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From my brother Barefoot (who had to move away from Oakland to Los Angeles last year) when I mentioned that I don't read Mark Morford on sfgate anymore even though I appreciate his leftist politics:
Well, since I'm working at a place where the plans for tomorrow is a "Day Of Rememberance" where at Noon, all employees are asked to convene in a common area to recite The Pledge of Allegiance (the "under god" version, natch), and sing "God Bless America" before a lunch of "All American Fare." So things could be worseto the best of my knowledge nothing of the sort is being planned here. (I've read that some places will observe a moment of silence at 9:11am. The attacks didn't happen at 9:11am originally, of course, but we Americans do love our cheap, easily digestible symbolism. It's like stoners and 4:20. Nine-fuckin'-eleven, dude!). And it'll be over soon. Except for that unity stuff.
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It's remarkable how much you can tell about a person from their arms.
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As a result of intense foot pain, I started wearing Asics Gel running shoes in the early nineties. (I went into more detail about it a couple years ago.) I've been wearing buetz and occasionally sandals since early 2000, however, with no problem. Until a few days ago, that is, when the old familiar pain started coming back. Not as bad as it has been before, but it was clearly just a matter of time. So for the last couple days I've been wearing the last pair of running shoes I bought, which are three years oldolder than Mina, as this picture shows. They clash with what I'm wearing otherwiseblack jeans, a black blouse and red-and-black stripey armsbut are necessary, especially considering how much walking I've been doing lately, and my feet do already feel a little better. Still, it's probably for the best that Maddy's in bed when I leave for work in the morning; I'm not sure she'd let me leave the house so mismatched. Ixe wrote; he's leaving town next week. He didn't say whether Danielle would be following suit, but I suspect she will. I hope we'll get to see them before then, but I'm not holding my breath. 9:43pm When we came home tonight after a visit to Anodyne's salon to get Maddy's hair done, someone was setting off fireworks on the beach. Skyrockets, to be precise. It was quite beautiful. I love my neighborhood. (See? There are good things, too.)
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165, with a somewhat emptier body. We didn't make it to K'vetch last night; Maddy's back and neck were acting up, so we had to choose, and went with the Strombolli Tour opener. For as much as I would have liked to have read at K'vetch, not to mention (e) was the feature, we made the right decision. The show was greatthough it's odd to think that I'm already familiar with much of the material, having seen it performed elsewhereand I really hope it does well. (Tour dates? Why, yes.) It was rather bittersweet afterwards, as goodbyes were said and phone numbers and promises to keep each other company for the next two months were exchanged amongst the family and friends of those staying behind. I get the feeling both Rocco's sister Anastasia and the girlfriend of MC STD (Rocco's cohort in The End of the World) are going to have a particularly rough time of it, but we'll help them however we can. Didn't get to bed until after two in the morning, of course. Someone asked me last night if I'm in a band; no, but evidently I live the rock and roll lifestyle.
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