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Saturday, 10 September 2005 (smashed and exiled) 8:17am My physical condition notwithstanding, last night's Queer Open Mic was rough emotionally. But I survived and endured. It's what I do. Good thing I've learned to do it in front of an audience. 9:18am Last to leave, first to arrive, I'm back at the office for a Tim & Roma! shoot. Having learned my lesson from last time, I'm already made up. Besides, I have a long day ahead of me. 11:52am Despite some technical glitches early on and the talent being a bit late, it was a good shoot. It was just an interview in the pr0n room, but I took advantage of the extra time in the beginning to play set decorator and make sure my favorite box covers were visible in the background. I even threw in a few that didn't show girls and/or trannies.
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Friday, 9 September 2005 (paying nevermind) 9:55am Please don't take a picture. 10:04am Unless, I suppose, it's next Friday night; I've been asked to read at a hurricane relief benefit. The really neat thing? It's being put on by Uphill Both Ways. I love being asked to play with the cool kids. 11:01am Okay, I'm having a total gushy fangirl moment. I had no functional knowledge of gay pr0n before I started this job, and while I'm hardly an expert as this point, I'm at least growing familiar with the players. Like, I recognize Marcus Iron on the sign outside of Eros (the gay sex club where Retool amp; Grind is held) and I know that Michael Lucas has very troubling lips. The basics. I didn't know much more about straight pr0n, but I did know who Sharon Kane is, especially since she's done a lot of tranny stuff. Long story short (too late!), I just discovered that she's in Wet Palms, the gay pr0n soap opera which my company co-produces. Naturally, I immediately asked the producer of the Tim and Roma! (who, in classically incestuous fashion, writes Wet Palms and co-writes gaypornblog.com) if she's ever been on the show. And if so, when. And if not, if she can be. And if she can be, if I can interview. Because, you know. Fangirl.
Have I mentioned the tininess of the world lately? The first movie I saw her in was Sharon and Karen, which was one of a handful of tranny pr0n titles carried by the Video Zone in Fresno. (I can't find a picture of the box online, unfortunately.)
It was also the debut flick of Karen Dior, who I didn't realize died last year. Later that same yearin the New Orleans Hustler Store the day after Xmas, to be preciseI stumbled upon a movie directed by Karen starring an acquaintance of mine from way, way back.
Sometimes I think I was fated to be in this business.
why do you affect me? why do you affect me still?
why do you hinder me? why do you hinder me still?
why do you unnerve me? why do you unnerve me still?
why do you trigger me? why do you trigger me still?
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Thursday, 8 September 2005 (ebbing the current) 12:46pm The latest soon-to-be-broken promise to myself: starting Monday, I'm going get up at a quarter past five so I can get to the gym, the other gym, the less than conveniently located gym to which I still have a membership, by six. At least this one opens at six. And I used to do this sort of thing all the time. Used to be I'd get up even earlier, well before the sun peeked over the horizon. It mattered then, does it matter now? Our company has an annual holiday party, and a newer quote-tradition-unquote is to create a video for it. No, not pr0n. Last year's can be found on the Tim and Roma! page under 12/24/04. (Direct RealMedia links: 56K, 150K, and 350K.) Though it's still up in the air, Tim is talking about doing a Studio 54 tribute. As Aleister points out in the Wikipedia entry, it's ironic that Studio 54 was operated by a "flamboyant, publicly visible and openly gay" man and his "retiring, straight silent partner," since that pretty much sums up the ownership of this joint. Adding to the irony is that Tim wants me to be Debbie Harry, specifically doing "Call Me," presumably so he can live out his Richard Gere/American Gigolo fantasy. I'm rather thrilled by the idea, though odds are he doesn't know I've already documented my Blondie connection.
So, yeah, I guess it matters a little to me.
Rescue team apparently got into our house. Got 14 cats and the snake; are going to try to go back for more. I don't know which cats or where they are. Hoping for more info soon and will update as I can. I feel like a man who has just been pulled back from the edge of a deadly precipice. Thank you all, again, for the help. We still have a long, scary road ahead, but at least there is hope.Hope, indeed. 11:42pm Everyone already knows everyone. They just don't know it yet.
