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Wednesday, 30 September 2009 (the dark places of the earth) 7:53am It's not strictly the order in which the events occurred and the words were spoken, but it makes for better storytelling this way. 5:23pm I knew I'd been forgetting something: my hormone anniversary. As of September 18, I've been on female hormones for eleven years. I'm a little surprised it so thoroughly slipped my mind, but maybe what Patton Oswalt said about birthdays also holds true for anniversarieseleven doesn't count. | ||
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Tuesday, 29 September 2009 (born of cold light) 7:12am I dreamed I was going to play the lead in a stage production of Pink Floyd The Wall. Gee, I wonder where *that* came from. Though I have to say, aside from the fact that the main character Pink is supposed to be a boy, it sounds like an awesome gig. 11:42am Ugh. Though I can't tell if it's piddled on my Victory Garden yet, the dog has definitely gone digging through my patio tomato plant. That's what they'll do, I suppose. You know who doesn't do that sort of thing? Non-invasive indoor cats like Perdita. Just an obervation. The kale and and snap pea plants both got devastated by the local faunathe insectoid kind, not the canine kindso I've removed them from the garden. The vine tomato and zucchini are coming along nicely, however (I'm considering putting another tomato in where the kale was, because if nothing else, I like tomato better) and the green bean is climbing like mad. 6:01pm Wow. A tsunami advisory has been issued for the California coast. It's not expected to be anything majorjust higher tides than usualbut considering that I live smack dab in the middle of the tsunami zone, it's hard not to be a little nervous. Either way, I'll be at Tales from The Dark Room dress rehearsal, so I'll have other things on my mind. 9:41pm The dress rehearsal went swimmingly, and thanks to both Rhiannon and her mom (for the costume and makeup, respectively), my zombie look is faboo. Because I'm vain and shallow we ended up up going less scary/gory and more "Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner" with my eyes, but that's okay. 11:22pm Not much to report mid-tsunami. It's not even noticeably windy. Jupiter is close to the moon, however, and the moonlight on the ocean is beautiful. | ||
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Monday, 28 September 2009 (beneath) 8:11am ...and the barking from upstairs begins anew. Oh well. I enjoyed the three (3!) months of relative peace and quiet while it lasted. 9:02pm Between Drone Forest and Lustmord, I have about 40 hours of drone and/or dark ambient on my laptop. It's a good start, anyway. I went to The Dark Room today to rehearse my host segments for this weekend's show, and then to Rhiannon's for final costume fittings. It's all coming together nicely. Hopefully people will actually show up. | ||
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Sunday, 27 September 2009 (the conflict of symbols) 2:51pm After no small amount of deliberation and mutual indecisiveness, Marta and I have arrived at a tres hip Mission eatery for a lateish brunch. (As would be Ennui's wont to point out, it makes up Mission Hipsters. Well, duh.) A serious hardcase is sitting next to us, a fellow whose ripped body with its tattoos and piercings scream out EX-CON. (The specific tattoos and piercings, of course. Obviously in and of themselves tattoos and piercings mean nothing.) There's some sort of flirtation going on between him and one of the waitresses, judging from her telling him she "took a little off the top" when she gave him the check, and him asking her when she gets off work. She suggested that they could go get a smoothie together, and I swear, his entire body tensed up and he said: a smoothie? oh, no, I don't do that sort of thing. That right there, that's clearly a man who was nobody's bitch while he was in the joint. Oh, he probably a fucked a few asses, but he surely didn't take it up the ass. He ain't no smoothie-drinker, that's for goddamned sure. As he got up to leave, I couldn't help but notice he had a black handkerchief with white skulls sticking out of his back left pocket. I'm not sure what that signifies these days, but whatever it is, I don't think he'd like it. 6:31pm After brunch, Marta and I went to the Folsom Street Fair. We weren't sure if we were going to make it, but I'm glad we did. Though Frank Chu was nowhere to be seen, which was a little unsettling. We walked around through the thick crowds for a while, running into a number of friends of hers but very few of mine except for one ex-lover. (And as ex-lovers go, there were worse ones to run into. We also ran into Hayley later, but it was outside the Fair, and thus doesn't count.) We managed to achieve our primary goal of seeing Natalie Portman's Shaved Head perform. They were great, we got to dance, and best of all, Horehound was there, dancing and having a grand old time. It always makes me happy to see him happy. sometime after midnight Marta made me dinner at her place, and then we went to The Dark Room for Bad Movie Night. She didn't stay for the movie itself (Dead Poets Society, I can hardly blame her), but it was a good night all the same. | ||
