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Back on stage as Karen Carpenter last night in Zippy. A good show. The audience laughed at more of the obscure jokes than usual, and I got a round of applause after my first appearance. That was surely in response the well-written scene itself more than anything to do with my performance, but it still felt nice. Because I'm an utter whore for that sort of thing, in case you hadn't guessed. So is anyone else who willingly gets on stage. I don't care how noble your stated intentions are. Maybe you really do think your words can change the world, but that doesn't mean you don't want the (proverbial or otherwise) blowjob, too. Anyway, after the curtain call I usually go backstage and change out of my costume. Last night was different: Lynnee's One Freak Show was immediately afterwards our play, and he wanted to interview me on stage in character. A terrifying idea, since character improvisation is not my strong suit. Naturally, I agreed. Not having attended Zippy yet, it was the first time Lynnee had seen me in Carpenter mode, what with the white dress and brown wig and relatively light makeup. (I do cheat a little on the makeup, I must confess; the final touch is the Morbid Makeup white face powder from Hot Topic. Real old school. Hell, it's one I bought in '99 but never used.) He seemed suitably blown away, as did a friend of his who came to see his show and didn't realize at first that I was still in costume, asking "Did you give up the goth thing?" Not too soon, but at least now I know it can be done. Lynnee talked about women's body images, the media, that sort of thing. We hadn't prepared much, so I didn't know what directions he wanted me to do, but I did the best as I could. I felt like I was floundering and falling flat, but I did get some laughs from the small but enthusiastic audience. Then he did a very cruel thing: he asked me if I would sing. I'm still not entirely comfortable singing in the play, even with full music and my voice being processed through the effects thing, never mind a capella without any effects at all. Once again, it was an opportunity too scary to turn down. I took a swig of water, spit some of it out against the wall (didn't Karen Carpenter used to do that?), and belted out the chorus of "Superstar." Since that's all of the song I sing in the play, I never memorized the first verse. It's probably just as well. After the show and a late-night taqueria run with Lynnee (it's weird being in those places knowing that you're one of the only sober customers), Maddy and I returned home to find a couple messages on the voicemail from her father. Seems her paternal grandmother is in the hospital. By the time of the second message, which would have been right about the time I was noshing on a burrito at Farolito's at 24th and Mission, her condition had improved. But still. Troubling news. I'm reading at Ladyfest later this afternoon, and the final show of the first run of Zippy is tonight. (The extended run is the second and third weekends of August.) Other than that, there's no telling what the immediate future holds.
11:43pm Jesus Fucking Christ. Can I call a do-over on the last twenty-four hours? There were a few good things, but mostly it's been an emotional rollercoaster, one of the kinds where they remove all the fun parts and keep the ones which make you want to puke your guts out. I just found out that Corrinne is trouble with her bosses at the rehab clinic, who claim that Lynnee and I "glamorized" drugs. If she wasn't already leaving for another position, they'd fire her. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, how clueless can they get? And that's just what I learned in the last twenty minutes. Even without that, July 31, 2004 would still be one of the harsher days in recent memory. For me, anyway. I don't know about you.
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If I still had a cell phoneand I'm glad I cancelled the service, since the fees would be seriously painful right nowI would really, really want one of these. I might be inclined to actually use the phone.
2:11pm ...And Beyond the Inifinite, Part 1.
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Lynnee's One Freak Show opened last night. The turnout was, um, less than stellar. Like so many other underattended events at The Dark Room, those of us who were there felt sorry for those who weren't. I'd say they really missed out on something special, and in a way they did, but they still have a few more opportunities. Being at the show, I missed hearing John Edwards' acceptance speech live. This is why Our Lady of Switching Packets provides us with things like transcripts: But today, our great United States military is stretched thin. We've got more than 140,000 troops in Iraq, almost 20,000 in Afghanistan. And I visited the men and women there, and we're praying as they try to give that country hope.Huh. Okay. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that a Kerry-Edwards administration will not end the occupation of Iraq. How will "we" build a stable Iraq? By strengthening the military. I'm well aware of just how stretched thin and undersupplied the current troops are, but I seriously doubt this will result in improving conditions for individual soldiers, especially given the likelihood of a reinstated draft. I also gotta give his speechwriter props for invoking the Cold War. Very clever, since the popular myth is that Reagan won it. Can't hurt to be associated with Ronny right about now. And here's one for the philosophers: how many times can you double Special Forces before they just aren't special anymore? (If someone else wants to make the "Very Special Forces" joke, go right ahead. I ain't gonna.)
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San Diego...
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Only a couple hours left until the end of an unexpectedly short work week. This feels so weird. Until I find another job (yeah, right) or my hours here are returned to normal (please refer to previous parenthetical interjection), at least I'll finally have time to exercise again. (Bet you were expecting another "yeah, right," weren't you?)
2:25pm Everything still feels very...flat.
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I'm hosting Lit at the Canvas tonight, which will feature Scarlet Harlot, David Henry Sterry and Lady Monster, among others. Lynnee's show at the Dark Room starts this week. Zippy has been extended to the second and third weekends in August. I just sent off the contract for I Do/I Don't. Jennifer Blowdryer is interested in me contributing to a book she's editing. Ryka really wants me for her show in November, and there's a good chance I'll be able to build another microtour around it. And even though I have to go back to work this morning, work isn't all that bad, really. My Boss will surely continue to pretend I don't exist, and I have several zillion gigs of music on my hard drive, and I get to leave at half past three, and...it pays the rent so I can't complain, even if last week felt like my real career. The sadness I'm feeling right now will pass.
