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Sunday, 10 September 2006 (in plain sight) 11:51am What was supposed to be a weekend out of the Bay Area mutated into something else. That'll happen. Very little went as planned. Nothing catastrophic went wrong; it was more like a steady stream of not-quite-right. Which is nothing new, when you think about it. My computer is still in the hospital. I did, however, get the audition for the improv group, a week from this Tuesday. Another corner, or possibly another wall. Hard to tell from this distance.
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Friday, 8 September 2006 (sideways descent) 9:18am Horribe, horrible commute this morning. While the N was speeding through Duboce tunnel, one of the middle doors opened. Nobody was hurt, but they took the train out of service shortly thereafter. Lots of walking and train-hopping ensued, including narrowly avoiding having to deal with someone I don't like very much. There's never a good time to have to make small talk with someone you find noxious, but there are worse times than others. Like the day I discovered I'd been cast as a boy in a play (yep, still hurts bad); on the train ride home from work I got cornered by someone who means well but whose voice is like a burning cheese grater to the forehead on a good day, let alone on a day in which I'm just barely keeping my shit together.
My computer's been acting sluggish and wonky, so I took it to back to its creator for maintenance last night. While there, I watched the rehearsal of the latest production. As always,
bittersweet on more levels than I can count, especially when I heard that they had a last-minute opening in the cast...which got filled immediately. Not only has that train long
since left without me, I can't even find the station.
Meanwhile, I've received a closed call for submissions from Michelle Tea for a book she's editing, on a subject near and dear to my heart. I've also applied for an audition with the Pan Theater. This is no way shape or form means I'll actually get an audition, mind you. And now, into the dark.
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Thursday, 7 September 2006 (spitting vitriol) 9:25am Mocha Almond Fudge is my favorite flavor of ice cream, yet I didn't much care for the Almond Mocha I bought on the way to work this morning. Discuss. 4:18pm So we were at the Transfer last night, sitting along the window facing Church street. Between the Muni station and the 22 line and the Safeway and all it's a busy intersection, so inevitably we both saw people we know walking by. Inside the bar, for some inexplicable reason, it was like a gravity well. Even though there was plenty of space, people kept clustering right next to us. One recurring group of lopers included two increasingly drunk girls who kept interjecting themselves into our conversation. One of them insisted on talking to me at length about nothing in particular, weaving to and fro well within my personal space, her wide onyx pupils and gaunt face at close range giving her an unnerving deathshead feeling. Of course, being a professional (or at least accomplised) Active Listener, I was too polite to hell her to bugger off. She also complained frequently of being unable to get the playa dust out of her hair and shoes. Playa dust: the last refuge of the scoundrel.
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Wednesday, 6 September 2006 (a thing or two) 3:46pm I'm going on a date this evening, someone I met via Craigslist. We're meeting at Ali's old favorite bar, a meaningless coincidence which amuses me all the same. I have no expectations, though I'll be keeping my bag very very close, that's for damn sure.
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Tuesday, 5 September 2006 (spectre of the future) 5:40pm Note to self: when you do diary updates from home over the weekend, it helps to actually upload them. 10:58pm I finally made it to the gym tonight. Alert the frackin' media.
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Monday, 4 September 2006 (sideline festival) 3:57pm where do we go from here?
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Sunday, 3 September 2006 (cold outside, but brightly lit) 11:52pm William Shatner Month at Bad Movie Night started off this evening with Secrets of a Married Man. Please don't ask me why. For a holiday weekend, Vash and I did a lot of running around, including going to her gym Saturday morning (for ten bucks as a guest, I swam while she took a pilates class), and a couple photo shoots. One shoot was of cupcakes that we'd done unspeakable things to for use as a promo picture for an erotica reading Maddy's hosting next month. The other was cheesecakey pictures of Vash for use in securing adult giggery. Shortly after she sent off the pictures she got an offer to do Japanese Rope Bondage, so I'd say it worked.
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Saturday, 2 September 2006 (the limit of what we've got) 11:52pm The benefits I read at tonight and last night were...well, let's just say they were about as well-attended as one can possibly expect any event to be on Labor Day Weekend in this town. Even with the sparse crowd, I can't remember the last time I cleared out as room as efficiently as I did this evening. I think I tend to forget how esoteric some of my writing can be; a straight crowd is unlikely to grok the piece I wrote for Transforming Community. It's not so much like educating them as it is speaking in tongues. The weird thing was, I'd worked so hard to get the piece under ten minutes in the first place, and had to sacrifice a lot of material I'd like, but when I read it tonight it felt like it meandered and went on forever. Playing to a largely empty room occupied by a few disinterested Norms will do that. They weren't rude or anything; they just weren't present. Oh well. It's good to have gigs like that on occasion. Builds character.
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Friday, 1 September 2006 (where it hurts) 2:23pm The new boots are working out just fine. A little tricky to get in and out of, but that's to be expected for new boots, right? I wouldn't know. It's been a long time.
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