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Michael's right: aluminum does taste like fear. And the other way around.
10:17am With a mouth full of aluminum, I asked The Boss for a raise. What a dreadful feeling. I don't recall ever having done so before, or really needing to. I acknowledged that the company isn't in the best financial straits right now, but neither am I. Indeed, I'd say I'm a lot closer to being completely broke than he is. I didn't point this out, but considering that yesterday I had to dissuade him from plunking down six hundred dollars on Alpine Air Filter (scamscamscamSCAM), I think I've proven that I'm worth a dollar or three more per hour than he currently spends on me. Anyway, he seemed open to the idea, and told me we'd discuss it on Monday. He's said before that I need to take more initiative in following up with him. Well, Monday seems a perfect time to start.
11:32am Jesus. I just got called "sir" by a UPS woman. Not only am I wearing makeup, but for the first time in weeks I'm not wearing the somewhat androgynizing cowboy hat, which up until this morning had been necessary to keep the direct sunlight out of my eyes. Maybe if I wasn't wearing the dark glasses (the sunlight isn't direct, but it's still bright) she might have seen somewhat overly made up eyes, and...well, probably still called me "sir." It very seldom happens in person anymore, and I was so taken by surprise she left before I could correct her. Ugh.
4:06pm I didn't think it was going to happen, but I have a new piece to read tonight. Cool. I've also figured out how to configure SpamAssassin to actually identify spam in the subject line. (You might think that would be a default, but you'd be wrong.) Now all I have to do is figure out how to get pine to automatically filter it to a separate folder. You know, without breaking anything this time. Go me. I'm all l33t 'n stuff.
sometime after midnght Long night, drama in many directions, good reading. So very tired.
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9:02am My body is all about the ironic timing: I have a canker sore. Upper inside lip, perfectly positioned to re-irritate itself against my teeth whenever I eat or speak. Wouldn't be surprised if I accidentally bit it open before the show tomorrow night. Of course, if I'm in pain, it'll just help me live up to Tarin's description of me in the current publicity: "Goth poetry without the high school." Heh. I love it. Not that I write poetry, but pick pick. We saw Whale Rider last night. The cleansing continues. There were a few other people in the theater, but nothing's perfect.
9:43am Today's a double anniversary for me. Both were arguably life-changing events. On September 18, 1998, I started on hormones. On September 18, 2001, I got laid off from CNET. There's no connection, of course. My position was eliminated because I didn't know better than to accept pay increases they'd given me over the years, thus making me being too expensive to keep when our department got downsized. I hadn't actually come out at work yetI was going to be meeting with HR the following week to make the announcementso it's not like they were picking on the queer or anything. It was just fate. Coincidentally, I've been going through a CD-Rom of stuff I burned off my old CNET computer on my last day, nearly three years' worth of accumulated personal stuff. Some of it's almost five years old, and there's a lot of pictures. Damn, but I was fugly back then. Among other things.
12:41pm From Spanganga's site: Night of the Living Dead is the classic low-budget sixties horror film that started a genre, busted race type-casting and then entered the public domain. See George Romero's all-time classic tale of the night Zombies walk the Earth in search of live flesh for food live and onstage. "Not for vegetarians." Great. Now they tell me.
11:39pm Completing our marathon, we saw The Magdalene Sisters tonight. What is it about female sexuality that so frightens the power structure? Yes, I'm being rhetorical.
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Since it was Date Night, we were determined to go to a movie. Our original plan had been Winged Migration at the Red Vic, but going into the Haight sounded like too much trouble. Besides, we still have a bunch of UA passes from my mom, and they've been mutating into an arthouse chain, which is perfect. So, we went to the UA Metro in Colma, a relatively simple drive with plenty of free parking. (I had to deal with finding parking at Fillmore and Haight twice this weekend, so those were important details.) (No, taking the bus hadn't been option either time. What sort of silly question is that?) A great selection, too: Spellbound, The Magdalene Sisters, Swimming Pool, Dirty Pretty Things and Whale Rider. Can't go wrong. Unless you decide to go with one of the two studio films playing, in this case The Italian Job. (The other, an exercise in indirect misogyny starring a prominent figure in current California politics, was not an option.) Every so often I feel the need for pure entertainment, preferably something which doesn't look like it'll insult my intelligence in the process. And it mostly didn't. Mostly. It was okay. But as is so often the case with major Hollywood movies, we left it feeling unsatisfied, and wished we'd seen The Magdalene Sisters instead. I keep forgetting that I don't like the taste fluff leaves in my mouth.
Will you live to 83?
3:18pm My body's atrophying from lack of exercise. I didn't make it to the gym at all this weekend, and I don't get nearly enough exercise during the week. Yesterday and today I walked to the post office, maybe all of five or ten minutes, and my legs were really feeling it. Not pain, but more! more! Hopefully I'll be less of a slacker about going to the gym this weekend. At least I'm managing my morning stretchencrunch, even if my stomach still feels very round. Speaking of being a slacker, The Boss again told me I need to be more communicative. Which is probably true. By his own admission he tells me things on the spur of the moment and then promptly forgets them, and I need to follow up and remind him. Ugh. Sounds dreadful. He was also quick to point out that he's not dissatisfied with the job I'm doing, and thinks I'm very intelligent. I just need to apply myself more. Not the first time I've heard that. The term "sales leads" is used around here a lot, which makes me think of Glengarry Glen Ross. It's kinda disturbing. I have an idea for a new piece, but I'm not sure where to go with it. It's not an anecdote so much as Evidence From When I Was Young, which is a bit trickier to format. But at least it's an idea, always a cause for celebration. It also makes references to eighties pop culture, and who doesn't like those? Nobody. Nobody doesn't like those.
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Maddy and I had sushi with Lynnee and his girlfriend Jenn on Friday night, and afterwards Lynnee and I went to the second night of the Homo Hop Festival in Oakland. Much fun, and I wish I could have gone to the other nights. One of the performers has a documentary crew following them around, so, seemingly inevitably, I found myself signing a release form. Since I'm tall and femmey but also tend to be logical, Lynnee dubbed me "Patsy Spock." He meant it as a compliment. (I have to admit, though, I've never cared for Absolutely Fabulous.) After editing kittypr0n for a few hours on Saturday afternoon, Maddy and I had sushi for a record-breaking second night in a row (and at her suggestion, which would have been extremely unusual once upon a time), and eventually found ourselves at the Lexington for the better part of the night. Y'know what that place needs? More gawking straight boys. Really. Tonight was the first of a new series Kirk Read is hosting called Lit at the Hive, at a new veganish/organic/raw foods cafe in the lower Haight called Urban Forage. Maddy wasn't too impressed by the food, but I dug it. It's a nice little space, and the turnout for the reading was really good. Kirk told me that the series he's currently running are both all booked, but that when he starts a new one, he wants me to read at it. That's so cool. There were some bad moments this weekend, but more good ones.
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First Warren Zevon, then Leni Riefenstahl, and now Johnny Cash and John Ritter. Isn't it creepy how celebrities always die in fours?
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