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Sunday, 20 May 2007 (pretty people) 12:02pm this girl is catlike
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Saturday, 19 May 2007 (drums and guns) 10:17am My landlord hung my bike in the garage on Thursday. Yesterday afternoon, the mother knocked on my door and said it would have to be moved out of the garage, which is theirs, not mine. I told her to talk to the landlord. She went ahead and moved it anyway. The landlord came by and said he'd tried his best, but the contract does say that part of the garage is theirs. (Mayhaps I should ask to see it, in case they're violating anything about noise levels.) I accept that, and that he has to be a peacemaker, an arbitrator. So I'm going to find room for it in my immediate entryway, where it'll still be mostly out of the salt air, which had been the whole damn point. And, as I told my landlord last night, the issue is not so much physical space, of which there's plenty, as it is philosophical space. Territorial pissing, like alphas always have and always will, like the surfer prick who tried to drive The Ex and I out ten years ago . Me? All I ever really wanted was peace and quiet. It's what I give them, it's in my nature to be quiet at home, and it's what they don't have to give me because the man put his hoo-hoo-dilly in the woman's cha-cha, and that makes them special and blessed and free to fill every available space. Not keeping my fingers crossed on them moving to Australia to escape from yuppies like me and our rageful looks, however. The battle? Lost. The war? Not by a long shot. I've lived in this apartment for twelve years this very month. They don't know what territorial means.
Going to Sadie's college graduation this afternoon, and Vash and I are going to see Crystal Daze this evening. This is my version of being a grown-up.
Hayley and I had planned on getting together Thursday night, but she had to cancel due to some heavy household trauma. (There's no telling when things will equalize and when I'll see her again. Sometimes business goes unfinished.) There were other possibilies, including a very tempting date offer from Johanna, but I decided to stick with my original Plan B, going to a play with Sadie. I kinda needed to be with a platonic capital-F Friend, someone who knew exactly where I was at and whom I could tell anything that flitted through my brain, and and that was Sadie. The play was In Spite of Everything, written and performed by a slam poetry group called The Suicide Kings. Absolutely frackin' brilliant, it was. It was while we were walking to the theater that the derelicts made the charming comment about not being able to tell if I was a girl. Sadie suggested I just ignore that sort of thing, but rather than ignore, I collect. It feels like the only sure way to stay sane. It did get me to thinking that squidification is highly unlikely to help matters, to make me pass more. If my hair looks the slightest bit not-real, people assume that it isn't real and thus it follows that I'm a boy, like how after I get my roots reblondified I get called "he" and "sir" a lot more and they occasionally compliment on my wig. The squid is not likely to look real, nor is it especially intended to, and that will surely tip the scales which are already teetering like the cabin in The Gold Rush because of my size and/or my voice. Such is life, c'est la vie, so be it and all that, I'm doing it anyway. I'm growing so damn tired of fretting, and while I know I'll never stop fretting over it, this is life, damned life, the only one I get and if there's a prime it's gotta be this very moment, so I might as well make the most of it and look how I want to, and wasn't that the damned point in the first place? Sadie joked that I'm mostly human until squidification, and she wasn't entirely wrong, so what then? Even more of an alien, or more likely a mechanical animal, recently rusted. (There's a reason the poster has lasted in my living room from 1999 through now.) I'm also finding the tattoo urge returning, maybe just the I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream code or maybe a bit more, maybe a sleeve of henna from Soul Patch to see how it feels. Like I said before the last one ended, moulting is likely before this year ends.
Would I feel differently if I was small and lithe and relatively undectectable, would I be happy looking more quote normal unquote? Or would I have done all this long ago since I wouldn't have been so stymied by the never-resolvable equation of what I can and can't do to be read as female and would have followed my role model Pandora that much closer? Don't know, don't really care.
let go. Why is that so difficult to abide by?
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Friday, 18 May 2007 (dissolve) 12:35pm Oh, goody. Settled in at the Sunset Cafe about five minutes before the people with the screaming infant arrived.
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Thursday, 17 May 2007 (bad trash) 7:02am I'm at the muni stop on time, but the train isn't. I have a hunch that's gonna sum up today. 7:31am I get it now: we have to take the cold, Lysol-smelling shuttlebus rather than the comparatively comfortable N-Judah as punishment for not observing Bike To Work Day. 2:10pm An email I sent earlier to my landlord:
Subject: Arbitration, please. It's the first time I've complained about the giraffe since shortly after it first moved during last year's dark, awful, second-worst-ever xmas eve ever. I've wanted to, but this is one of those battles which I have to be very picky about. I know that for the next few years, unless one of us decides to move away, there's nothing I can do to make the noise stop. Impermanence.
He just wrote back and said that he emailed them and is waiting for a response, and how would I feel about the bike hanging in the garage? I told him that would be fine.
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Wednesday, 16 May 2007 (eden is burning) 10:07am I hadn't expected to spend the night at Vash's, so I'm wearing yesterday's clothes. Not the first time it's happened, but I'm wearing the soma fm shirt, so it's kinda obvious to anyone who pays attention to such things. Thankfully, I doubt anyone at my office does. Besides Sister Edith, anyway. Meanwhile, we're going on a forced staff lunch today to show us off to our new AEBN uberlords, and there's a meeting of Pride Sunday Stage Managers tonight. So, I reapplied my eye makeupwhich hasn't come off for several days nowand also put on foundation, powder and black lipstick. I've mostly just been doing my eyes lately, but for a day like this, I'm damn well gonna have the battlegear on full. 12:20pm Forced lunch outing with coworkers. Kill me. 5:21pm The answer will probably be "no," but that's okay. There will be other times. 7:08pm At the Stage Managers meeting. The second free lunch todayokay, a free dinner, technicallyand for the second time, it's pizza. Kinda proves the old adage about free lunch and the existence thereof.
