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Thursday, 10 September 2009 (continental drift) 7:45am Ugh. I hate trying to describe buildings, even when I have a picture to work from like this, which is where Shrine of Lilith was held way back when. The best I can ever do is "It's big. And it has a door." Marta and I watched Ed Wood last night, one of my most favorite movies ever. She'd seen Plan 9 From Outer Space with me at Rifftrax Live a couple weeks back, and I showed her Glen or Glenda? after that so she'd be properly prepared. I think she liked it. 2:33pm Rhiannon and I went shopping for fabric for my cheerleader costume for Tales from The Dark Room. (Haven't found anyone to zombify me yet.) It's going to be blue and gold, because darker colors would be too easy. I wish my waist hadn't expanded as much as it has in recent months so I might actually look good as a cheerleader, but that's nobody's fault but mine. It make me wish sometimes that I had the willpower to purge, or significantly reduce my intake, but I just don't. Afterward, we went shopping for salad stuff and returned to her apartment to chow down. Iceberg lettuce with Italian dressingnot something I would eat at home, but damn, it was yummy. It felt like my equivalent of decadence, because it takes so little for me. 11:12pm I braved the East Bay this evening to rehearse with Melanie, my partner for tomorrow night's San Francisco Fringe show at The Garage. She's doing stand-up, and I'm doing "The Last Dog and Pony Show" and possibly "Intersections and Interventions" if I can re-learn it in time. I haven't performed it in since March, and have memorized "The Last Dog and Pony Show" in the meantime, so the real question is whether I can have both of them in my head at the same time. That's a whole bunch of words. | ||
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Wednesday, 9 September 2009 (when i come around) 2:20pm I went running yesterday morning, and again today. Every bit helps, but I also know it's not enough to help me get back into the shape I was in six months ago. My metabolism has reasserted itself in a big way. Marta's coming over tonight. That always make me feel better. | ||
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Tuesday, 8 September 2009 (hate to say i told you so) 11:18am Another note to self: a rough draft is meant to be just that--rough. Get the words written, and deal with smoothing them later. 12:05pm When the Tuesday Noon Siren went off just now, Marta and I texted "Duck and Cover!" to each other. Yep, we're that bad. 4:11pm San Francisco Brewcraft on Clement looks exactly like you'd expect a brewery supply store in the Richmond District to look. I went there in search of airlocks, which I found. Unfortunately, shopping elsewhere I was unable to find (or find affordable) the necessary stuff to make Ethiopian t'ej. Honey isn't inexpensive (it would have cost about fourteen dollars to buy a can with enough, and I couldn't bring myself to plunk down that kind of money), and narrow-mouthed glass jugs aren't so easy to find, especially since plastic is all the rage in supermarkets. Alas. | ||
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Monday, 7 September 2009 (when it all stops) 10:01am I think I can reasonably assume that the excellent-looking jobs I've been applying for lately are a bust, since I haven't heard a damn thing from them. Feh. It's a national holiday and all, so I guess I can be excused for not job-applying today. Meanwhile, with the help of Lifehacker I'm finally digitizing my cassettes. First up: Practice Schmacktus by The Sleestacks (a Fresno band from the late eighties which partially evolved into Sedan Delivery), and Bach Sonatas and Partitas by Yehudi Menuhin. 11:32pm Note to self: while factually accurate, "My cat is lying on my notebook" is not a valid excuse to postpone writing. 12:11pm Working on Landing on Water and reflecting on things I've written in the past that have gotten me into trouble, like the Rent Girl diary entry (gods, that whole brouhaha was so stupid and unnecessary) or the night at Black Sheets which eventually became "Coma White." I can only assume that certain things in Bottomfeeder may ruffle a few feathers, too. So it goes. I've never regretted writing about something, not even the things that made friends go away. I only ever regret not writing. 7:25pm Except for climbing into the backyard to get some lettuce out of my Victory Garden, I haven't left the house today. Nowhere to go, and beside, it's a holiday. | ||
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Sunday, 6 September 2009 (the primary visual inspiration) sometime after midnight We'd briefly considered going dancing at Rebel Girl, but not dealing with crowds sounded much nicer. So, what happened: we swung by Marta's place so she could get her laptop, started to walk back to Phoebe, then decided that we wanted to get stoned so we went back to her place once again to get a pipe, and then drove to the Black Light District and smoked some of the grass I got as a consolation gift back in March when I lost my job. It's been sitting untouched this whole time, because I smoke so rarely and never alone. (It doesn't help that I haven't been able to find my pipe, which I can only assume got relocated to some logical-at-the-time place during the big cleaning project earlier this year.) After taking a few hits each, we cuddled on my bed for a while before succumbing to the obvious temptation of stoned sex. I put on The Grateful Dead (Dick's Picks Volume Four, to be precise) because I've always agreed with the classicists: it's great music when you're baked. I like it well enough when I'm sober, too, but still, it's all about the right tool for the right job. After a few hours of that we crashed out for several hours, woke up and had at each other again, then fell back asleep until noon. Decadence! We got out of the house in time to check out Sunday Streets. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to see on my stretch of the Great Highway except a bunch of bicyclists in the fog, so we went back inside. We had big plans to run errands and be productive, none of which happened, because we found ourselves back in bed again. It doesn't take much more than Marta sitting on my lap for the slippery slope to appear beneath us. We got out of the house in time enough to get to The Dark Room for Bad Move Night, which Marta stuck around for for the first time since early July. Afterward, we decided to give The Power Exchange a shot, but lack of parking resulted in us just cruising by outside and, in my case, marveling at the lighting in the Tenderloin. It always seems so much brighter than the rest of the town at night, y'know? I'm sure there's a reason for that. Anyway, we went to Divas for karoake. Marta abstained, but I sang "The Great Beyond" by R.E.M. and "Spark" by Tori Amos, because it was there and I've never much cared how entertaining my choices are to anyone else in the room. (It was gratifying to hear one of the girls mention to a friend that she really liked the lyrics to "Spark," though. I'm not a huge Tori fan, but I love that song so much.) Raj was also there, and it was nice to see him, since I haven't been to karoake since May. Anyway, Marta and I left around one. I dropped her off and returned home, alone. | ||
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Saturday, 5 September 2009 (no sense to be found) 12:52pm I only got about three hours of sleep last night, but the afternoon crash hasn't hit. I wish it would, so I can get my nap out of the way. 7:42pm The running joke is that parking in San Francisco (especially in The Mission) is at its most abundant because so many people are away at Burning Man, and it's actually quite true. I'm heading to Herbivore to have dinner with Marta. What happens after that, I'm not entirely certain. | ||
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Friday, 4 September 2009 (maybe someday) 8:50am When I try to open hottopic.com from '99 in the Wayback Machine, my browser crashes. Damn you, Hot Topic! Is there no end to your villainy? 11:52am Just got a new pair of pants at Ross. The label says "Made in Kenya." Hey, just like our President! Zing! (I'm available, Fox News. Call me!) 12:23pm One of the weird things about growing lettuce? The sap. Until recently, I didn't know lettuce had sap. (Obviously, I never read Beatrix Potter.) 5:15pm Tonight is Midnites for Maniacs at the Castro, and this marquee makes me proud to be a San Franciscan. (I'm still ambivalent about being an American, though.) 6:52pm Joined Rhiannon and her boyfriend at The Cove before the movies. I already had a burrito earlier, but since Rhiannon was picking up the check (not to mention buying the movie ticket for my broke ass), I had a Bloody Mary. Not one of the better ones in town, I'm sorry to say. 7:45pm I just won the soundtrack to Less Than Zero on LP at Midnites for Maniacs because I knew Tom Cruise was in Losin' It. Those years of doing inventory at The Video Zone just keeps paying off. 10:56pm The famous Phoebe Cates nude scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Seriously overrated. I'm more partial to Jennifer Jason Leigh anyway. Leigh fully clothed in eXistenZ is hotter than Cates nude in anything. sometime after midnight Second vinyl trivia win tonight: The Last American Virgin soundtrack, 'cuz I know all about Cannon Films. Home now. I was wide awake and restless after the movies were over, and not especially wanting to go home. It was pushing two o'clock, and the bars were closing, so I couldn't even go to Divas. I found myself wishing that The Power Exchange was open and tweeted as much, and I received a tweet back informing me that it had reopened that very night. I pulled over and looked at the website (because I'm a safe driver, thankyouverymuch) and discovered that, yep. It was open all right. But I was already most of the way home, and it was in a new locationpretty much on the edge of the Tenderloin, an area that I know well enough to know that there's little parking but many drug dealers and crackheads, and I'm just middle-class enough to not find any romance in that scenario. Besides, I didn't want to go with out talking to Marta first. So, I headed home. This night is pretty much over, and what the heck, I got a decent bounty from it. | ||
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Thursday, 3 September 2009 (most of the preceding) 3:01pm Victory Garden 2.0, a few weeks on. Things are growing! 9:31pm I just watched Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell. There's nothing wrong with it that a main character with charisma and/or comic timing couldn't have fixed. | ||
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Wednesday, 2 September 2009 (stigmatosis) 12:52pm I've gone running (power-walking, anyway) along the beach these last couple of mornings. I've only been able to make it for about half an hour before heading back in, and it's nowhere near as effective as the hour of cardio I used to on a daily basis, but it's better than nothing. Another new ritual involves Marta. Her thing is to write every morning from seven to eight, so I've been joining her. Not in person, but she pings me at seven on gmail chat to say she's starting, and we both do nothing but write for the next hour. Also better than nothing. | ||
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Tuesday, 1 September 2009 (meant to be painful and ugly) 3:51pm Perdita's just fine, as I suspected she would be. Healthy kitty! | ||
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