12:10pm As I'd been warned might happen, my hours have been reduced significantly. More significantly than I'd expected, in fact: I'm now working two days a week. My Supervisor actually managed to talk My Boss out of reducing me to none days a week, as had been His original idea. I guess that's a good thing. I'm not as upset about this as one might expect. While it does sucksteady income good!it doesn't feel like my world collapsing in on itself, like when I lost my CNET job. Things are going to be tough, but Maddy and I can handle it. More time to look for another job, write, maybe even find some way to combine the two concepts. Yeah, yeah, I know the odds are against it. Just trying to be positive, y'know? Visualize, actualize...
2:05pm Orange.
sometime after midnight Lit at the Canvas was a success, and I got many compliments on my mad emceeing skillz, including some from folks who are no slouches in that department themselves. The evening got off to a less than promising start, however, as I discovered upon arrival that not only had we been moved into a distant corner (due to complaints from the laptop crowd, no doubt), but we weren't going to get the use of the resident mic and speakers. Thankfully, pity was taken and we were granted amplification. The new location actually worked out nicely, and it was a nice change of pace not to get dirty looks from pasty guys buried in their iBooks. Meanwhile, for financial reasons, I'm strongly considering canceling the next Wicked Messenger. My income stream has dried up in a big way, and while the show has always been a labor of love, renting The Dark Room for that evening is not an expense I can justify. I have no reason to believe people are going to suddenly start attending.
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Yep. That would be two articles about Zippy so far, in the Chronicle and the Weekly, which fail to even hint at the show-stopping presence of a certain weight-obsessed guardian angel. No biggie. Lynnee and I made it into Vaginal Davis' blog, and that's what matters:
Guest hosted the UnHappy Hour. Nice intimate crowd came to hear spoken word peformances by the great Lynn Breedlove of Tribe 8 fame. Lynn is hysterical. She only read a bit from her novel Godspeed, the rest of the time was her stream-of-conscienceness monologue----brilliantine. Her goth tranny friend from San Francisco Sherilyn "Fenn" Connelly was also quite good, she read a very amusing teen Hosanna tale and another remin about Danielle Willis, the vamp writer i remember from the zine years.So there you go. I won't get mentioned in articles about the next production at The Dark Room, either, since I'm not likely to be in it: Duck Soup. As in, the Marx Brothers movie. As in, one of my favorite movies and easily the greatest comedy ever made. Unless they decide to do some seriously nontraditional casting, there simply isn't a role for me. What, Margaret Dumont? I don't think so.
11:02am Hollywood.
6:46pm I don't want to go back to work tomorrow.
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Lynnee and I got in at half past four this morning, after a thirteen-hour drive from San Diego. (According to Yahoo!, the trip should have only taken eight hours. It was not the smoothest part of the week.) Tired, alert, fulfilled, hungry, happy to be home, sad to be home, forever changed. Returning in November, we hope. Longer, surely fragmented report to follow.
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Experienced friends have suggested an inevitability of touring is accidentally leaving something behind somewhere. I'd hoped that the fact that I was going to be gone for barely a week and only be staying in two placeshardly even qualifying as a tourwould greatly reduce the chances of that happening, but, well, I am a tard. That little detail changes everything. We're at Anna Joy Springer and Ali Liebgott's house in San Diego, and I'm using Anna's laptop instead of my own. Why? Because it has XP? No. (It's refreshing, though. I like our PowerBook with Mac OS X well enough, but I simply prefer Windows. It's more intuitive for me. Deal with it.) (Actually, what I'm really missing is the Linux Mandrake 9.2 on my computer at work. It's a sweet ride.) (Which does not mean I'm missing work. Far, far from it. Don't wanna go back.) Because she has a cable modem? No, although the 1771.6 kpbs transfer rate is making me seriously squishy inside. No, it's because I left the friggin' power cord for my laptop at Flipper's house in Hollywood. It'll be easy enough to pick up on the way home tomorrow, and I know Lynnee won't give me any shit about it given his own not-so-ancient history of misplacing things, but still. Fuck. I am Megatard. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Other than that, things have been remarkably well. So well, in fact, I worry that our luck peaked last night with our rock star turn in Orangethey loved us, and I received one of my greatest ego-strokes everand it's all downhill from here. Certainly Thursday has gotten off to an ignominious start, what with me discovering my lack of a power cord, and then Anna missing a call because I was bogarting her phone (I didn't know Lynnee's cell was deep in his bag, and being a normal human being he was still asleep), and...feh. No. I'm not going to think like that. We have less than thirty-six hours left, and they are not going to suck. We're going to make the most of them, and have another great show tonight. Neener. I'll be writing about these last few days soon enough; I'm still scrawling details into my notebook as fast as I can think of them. Ideally, I'd be already typing them out into something quasi-coherent, but, well, as has been established my personal laptop time is of course limited, and...have I said feh yet? However today and tomorrow may go, the first three days of this little adventure rocked. So I'll consider it a success no matter what.
2:14pm Found on Anna and Ali's fridge. The original author is unknown. (But I'll bet someone reading this can tell me.)
Solace Anna says it's the greatest poem ever. I am inclined to agree. I wish I'd written it.
sometime after midnight Tomorrow (that is to say, in about ten hours), Lynnee, myself, Anna Joy, Rocco and Michelle will be talking to a class of teenagers in drug rehab. Nutty. The afternoon itself was questionable, but Thursday evening at Siren was terrific. I think Lynnee and I will be doing this again.
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