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Wednesday, 7 September 2005 (disbelief in transcendence) 11:26am At work, like the good little drone I am. Actually, I really oughtn't be so flip about it; even at its dreariest, this is still quite possibly the best job I've ever had, or could hope to. I like it here, I'm grateful for it, and it's important to be here as much as possible if only so they don't realize that they could do just fine without me. Meanwhile, according to the final sentence of what can be best described as a backhandedly-positive review of Good Advice for Young Trendy People of All Ages in the East Bay Express, I'm some sort of hub:
With chapters on dominatrices and hip mamas, the transgendered and the incarcerated, drugs and plastic surgery and fabulous hair, it's scenesterism's love letter to itself, and if you are one of the titular YTPs, odds are you know at least one of the contributors (Ariel Gore, Bucky Sinister, Sherilyn Connelly, Lynn Breedlove, Clint Catalyst, et al.) personally.All of a sudden I'm Jon Lovitz. Wanna be trendy? Get to know me! 3:39pm It takes a bit of diggingas of this writing, you have to go back sixteen pages, to right about herebut the July 29, 2004 entry of this blog is still online. 10:05pm So tens of thousands (or at least two tens of thousands) of people are in the Houston Astrodome, many of whom were transported there from that spiritual abattoir known as the Superdome. The former First Lady, the current President's mother, said...no, just read it. I don't have it in me to quote or paraphrase. Mark my words: they're going to get away with it, they're going to win, they will never be held accountable. Like Kurtz's ruminations about the horror of the enemy in Apocalypse Now, we lack their will. I canceled on Retool & Grind tonight for health reasons, but stopped in the Haight all the same to pick up some new fishnets and stripeys from New York Apparel. While there, I tried on some vinyl pants that didn't fit. See? Life goes on.
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Tuesday, 6 September 2005 (omitted results) 3:48pm Stayed home from work. Going tomorrow, come what may. Collette finally heard from a certain friend of hers from New Orleans. He was out of town while Maddy and I were there last December, so we've never met. Anyway, he was in That Place last week, The Superdome, describing it as "three days of unimaginable Hell." It's now been declared a biohazard zone:
A single shoe, in a child's size, is overturned in a mash of food wrappers, vomit and a tampon. The visitors cringe at the thought of a barefoot child and hope the shoe was just an extra that fell from a suitcase.
In spite of that, but I keep thinking that what would make being in there even worse is the fact that I probably wouldn't have my notebook and a penand if I did have my notebook, it would be waterlogged. So I couldn't even write about it while there. I mean, yeah, someone was able to bring a friggin' Xbox along, even though there was no power and
no teevee. (When I was a young whelp, I can imagine having wanted to hang onto to my Atari 2600.) Somehow, though, I just know something would have happened, and I would
have been stuck in Hell with no way to record it. Or, if I'd been able to bring it in, I would have had to leave it there, yet another journal of pain lost.
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Monday, 5 September 2005 (in my own time) 8:40pm This is so typical of me: I'm glad that if I had to get sick, it was on a holiday so I wouldn't feel guilty about missing work. Don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow, but that's just some other day. Had to give my show a miss. Dead air on Pirate Cat Radio right now. I doubt anyone's noticed.
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Sunday, 4 September 2005 (distant signal) 1:03pm I did manage to procure a marijuana snickerdoodle before the show on Friday night. As is so often the case, I ate a bit too much of it, as is glaringly obvious from what I wrote over the course of the evening. 9/2/05Since she lives close to the Great American Music Hall, Maddy offered to let me crash at her place if I wasn't in any condition to drive after the show. I was still a bit more baked than I would have liked, but drove home anyway.
Saturday night I opened for Lynnee at The Dark Room. Typically underattended opening night show, with one unexpected face in the crowd,
but it was fun. Afterwards, Lynnee and I went back to his place an talked until three in the morning. It's good to know we can still do that.
Though I sometimes wish that I had been born a decade later (not so I'd be younger now but so that the social conditions which made it possible for me to come out as a tranny
would have existed when I was a teenager), I do often wish I could have been around for the golden age of the drive-ins. Alas. Life would have been so hellish for me the rest of time,
it's definitely just for the best. At least I can read about it, and even
watch the intermission clips if I want. A friend of mine originally turned me on to Something Weird Video's
Hey, Folks! It's Intermission Time series back in the early nineties. I've been into this sort of thing for a long, long time.
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Saturday, 3 September 2005 (static state) 7:11pm Oh, right, like you've never gone nuts with the filters in Photoshop. Or wanted to, at least.
