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Monday, 30 April 2007 (as you are to yourself) 7:12am The first post-inferno commute. This should be fun. 4:19pm Perdita's doing better. She slept with me last night, and was energetic enough this morning to struggle and make the oral antibiotic I was trying to give her go flying everywhere. At the very least, I think this means I won't have to take her back to the emergency vet. To a regular vet, on the other hand...
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Sunday, 29 April 2007 (dark satanic mills) 1:57pm Got back to Wonderland around four on Saturday. We had an of a number of plans (including getting some work done as well as hitting the Chabot Space & Science Center to look at very faraway things), most of which fell by the wayside in favor of falling into bed. By the time we left Wonderland around half past eight, we decided to go into the City. After having dinner at Cancunwhere I also ate on Thursday night even though my destinations were nowhere near The Dark Room, and where I'll probably eat tonight, since my destination is The Dark Roomwe returned to the Black Light District. I knew something was wrong when Perdita wasn't already crying before I opened the door. Her food is on top of the fridge right next to the front door, and it was obvious as soon as I saw it that she hadn't eaten much; I filled it before I left on Friday morning, and it was still mostly full. She was quiet, lethargic, wouldn't eat except for a nibbling at a couple of kitty treats Vash put donw, had difficulty jumping onto the bed and the table, and, perhaps most tellingly, didn't sleep with Vash and I. Scary. She wasn't doing appreciably better when we got up this morning, so we took her to the emergency pet hospital near 9th and Lincoln. I felt like the worst kittymom ever when I admitted that, um, I haven't taken her to a vet since I got her two years ago. (It just never occurs to me at the right time, which is just about the worst excuse possible.) They said she had a fever and was dehydrated, possibly due to an infection of some kind. They gave her intravenous fluidsessentially a lump of water under her skin that her body will absorb over the course of the dayand some twice-daily antibiotics. When we brought her back home, she went straight to her food and started eating like...well, like a cat who hasn't eaten for a couple days. I'm taking that to be a very good sign. Have to say, she traveled well. Cried a little at first, but mostly relaxed in my arms and watched the world go past. Good to know for when we finally take her to Fresno to meet her grandmother.
Vash and I then ate at the Sea Biscuit, after which she headed back to Wonderland, unaware that she would have to, as she put it, go home by route of Beirut, what with the tanker truck exploding and melting the freeway. 2007 is so going to go down as the worst commute year ever.
Perdita's still a little sluggish, but she's eating and jumping on and off of things with no apparent difficulty. She's also incredibly mellow when it comes to me giving her antibiotics, which is nice, since I don't always have Vash here to help like this morning. In any event, I guess I'll know for sure how she's doing by tomorrow.
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Saturday, 28 April 2007 (anywhere but inside) 1:02pm At Ultimate Grounds in Oakland. Vash is hosting her writing group at Wonderland, so I'm making myself scarce. Last night's Queer Open Mic was a lot of fun, if oddly attended. Leyba was the feature, and while there were very few readers, and there was a pretty decent crowd, mostly friends of his, including Peaches and Jennifer Fox Bennett. Which is terrific, whatever brings people in, and hopefully a few of them will come back. Except for Vash and Johanna, hardly any of our regulars attended. Alas. Their loss. (Kinda like what happened with The Passion of the Christ at Bad Movie Night. Does controversy scare people that much? Or is the promise/threat of blood?) After the show, a woman who'd seen me at Peaches' Black Mass last December but had never been to the Queer Open Mic said, I have a "a great community energy." Very sweet. Thursday night Johanna and I went to the Power Exchange. Her first time, but she'd always been curious about it, especially after my Eros article. (That was the point, as far as I'm concerned, to get people to check the joint out.) We were in the Dungeon outside the Cage talking to Artwhore when Rhonda came up and said to him: there aren't any paper towels left in the bathroom, and my hands are covered in jorm! A better introduction to the Power Exchange, I cannot imagine. Meanwhile, the Bay to Breakers isn't going to happen. At least, not for me. Vash is in shape for it, but I'm not and am not damn likely to be by May 20, and that's okay. The following weekend (May 25-27) is going to be pretty busy, however. In addition to getting my hair reblondified on Saturday morning and squidified on Sunday, Fresh White has asked me to host a Trans March benefit that Friday night, and Robert Lawrence has asked Vash and I participate in the Masturbate-a-Thon that Saturday at Kink.com's Porn Palace. He'd like us to help populate the Barn, Vash as a pony, and myselfwell, as he put it, what is a barn without a cat? Indeed.
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Friday, 27 April 2007 (the negatives of my life) 5:30pm I was standing on the platform at Embarcadero Station this morning minding my own businessisn't that always when shit goes down? when you're minding your own business?and a woman came up to me and said: do you watch all my children? Huh. As usual when confronted with random questions, I was honest: actually it was my mom's favorite soap opera when i was growing up, and I didn't get to tell my charming anecdote about poring over the world atlas (I was fascinated by maps of other places as a child, ironic considering how sedentary I am now) while my mom would watch her story, because the woman interrputed: you remind me of a character named zarfy. the hair, and...well, everything. whenever i see you, i want to tell you that. I replied, somewhat nonplussed: and this is a good thing, huh? She said: it is. you look just like him! Ugh. I knew this would end badly, that the male pronoun would creep in, but it still hurt when it did. I said: oh. well, so long as it's a good thing. thanks. And I walked away. I could have argued her on the pronoun thing, but didn't see the point. Turns out the character she was thinking of was the much-hyped tranny character on the show, and...yeah. She meant well. I'm quite sure of that.
