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Monday, 30 November 2009 (moving in the right direction) 5:10pm Eh. Not a fan of the Presidio YMCA, which feels cramped compared to the Stonestown location. But this is the one near my office, so it's where I'll be going. | ||
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Sunday, 29 November 2009 (downsurf) sometime after midnight Marta and I had dinner last night at Amasia Hide's Sushi Bar, then went to The Dark Room for the show, and returned to The Black Light District afterward. We both crashed right out, but woke up plenty energized this morning and had at each other. It wasn't Ecstasy-afterglow sex like last week, but it was still fantastic. It's what Sunday mornings are for, really. We headed out in time to make it to an Awakening the Dreamer Symposium. It's not something either of us would have done on our own, but I was going for work (and getting paid, no less), and Marta loves me enough to take the leap and come with me. It was a pretty interesting experience, and now I have a much better idea of what the hell my new employer does. It's a huge shift from gay pr0n, and I'm perfectly okay with that. From there we returned to San Francisco and went into The Mission, got food from Taqueria Cancun, and ate together on the stage at The Dark Room. Bad Movie Night was not a huge success financially, but the people who showed up for The Wizard of Oz had a great time. And three of the five movies I scheduled this month were big hitsfar more people turned out for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan than we expectedso I'd call the whole "movies we aren't supposed to make fun of" experiment a success. Not one I'll necessarily be repeating anytime soon, though. | ||
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Saturday, 28 November 2009 (brian's back) 10:51am Just got back from the Stonestown YMCA. Now, to find a place to write. 1:08pm At The Sea Biscuit. Not sure how long I'll last, though. Not only is it a beautiful day outside, meaning the glare from both the sky and the white buildings across the street is blinding, but they're blasting classic rock way way way too loud. Unfortunately, I forgot my Princess Leia headphones, and though their sound is fantastic otherwise the iPhone earbuds just aren't cutting it in terms of blocking outside noise. Like Peter Frampton cranked to eleven. 2:05pm Back home. The music there was making me feel unwelcome and alienated. At least here I have some control over the environment and ambience, and as near as I can tell the neighbors are gone for the weekend, and they took their (otherwise very pleasant) dog. Yay for silence! sometime after midnight I don't go to parties that nobody bothered inviting me to. It's just not how I operate. | ||
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Friday, 27 November 2009 (no commercial potential) 12:19am At the Bay Bridge Toll Plaza, less than two hours after having left Sacramento. Thank you, Black Friday, for not clogging I-80W. 5:44pm There's plenty of parking in The Mission tonight, far more than is usual for quarter to six on a Friday night. Thanks again, Black Friday! 8:01pm Had lunch when i got home, watched Moon, did some writing, headed into The Mission and had dinner by myself at Big Lantern (it's more fun with other people), and now I'm behind the counter at The Dark Room, about to run the sound for Life of Brian. It's a pretty simple gig, just hitting "play" on the CD player for the various sound cues, but it's nice to be involved, and I'll be getting a few shekels for my trouble. sometime after midnight It was fun, and I've been asked to do it tomorrow night as well. (I'm also doing it next two Fridays and Saturdays, but that I already knew.) It's my date night with Marta, so I've negotiated for her to get in for free. Maybe she'll even warm to the play a bit. | ||
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Thursday, 26 November 2009 (help is on the way) 9:52am Wakenbakesgiving! 5:32pm Mmm. Tofurky Beer Brats. Yummy, especiallty with copious amounts of spicy mustard. Got 'em last night at Whole Foods. I had briefly considered getting a Field Roast Celebration Roast, but it looked like way too much work (especially since my brother had been hinting at me having to cook it myself), and not nearly as much fun as freakin' vegan bratwurst. Besides, the others are having tri-tip, far from a traditional Thanksgiving dish, so it's all good. 11:12pm Yeah, this has definitely been one of my best Thanksgivings in recent years (and not just because of the grassI'm still a lightweight). It would have been perfect if Marta had been with me, but we kept in touch over chat and text, because that's how we are. | ||
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Wednesday, 25 November 2009 (hymn 43) 10:01am Marta and I hooked up with Ilene and a few of her friends at Annie's last night for karaoke. I was the only at the table who sang, which was a shame but no great shock. I did "There is a Light that Never Goes Out," which I'm ready to reclaim. I'm leaving the office at noon and heading to Sacramento. Here's to hoping I get in under the wire of the holiday traffic. 10:50am I've encountered the word "abstruse" twice in the past few hours, and had never heard it at all before today. Learning new words is fun! 2:44pm The restrooms in the Vallejo Target are all the way in the back of the store. It's kinda cruel. 3:43pm Traffic is at a standstill, yet Google Maps shows the road as clear. Obviously, reality is at error. sometime after midnight The drive to Sacramento, which is normally about an hour and a half, took about four hoursabout as long as it probably would have taken to get to Fresno. But the important thing is, I'm not in Fresno. My brother took me and our niece Shandon on a Whole Foods trip so Shandon and I (which is to say, I) could stock up on foodages for the next few days, seeing as how I'm not eating meat and all. Thankfully, there's been no static about it. I don't think I could handle that right now, quite frankly. The vibe has been really nice and mellow, which is pretty much what I need. | ||
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Tuesday, 24 November 2009 (wild honey) 5:27pm I worked from ten to six yesterday because my supervisor doesn't come to work until ten, but I get to set my own hours otherwise, so I worked eight to four today. Tomorrow, I'm working four hours, then driving to Sacramento. And I figure I'll start working out at the Presidio YMCA (which is even closer to the new office than the Gold's was to NakedSword, and that was pretty close) on Monday. Everything cycles around. sometime after midnight How do you break the rules at a punk rock bar? By smuggling in a bottle of water, evidently. OI! | ||
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Monday, 23 November 2009 (natives in a ring) 9:22am Heading off to my first day at work. 2:55pm My office is near a statue of Yoda. That's gotta be a good sign. 5:51pm That went well, I think. I've been given a key, and there's talk of me possibly getting business cards eventually. I'm part time for the foreseeable future, but it still means I might go to full time eventually. It reminds me a bit of starting at CNET. And that's a good thing. I liked it there, especially in the beginning. Or maybe it's just being at a dot-com in the winter. | ||
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Sunday, 22 November 2009 (like snakes in chains) 11:01pm Nitrous kisses on Ecstasy are the best, but sex the next day is pretty great too. | ||
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Saturday, 21 November 2009 (and sold out) 1:50pm At The Dark Room for Life of Brian rehearsal. Not much for me to do right now, but I do what I can to help the theater, so here I am. I'm leaping right in on Monday at the new office with that qualifies as a full week: eight hours on Monday and Tuesday, and four hours on Wednesday. As a result, my Thanksgiving plans have changed, especially since I have to be back on Friday night for the opening of Brian. Instead of going to Fresno (or just staying in town, which sounds depressing), I'm going to my brother's place in Sacramento. It'll be a change of pace, that's for sure. Marta's coming over tonight. | ||
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