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Friday, 2 September 2005 (the other shoe) 11:03am After having dinner and watching Shallow Grave with Maddy last night, I walked the three blocks to Divas. From my notebook: 9/1/05I did go to the Lex afterwards, but didn't last very long, as I was quickly surrounded by straight couples. Christ, don't you fucking (or, rather, breeding) people have your own places? After centuries, millennia of marginalization, is it so much to ask? And don't you dare claim "discrimination." Feh. So I went to Bender's, which isn't queer so much as a freak/punk. Close enough. Talked and gossiped with Chupa, caught up and dished. It felt good. On the way home, I considered going into The Riptide, a bar a few blocks away from my apartment. I've been curious about it for years, but never have. My courage always fails me. Seeing now that Thursdays are Girls Rule! night, I'm wishing all the more that I did, just to see. There'll be other Thursdays, though I'm not sure what it is I'm expecting to see. I'm not straight and I don't really drinkthe citric acid from all the orange juice I drank last night probably burned a hole in my stomachso what's the point?
We were told we could go home at half past three, but I'm sticking around. I'm going to a noise show at the Great American Music Hall tonight, so I'd just have to turn around and head back downtown anyway. I had the foresight to bring my ticket along (go me!), so there's no practical reason. Sure, I wish I'd grabbed that pot brownie I got from c0g's mom in Bolinas, but, well, that's not worth the extra trip, especially when last night my car got what will surely be its final less-than-$3-per-gallon fillup last night. I could always drive home then take the train out to the show, but, um, please.
That said, I'm trying to convince myself that I need to start taking the train to work. What the hell, my gym is closed, what else am I going to do with myself
in the morning? And let's not forget the old chestnut: I'll have more time to read. Yes, of course, those are most superficial reasons possible to do the
right thing, but since when has the average human had any other motivation?
Why else would benefit concerts and charity fundraisers be necessary? We're all being generous nowwell, a lot of usbut it won't last, even though the need
never truly goes away.
Equally annoying this past weekend was the return of a sound I haven't heard in a few dozen moons: The Blair Witch Mouse. When I first noticed it from inside/behind the kitchen cupboards, I brought Perdita over and let her do her thing. Which was to look up at me with an expression of curiosity as to why I displaced her, and walk away, all while the Mouse was pinging and scratching like mad. Turns out Perdita isn't much of a mouser. Oh, hell. Maybe it's time to start considering a second cat, one with more of a killer instinct. They could keep Perdita company during the day while I'm gone, which is a good thing. On the other hand, I don't want two cats. One is plenty. Anyway, I was hoping the Mouse wouldn't make its presence known while Collette and I were tripping on Saturday night. Naturally, it did. During "A Saucerful of Secrets," the fucking rodent. Collette adjusted to it easily enoughshe has six cats and a vast menagerie of small green things in cages, not to mention live chirpy crickets to feed the aforementioned caged green thingsbut I was irrevocably distracted. Fucking rodent.
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7:01am The only thing worse than experiencing a bad dream is waking up from a good dream. 10:10am The Superdome is Hell. 10:42am It's a Soliloquy for Lilith kinda day. Week, month, year. Is it ever not? I'll be playing it on my show next week, anyway. 12:01pm Okay, I seem to be obsessing on the Superdome, probably because what's happening there is one of my nightmares made flesh. Except it's not happening to my flesh. The power in my neighborhood went off around eleven last night, so I had to use a flashlight and a candle to prepare to go to sleep in my comfy, dry futon with my cat curled up beside my head. And yet, I felt inconvenienced.
Children slept in waste. Cocaine vials littered the toilets. Blood stained the walls next to vending machines smashed by teenagers.I've always imagined with a shudder what it must have been like for the Jews (and gypsies and homosexuals and everyone else who was rounded up) on the trains headed for the concentration camps, the long overcrowded trip with barely any room to move and nowhere to piddle. Is this worse? Hell is other people, after all, and being amongst tens of thousands who are just as desperate and fucked-up as you, in this large yet enclosed space, it must be feel like not only is the world ending, but the universe is collapsing in on itself. I understand why some people killed themselves. It doesn't help that I don't like large sports arenas in the first place, and being inside an enclosed one sounds awful under the best of circumstances. Being in there now...have I mentioned that I grok the suicides?
The Superdome itself is finished, though. Even if they repair the damage, it would be like (if I may stretch a previous metaphor)
building a mall on Auschwitz. The place is haunted. It's been used as a shelter
before, but nothing remotely like this. It's all over, folks.
Chupa, whom I haven't visited in a long time, said the effect of seeing me blonde when she'd always known me to have black hair made her think of Patricia Arquette in Lost Highway. That's the second time I've been compared to Patricia in that movieCindy did so after seeing this pictureand, once again, I'll take it.
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