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Thursday, 26 April 2007 (nowhere to fly to) 11:50am Someone described my writing as autobiographical anthropology. That's a compliment. 5:20pm I accidentally left the stories I'm working on back at the office. It feels like I lost a limb or something. sometime after midnight Ah, life. It's just so fucking weird.
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Wednesday, 25 April 2007 (shame of it all) 5:24pm I remembered The Ex's birthday yesterday, and my mom's a couple weeks back, but I managed to blank on my two-year anniversary with NakedSword. Not a big deal, but also the biggest deal ever. If I make it through the end of the yearand I intend to be, unless forcibly ejectedI'll have been here longer than I was at CNET. That feels important, probably because some highly stupid part of me still hasn't gotten over losing that job.
My notes about Saturday night, in raw form, unpolished, probably passable as stream-of-consciousness poetry if I get lazy, come out to about twenty-six hundred words. It's a story I really want to tell properly, but it'll have to wait.
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Tuesday, 24 April 2007 (live in the trees) 12:25pm fill in: whorish black heart of evil. cross out: bad housekeeping. 5:20pm When you figure out what it is you want to do, you'd best get about doing it. 11:15pm Went to see Jim Campbell's Home Movies art exhibit, which included a piece which I totally would have bought if I had eighteen thousand dollars to spare, then to Annie's to write, finally hooking up with Rimma for dinner. Watched cartoons at her place until eleven. Already yawning, but I'm heading to Sadie's to work anyway. It's too early for home. sometime after midnight Pounded out a thousand-words-or-less story for Carol Queen's Five Minute Erotica Volume 2. I'm not crazy about it, fictional smut still isn't my strong suit, but at least it's done. The curtains have surely closed elsewhere. I think home is safe now.
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Monday, 23 April 2007 (pretending the danger's not real) 8:14am My personal concept of Buddhism: gracefully accepting no, probably not as the answer to the question will there be a next time? 3:22pm There's a fine line between subtle and incomprehensible, and I'm frequently on the wrong side. 5:12pm If I was a male-identified teenager, I'd probably be emo. (Rimma tells me I'm pretty damned emo as it is.) 8:41pm I'm just speaking my truth...it's what I feel. 10:17pm I went straight from workwell, straight from the N-Judahto the Sea Biscuit, where I pounded out the Divas article for Eros. No wifi, but it's good to learn to live without it. Besides, there wasn't anywhere to sit at Java Beach. Thanks to the miracle of text messaging, I didn't feel completely isolated. Because I'm that needy.
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Sunday, 22 April 2007 (a minor sort of epic) 5:10pm My knees are still red from crawling around the Citadel in cat mode last night. Next time, kneefurpads. 7:35pm we're forever warped by this weekend, aren't we? 11:19pm Vash and I got out of bed today in time enough to join Cindy and her friend Anh-Hoa for a (shall we say) leisurely breakfast at the Soma Inn Cafe, and then on to the Alternative Press Expo. Haven't been in a couple of years, and it's never my most favoritest event, but it was pretty cool. Commiserated with Vale for a while on the awesomeness of the Stooges show Thursday night. Left out the part about dinner that night (from Gyro King at 25 Grove, for the record) making me sick the next day. From APE, Vash and I went to Dr. Sketchy's. She drew while I wrote, per usual. After a hopefull not-sick-making dinner at Kiki (and some processing to help us digest the sushi), she dropped me off at Java Beach, where I managed to score a table with an outlet, and worked until they closed. Because I haven't written at all this weekend, and as a budding workaholic, that simply will not do. This weekend was far more good than bad--for as horrible as Friday was, Saturday was wonderful. By my math, that's a victory.
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Saturday, 21 April 2007 (nothing's going to change the world) 9:04am Awake, alive. I wasn't sure I was going to get much sleep last night, as I spent most of the day asleep. As it was, last night felt more like a series of long naps. Whatever. Just so long as it worked. Haven't hurled again, though my stomach still isn't very happy with me. I feel weak, though that may be becuase in the last thirty-odd hours I've all had to eat are some saltines, and that was at Vash's urging. (Tricky, because it required leaving the house and driving to Walgreen's, but I managed.) I'm having some soup right now, and I'm determined to leave the house today and meet up with Vash at the Citadel for an Animal Role-Play class. We'd talked about me joining her and Zoe last night at the Eighth Annual Dog and Pony Show, but then I had to go and sick. Dumb stupid body.
Though I'm looking forward to ither pony stable needs a resident cat, yes it doesthe exact nature of the event almost doesn't matter. I just want to be with Vash today.
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