I made a point of getting to the meeting early enough to find a seat near a power outlet so I could use my laptop. Because I'm that damaged.
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Tuesday, 15 May 2007 (eat me, drink me) 8:11am Whew! A grade-school class almost got on the train, but it started moving before they could. That was close. Too close. 12:13pm The Divas article is live. With my name on it and everything. 2:15pm I get inexpensive, yummy naan, and the kitchen staff gets free eye candy. Everybody wins, I guess. 9:09pm I've installed a wireless router at Wonderland. To quote someone who doesn't talk to me anymore because I'm a Bad Person: love me, for i am a sexy geek.
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Monday, 14 May 2007 (you and me and the devil makes three) 8:32am There's little more dangerous than getting something you've always wanted. It never ends well. Doesn't make you want it any less, though. 1:12pm I submitted "In the Shadow of the Valley," my Eros Zine review of Divas should be going live tomorrow, and Thomas has asked me to review Aunt Charlie's Lounge for the following issue. Moving right along. 10:27pm Thursday is a nexus. Everything revolves and changes. 11:51
Went to Aunt Charlie's Lounge with Rimma to research the Eros article, and now I'm at Sadie's, typing up my notes. I've been trying to curtail my caffeine consumption, and damn, I'm feeling it.
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Sunday, 13 May 2007 (mutilation is the most sincere form of flattery) 10:06am It's Mother's Day, so I called my mom from Vash's. Gotta keep the Good Kid status and all. 1:12pm And then, since we're Perdita's kittymoms (Vash has certainly achieved stepmom status by now), we had a ginormous dim sum meal at Jade Villa in Oakland. Mmm. Jellyfish and octopus.
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Saturday, 12 May 2007 (are you the rabbit?) 4:26pm In Oakland with Vash. Well, in Oakland, anyway; I'm away from Wonderland so she can get some work done. I'm attempting to be productive as well, not being helped by the presence of fracking no-necked monsters rampaging and screaming while their DNA donors ignore them and catch up with each over coffee. Bad enough when they're just stomping and storming above my head like this morning. Hate. So. Much. Meanwhile, the penis piece has a title: "vestri pen0r quod vos." I'm obviously fond of titles which are easy to spell and pronounce.
Last night's Queer Open Mic was a good one. Vash and I had planned on going to see Uphill Both Ways at The Dark Room afterward, but we were both way too tired, so we returned to the Black Light District and crashed. It was the final night of this particular show and the first time I've missed an entire Uphill Both Ways run since I met them in 2003, but getting more than four horus of sleep was so very necessary. Vash had planned to head back to Oakland early this morning and for me to possibly join her in the afternoon, but as these plans often will, it mutated into both of us heading east around noon. Which was fine by me.
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Friday, 11 May 2007 (evidence) 3:33pm So very tired. Too many nights of too few hours of sleep are catching up with me in a big way. I've dropped out of the bike class tomorrow, because even if my energy level was potentially up for it (which it isn't), a guideline email they sent out strongly suggests that I'm not quite up for it. So, I'll pick up the next class. Might be going back to Wonderland with Vash after the Queer Open Mic tonight, or I might not. Speaking of things falling through, I woke up this morning to discover that Tribe 8 will not be playing the Tranny Stage after all. Lynnee will instead be doing solo stuff, and we're still getting the writeup in the Pride magazine, just with a different focus. But it's still publicity, which I guess is what matters. I picked up my date Hayley from her work last night at nine. We went to Divas, which seemed as good a place as any, given the lack of a cover charge or yuppies and, well, quite frankly, it's not the Lex. Around half past eleven she said she wanted to meet Perdita, so we returned to the Black Light District. I'd cleaned and vacuumed that afternoon on what felt like the extremely off-off-off-chance that we'd end up there. Good thing I did. She met Perdita, marveled at how her skin looked under the blacklights in my bedroom (Hayley's skin, not Perdita), and we enjoyed ourselves a great deal. I confessed that I've for a while now I've both had a crush on her and have wanted to be her when I grow up, and she said that when she used to see me coming into her store she would often think to herself, that's what i'd look like if i was a tranny. I gave her a lift back to her place around half past two. She offered to take a cab, but, no, she'd probably still be waiting for them to show up. We decided that, yes, we'd like to see each other again. In bed by three, back up around seven, not exactly rested but close enough for government work. I tried to doze on the train, but it just wasn't happening. Had my eyes closed for a good long while, at least. When I opened them around Van Ness, I saw Hayley sitting across the aisle, her back to me, but certainly her, the same build and two-tone hair in braided pigtails. Given where she lived and where she worked, it stood to reason she'd use the same muni line. Had she not noticed me when she got on the train? Distinctly possible. Besides, I'd appeared to be asleep. As I got off the train at Powell, I started to say hello, then realized it wasn't her at all. Just someone with almost the exact same fashion sense, minus some tattoos and piercings. Her doppelgänger. I have no idea what the universe is trying to tell me.
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