Monday, 27 August 2012 (black lodge rumble) 11:16am My article about the screening we barely made it to on Friday, Guest of Cindy Sherman, is up. Considering I only worked on it for about an hour and half yesterday afternoon, I think it turned out pretty well. 4:24pm Went to Lyon-Martin to get some silliness involving my prescriptions squared away. I'd originally called a couple weeks ago, but as I know all too well, when I'm on the phone I revert back to my native alien language. I only do a little better in person, but it's better enough. The cover art for the anthology I'm going to be published in later this year has been released, and it's quite funktastic. | ||
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Sunday, 26 August 2012 (the way we lived, the things we did) 10:22am Doing much better this morning, both "me" and "us." sometime after midnight Pretty decent turnout at Bad Movie Night for Immortals, though we also lost a half dozen people in the first half hour. That hasn't happened for a while. I also wish I could get myself to go to bed before one in the morning after Bad Movie Night. | ||
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Saturday, 25 August 2012 (unease motif) 11:45am Marta and I processed this morning, and I'm still working through some major pain, not made any easier by the fact that I'm having to do things out in the world, including picking up a package for her at a FedEx center in South San Francisco, and the system is broken. But that's how the world operates, somehow, with everything broken. 7:22pm Doing a little better now. We talked more after she got out from class this afternoon, and now we're having messy comfort food at El Toreador in West Portal. We'd originally tried the re-opened Celia's more in my neighborhood, but when they told us they were out of ceviche for the night, we relocated. There's been a lot of that lately, restaurants being out of things. | ||
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Friday, 24 August 2012 (behind the mask) sometime after midnight Not one of my more together nights. Marta and I had an underwhelming dinner at Mission Chinese before going to a screening at Oddball Film+Video, and an inconsequential thing occurred (Marta calling up her friend Alicia to see if she was free for the next hour or so before the screening), and alarms were triggered and memories stirred, and basically I lost my shit and we almost didn't make it to the screening, which would have sucked all the more because I'm going to write about it for the weekly. But we made it, though I'm still not doing very well right now, back at Marta's place. She's asleep, and I'm not, and I'm also nearly dehydrated from crying, as will happen. | ||
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Thursday, 23 August 2012 (sandstorm in purgatory) 12:36am The Everfree article got bumped up to "featured" status. Neat! Also, the J-POP writeup got repurposed as a blog post, which is cool. 5:28pm I've been getting more assignments, actually having things offered to me, and I'm also going to be doing a post for the music blog, which had been off-limits when I started last year. This is what "climbing up the ladder" looks like, I think. I hope. Also, I've had to bail on KrOB tonight, since I'm still way behind after Everfree, especially since the semester has officially begun and I'm suddenly inundated with reading. That's how that works, I suppose. | ||
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Wednesday, 22 August 2012 (a backwards stripe) 3:24pm Did some hardcore erranding this morning, (including a pump for my bike), then picked up my textbooks from Sister Edith. One of them is a workbooklike, the kind you actually write in. For some reason, that messes with my head. I also have three articles live today on the weekly, two of which are also in the print edition, nuttily enough. My first Night+Day piece is out, about the J-POP Summit Festival, as is my first print movie review, of the Venzuelan soccer drama Hermano. And the Everfree article is up, too. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and I'm glad I took the time on Sunday night to work on the graphics, or there's no way it would've been ready by now. | ||
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Tuesday, 21 August 2012 (the door opens) 11:56am Had a hard time getting to sleep last night, even though I was back in my own bed and with Perdita, largely because I was preoccupied with how much work I have to do today. And the big one is my Everfree article, which I intend to have done by this afternoon so it can go up on the weekly tomorrow, Wednesdays being my traditional Pony-post day. 1:40pm My Agent has done some asking around, and gotten the book proposal into certain hands. 3:11pm Back with Marta, finally! Won't be for too long, just a few hours before we go to the Goldies' for Breaking Bad and overnight before she goes to work tomorrow morning, but still. | ||
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