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Saturday, 20 October 2001 (llorando (crying)) 11:25am Later that same evening Maddy and I went to dinner at our regular sushi place in Pacifica with Lilith, who has graciously (nay, enthusiastically) agreed to perform our handfasting. Which wasn't primarily the purposes of our meeting, since we'd promised her a sushi dinner since she'd helped us bring home our new loveseat back on MLK day. (Ten months seems about average for these things.) She was also kind enough to help us in our search for acid and/or 'shrooms, happily donating a little of both. Churchgoing, van-driving mothers of teenagerswho knew? So last night I picked up Maddy from work (beats her having to take the muni, or pay for parking), and on the way home the wrong thing got said. By me. In a big way. Kinda blew the evening all to hell, or at least the two or three hours following the statement. I'd been previously thinking about going to Assmiliate 2K1, and the fact that I hadn't abandoned the plan when things went south made it all worse. (Understandably.) On the plus side, there was none of the shouting and door slamming/locking and scratching and cutting which would often accompany such events last year (and the things which happened last year were a catalyst for this one). After the dust settled and the eyes dried, we decided to salvage the evening by taking the 'shrooms. Which may seem counterintuitive, but it made sense. Unlike grass, I can take hallucinogens when I'm unhappy and they won't further depress me. Besides, we'd both been looking forward to it for a long time. So at about half past nine we got chinese food (which wasn't very goodI'm losing my faith in the concept of comfort food), mixed in the 'shrooms, and watched the first half of Happy, Texas while we came on. When it hit, we turned off the teevee, put on Robert Rich's Trances/Drones, watched the blacklit stars on the ceiling and talked for hours, eventually going to bed at 4AM.
Except for a bit of discomfort at the beginning as Maddy's body adjusted itself to its largest drug dose
yet (not counting the accidental THC overload last year), it went well. For the most part
I was able to keep the bad thoughts at bay, which I'm almost never able to do when my mind is chattering
away on grass. At one point my current employment situation did hit home, hard, and I cried. Didn't
want to, but I couldn't help it. It passed. In a way, I think I needed that, too.
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Wednesday, 17 October 2001 ('til the band comes in) 9:21am What a surprise! a look of terminal shock in your eyes I'm not qualified for a damn thing anymore. Maybe Borders is hiring. Having never heard back from the Recruiting Manager at Staffing Agency #1 (perhaps because I outed myself to her too soon?), I contacted one at Staffing Agency #2, someone whom Maddy had worked with when she first moved into town. They responded promptly, saying that for web-related stuff I should contact their tech recruiter, and gave me the appropriate email address. I immediately wrote said recruiternoon yesterdayand haven't heard back. If I don't hear back by this afternoon, I'll write again. I may also contact the original person and tell her that I'm flexible (which is to say, realistic) and am willing to aim lower than web stuff. I can type 60 WPM, after all, and I'm a good speller. (Endless typos on this page notwithstanding.) Those are marketable skills, right? I'm already missing being driven insane by The Fidget Queen. Didn't take very long. Making this all the more nerve-wracking is the fact that I haven't changed my name yet. Fortunately, I should be receiving in the mail any day now a used copy of Nolo Press's How to Change Your Name in California, which comes highly recommended as a good resource for changing one's name legally without actually going through the courts. Sounds good to me.
And, yeah, I should have done this all a long time ago. But I didn't. Lists of regrets just seem to keep growing, don't
they? Even though
Nietzsche would surely disapprove.
I'm feeling incredibly disoriented right now. For the first time in what feels like forevereither since the last time I was unemployed or when I began transitioning, I'm honestly not sure whichI have no idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing in a year. Scary? Why, yes, thank you. |
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Saturday, 13 October 2001 (red bats with teeth) 9:28pm We saw David Lynch's new movie Mulholland Drive today. I loved it. I'm a Lynch fan from way back, and I was not disappointed. It had everything that I loved about his movies, yet he still managed to surprise me. That said, I don't recommend it. Whoever you are, odds are you probably won't like it. We seemed to be among the very few people in the theater who tolerated the movie, who paid attention rather than laughing at inappropriate moments, who appreciated it for what it was, not what we thought it should be. Or, more accurately, what we thought it should be turned out to be exactly what it was. I realize that sounds pretentious, and I don't mean it to be. It's just not a very accessible movie, and if you prefer your movies to have linear plots and to make sense, you'll be very disappointed. Y'know, I love movies, but gawd, I fucking hate going to the movies. It's so seldom worth the stress. Although this was one of the rare times that nobody's phone rang. |
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Friday, 12 October 2001 (subhuman) 6:23pm I'm seriously considering looking into working for the city, partially because I've heard they have certain useful health benefits. I wonder if the fact that I've been a resident for seven years and was gainfully employed until very recently will keep me from seeming like one of the opportunistic, freeloading trannies that so many peopleincluding friends of minewere convinced would start flooding into the city to sap the taxpayers dry. We'll see. |
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