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Wednesday, 10 August 2005 (a criminal act) 3:59pm I'm going to be getting business cards. Work-related, not the kind of thing I'd hand out at parties or anything, but still. Much to my surprise, I submitted my title as "Tape Librarian / Webmonkey," and it was approved. My superviser said he would have preferred my title to be "Associate Producer," but if I wanted my card to say "Webmonkey," so be it. Ali, meanwhile, is equally happy that her card will say "Media Geek." Leave it to the dykes in the back corner of the office to give themselves the goofy titles. 4:28pm Mars is in town, for the RADAR Reading Series at the Main Library tonight. It's her first time in San Francisco. I hope it's everything she expected it to be. I guess I'll find out later. 11:01pm This past year has been very dark.
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005 (the previous darkness) 3:38pm The Tim & Roma! Show coverage of the eXposed premiere at the Castro Theatre on Pink Saturday is online. (If it asks you to register first, here are the RealMedia links: 56K, 150K, and 350K.) I shot about seven-eighths of the footage, earning "lead videographer" title, and I'm onscreen for a few seconds at 17:45 during the closing credits. Unless I miss my guess, those are Collette's shiny black vinyl-clad legs at the very beginning. It makes me happy that Pam was able to use the footage from 6:50 - 6:55, though. I really like how it looks. Most importantly, you get to see my boss shitfaced. That alone is worth the price of admission, or at least registration. 5:10pm Ironically, there's Tim & Roma! Show shoot this Saturday, and once again I'll be giving it a miss due to an existing gig, in this case the NAAFA Convention. I wonder if proper pronounciation of Pam and/or Roma! requires a tongue-click at the end of the word. It would if they were !Kung, which they really aren't.
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Monday, 8 August 2005 (fascist nexus) 8:14pm No gym this morning, because I took my car to the shop. No show this evening, because I took my car to the shop, and ended paying a lot more than I expected. Seems one of the tires blew out while the car was therethe very definition of dumb luckand two of the others were in need of being replaced. So, I had done what was needed to be done. Net result being me in too foul of a mood to deal with doing the show, especially given the fact that the station isn't on the air at the moment, only online. I realize that more people can theoretically listen online than on the air, but I have no reason to believe that anyone other than a friend or two listens online. It also doesn't help that there's a cast meeting for Batman at The Dark Room tonight, and that sounds highly depressing right now. So, I'm home, playing hooky and moping at the same time. I may be blonde, but I'm still hella goth.
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Sunday, 7 August 2005 (the skin of her teeth) sometime after midnight Collette and I went to an Exiles orientation meeting in Berkeley today. (Not to be confused with San Francisco in Exile, which I'm already involved with.) It certainly reminded me of how much I dislike the East Bay in the summer.
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Saturday, 6 August 2005 (by the book) 3:33pm Note to self: the only 70mm print of Apocalypse Now in existence, struck back in '79, is not in very good condition. This is something I should have learned the last time I saw the print at the Castro, in the late nineties with The Ex. Alas. Having never seen it before, it's a safe bet that Collette wasn't as distracted by the faded colors as I was. An hour on the crosstrainer this morning, followed by forty-five minutes on the StairMaster, and a whole mess of crunches. I was very stinky when I was done. Not as stinky as the moron-rock station, though, which seemed louder than usual.
I'd hoped to get some writing done today, but that plan's gone about as well as it ever does. Tonight at Edinburgh Castle
is the San Francisco Bay Area Harsh Noise Festival, and I'm really
torn about going. It's my kind of event, but it also sounds like a lot of effort, and I have this fantasy that if I stay home, I'll be
productive somehow. Yeah, that'll happen.
While at Other Avenues to pick up dolmas and tofu (what the fuck? am I pregnant?), I struck by the urge to ask the cute little dyke with crayon-red
hair if she'd like to go out some time. Much to my surprise, I actually found the courage to do so, and she gave me her number.
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Friday, 5 August 2005 (doppelgangling) 11:22am My company is doing this big partnership with Jenna Jameson, arguably the biggest female name in pr0n. While doing QC on the site, I hopped over to Jenna's site, and was rather surprised to see my name. No, it isn't me, though the description is certainly plausible, and I can take some solace in the fact that she isn't much prettier than me. (I can't show any of the pictures here, for obvious reasons, mostly involving me not wanting to lose my job.)
It sucks not having a camera anymore. Not sure what I'm going to do for this month's picture. Another one from last year's shoot with Reverend Michel, I guess.
Apocalypse Now is playing at the Castro tonight, in 70mm. Oh my yes.