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Saturday, 26 September 2009 (immersion) 8:34pm Busy day so far. Parked Phoebe at 16th and Church, went to the gym, then to The Dark Room so Rhiannon's mom could practice putting zombie makeup on me. Looks pretty good, I think, and everyone else seems to think so, too. Marta joined me at The Dark Room to have dinner with me and Rhiannon (but not Rhiannon's mom), and now we're heading into The Castro. We'd thought about going to Bootie at the DNA Lounge, but The Castro is closer, and it feels like more of the place to be on Folsom Saturday. 11:26pm We came, we drank, we danced (both at Q Bar, which had far more girls than I was expecting), we left. | ||
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Friday, 25 September 2009 (carbon core) 8:45pm Sitting at a table at Mission Creek writing on my laptop, because it's Folsom Friday and I know how to par-tay! On the other hand, I've finally hit a groove on my new book, and I'll take my grooves whenever and wherever they happen. | ||
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Thursday, 24 September 2009 (reading the label) 11:48am I ran yesterday morning, then hit the gym on the way back home. I was able to find a non-metered spot, which always helps. Marta came over in the evening, and we had Indian pizza for dinner because her scooter broke down. Made sense at the time, anyway. 10:13pm I'm working the door at The Dark Room. It's an acoustic series Jim's been running, and it's been seriously underattended, but the show is going on, as it must. 11:44pm Pete came byquite by accident, really, he was just walking past and decided to stick his head inand we hung out in the kitchen for a while. He'd been restocking on Whip-Its, so we did a few hits together. (No kissing, of course. Nitrous kisses are the best, but we don't have that kind of relationship.) Eh, I'm pretty sure I didn't need those brain cells anyway. | ||
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Wednesday, 23 September 2009 (the first major misstep) 12:30pm Dear Obama: while you're fixing health care, can you can repair the doors in the women's room of the pharmacy at San Francisco General? They're seriously messed up. Thanks! 1:21pm I got in and out of the Pharmacy with my new 'mones much faster than usual. I'm still looking forward to getting back on regular insurance and just going to Walgreens, though. Eventually. To that end, I've signed up for the next big Job Fair at the Center. At least this time I have a better idea of what I'm doing. Sorta. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for the copywriting gig, though I should have some idea if it's going to happen by the time the Job Fair rolls around. 8:03pm Mmm. Salted lassi. sometime after midnight i want to get stoned and listen to r.e.m. with you. | ||
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Tuesday, 22 September 2009 (in spite of it all) 6:22pm On the plus side, though, my first Unemployment Insurance extended claim form arrived yesterday. Whew! The system works. Wrote and went running twice again today. I'm also going to honestly try to start getting to bed well before midnight, in hopes of reducing the need for afternoon naps. Plus, you know, a full night's sleep is just a good thing anyway. I've also started writing the script for my gig hosting Tales from The Dark Room next week. Comedy is hard! On the plus side, I've found someone to do the zombie makeup on meRhiannon's mom, as it turns out, which is nice because it keeps it in the familyand also found the look I want to do. Unsurprisingly, it's not all that different from how I look in full battlegear. 10:16pm Although I do wish that when I hear scratchy/tappy/rodent-y sounds from under my sink, as I've been hearing with increasing frequency these days, and I bring Perdita over there in hopes that she'll be all feline and, like, notice the sounds and meow and thus make whatever it is fear its natural predator, but no dice. She just gives me a why the hell did you bring me over here, mom? look and goes back into the bedroom. That's the one thing I would change about her. | ||
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Monday, 21 September 2009 (the legend living on) 9:52pm I was doing pretty well today, I was. I wrote for an hour this morning, the online writing group thing that Marta and I do every weekday morning at seven, then I went running, got more stuff done then went running again, even. Granted, it's still power-walking rather than running, but it's all good. Then I get an email from my neighbors telling me that the dog is returning this weekend. Great. Lovely. (It's been with the guy's parents, who are also visiting this weekend. I was enjoying the silence, being able to sleep without having to worry about the dog barking outside my window at all hours. I like peace and quiet. No more of that for me, I guess. They also suggested I extend the Victory Garden fence out even more to further ensure it's safe from the dog's monsoon-like urine. Great. Lovely. Perfect. c0g seemed confident that it would be enough to discourage the dog (which he'd never met, admittedly), and I sincerely hope he's right. All of this just makes me appreciate Perdita even more. Cats are the best. Especially Perdita. She doesn't pee everywhere and keep people awake all night with her crying. | ||
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