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Thursday, 4 August 2005 (tears and perspiration) 11:49am Judging from the confusion I caused, I am the first person to ever walk into the 94107 post office and ask if a package is being held. The more I tried to explain the situationI bought something online, had it sent to my work address, it's a week overdue, and the seller suggested I check the local post officethe blanker the stares got. When I said that it was a poster tube, she looked at me as though a third hand was growing out of my forehead. She finally had me write down my name and mailing address, getting persnickety when I didn't write down the zip code as well (because how could a postal employee possibly know their own zip code?), and then spent at least half a minute comparing the name on the piece of paper with the name on the ID. Because I'm clearly an evildoer. I don't get angry all that often, especially in what are essentially retail situations, but I found myself getting seriously pissed off. Needless to say, they didn't have the poster. I'm very close to calling it a lost cause. Retail therapy is always risky. The seller's communication has been for shit, though, so I'm giving him neutral feedback. That'll learn him good. It doesn't help that my defenses are low. The last twenty-four hours have been rough. Started early in the day when my latest attempt to chew gum resulted in a yet another bitten lip. The oral fixation is still strong (anyone for regression?), and neither Altoid Sours nor Penguin Mints were doing it for me, so I headed over to Safeway and got some dry-roasted peanuts. Ate more than I should have, resulting in a heavy, unhappy stomach. In spite of this, I still had my standard pre-Retool and Grind dinner at World Sausage Grill. (Their veggie sausages rock.) Retool itself was good; the attendance was a little sparser than usual, especially since neither Maddy nor Collette were there, but that's okay. I'm used to it by now. A tattooed old guy in a red leather thong doing what can be charitably described as an interpretative dance to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" was the highlight for me. It's the sort of thing which makes me proud to be part of the San Francisco performance scene. I also got flirted with twice, one in person and one by proxy. On the way home, I stopped at the store and got cottage cheese and Russian dressing. This, for me, is indulgence. My body was still demanding more more more, and it was either that or ice cream. Figured this would be a little better for me, or at least not as bad. I do love my white foods with red sauces. Sleep was fitful at best. I dreamed harshly and woke up a lot. At one point, returning from the bathroom, I was still dreaming to the extent that I was convinced there was someone else in the bed. It didn't freak me out or anything; rather, it just made it complicated to get into bed without disturbing them. In retrospect, it may well have been Perdita. It just goes to show that I really need to replace the dead bulb in my lava lamp, my nightlight. The light over the stove in the kitchen just isn't doing the job. I woke up feeling like shit. I think I was dehydrated, as my mouth felt terribly dry, and my nose started bleeding. (I bled from somewhere else, too, but it's kinda gross.) I overslept so going to the gym wasn't an option, but it's probably just as well. The random bleeding seems to have stopped, but my head still feels weird. Especially my tongue. At first I thought that the roof of my mouth was peeling, as though I'd ingested something hotone of the reasons I don't like coffee or tea is because I invariably burn the inside of my mouthbut upon close insection, I see that it's my tongue that's peeling. The top layer of skin is coming right off. That can't be good. It's like it's molting or something.
Dumb stupid peanuts.
SHERYLMe being me, the only thing I found offensive was the misspelling of my name. Of course, it also meant that it wasn't written by the one fellow in the audience whom I'm about ninety-nine percent certain has a crush on me. He knows how it's spelled. I cancelled the audition. Not only are there no hard feelings on the part of the producers, they're going to keep in touch we for future projects. Pretty good for never having met in person, nor having seen my theatrical resume, which didn't exist until this morning.
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Wednesday, 3 August 2005 (an absence of divinity) 12:38pm Slaughtering R.E.M.'s "Bang and Blame" at Annie's wasn't all I did last night, of course. Prior to that was the Good Advice reading/panel thingy at the Eureka Valley Library. Much fun, and it really drove home how much I need to work on developing my piece into its own book. I can only hope that the iron will still be hot by the time the book is published. (Note my positive language. Go me.) To that effect, I've canceled my audition for the play. I really need to focus on more immediate, personal projects. What's more, Jennifer has asked me do a West Coast tour with her in October for Good Advice. In my mind, that's all the more reason to not do the play in September. Don't ask me why. Anyway, there'll be other plays.
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005 (this supposed crime) 10:06am Temple is the only person I know for sure listened to my show last night, as nobody else called in to let me know the netcast was working, in spite of me asking several times. Oh well. Even if she was the only one, I know she really enjoyed it, so it wasn't a complete waste. 12:44pm I think I may have found a new candidate for the most offensive ad ever. I'm going to do a bad thing, and assume without any direct evidence that it was done by a straight boy. It just seems like a uniquely male sort of joke. she's doin' it doggy-style, next to a dog! Makes the x10 ads of yore seem almost innocent. What I don't get isand it's an eternal questionhow can you hate women yet want to fuck them at the same time? sometime after midnight Just when I'm starting to get really excited about the band idea, I go do karaoke, and reconsider the wisdom of me singing. I've always been inspired by people like Bob Dylan or Neil Young or (especially) my brother Tom, who sing despite having what can chartitably described as non-traditional voices, but they're like the Three frickin' Tenors compared to me.
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Monday, 1 August 2005 (giving judas a try) 10:11am Bad Movie Night was a lot of fun, as it so often is. Respectable-sized crowd, bigger than Wonder Woman, smaller than Star Trek V. It makes me kinda sad that I'm not scheduled for any upcoming ones, but I'll be asked to do it again, I'm sure. Lots of things make sad lately. Like the fact that the upcoming live version of "Once More, With Feeling" from Buffy The Vampire Slayer at Counterpulse is already cast. There's no guarantee that I would have passed the audition anyway, but I've been wanting to play Willow in that ever since it was first discussed at Spanganga two years ago, so I really wish I could have tried out for it. Alas.
It just drives home the point that I need to create my own art, my own performance opportunities; if I can't be Catwoman in The Dark Room's upcoming production of Batman
or Willow in Buffy, then I'll be quasi-Courtney in Coma White.
On that note, Counterpulse
has very reasonable rates for band rehearsal space, and doesn't have the same noise issues as The Dark Room. Slowly, pieces
are falling into place. Or, perhaps, I'm putting them there, because they never fall on their own.
And if I don't get cast, well, that's okay too.
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