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Tuesday, 31 May 2005 (anger buzz) 7:54pm I got my first real, salaried paycheck today. Almost makes me feel like a grownup again.
The boots I ordered
arrived today, sooner than I'd expected. Unfortunately, I don't think they'll survive what I'm likely
to put them through, so I get to ship them back to the UK. Oh well. It was worth a shot.
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Monday, 30 May 2005 (there and gone) 8:37am Sometimes I wonderthose women she claims to admire for their strength and individuality and boldness of desire, the Courtneys and the Christas, the ones she looks up to because they do what they want and don't give a damn what anyone thinks, the much-vaunted Angry Rock Chickshow does she think they would have acted in my place? Does she believe her oft-stated hero Courtney (who has said in interviews that if Kurt hadn't committed suicide, she would have left him anyway) would have agreed to a waiting period before dating, and a considerably longer one for mutual friends? Or is it different, are they allowed to be selfish and impatient and even slutty (a status which I am regretfully nowhere near achieving) because, well, they're them and I'm not? Maybe the secret of becoming a star really is knowing how to behave like one.
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Sunday, 29 May 2005 (antigod) 5:13pm I moved into this apartment ten years ago this weekthe date on the rental agreement is May 25, 1995, and I presumably I started living here shortly thereafterbut I'm only now getting around to putting black sheets on the living room wall. I'm so slothful.
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Saturday, 28 May 2005 (slightly wrong, somehow) 3:44pm The passenger side tires on my car were successfully, if expensively, replaced. Took a little longer than it should have, both because there seemed to be some trouble in the garage, and because when the guy first announced that it was done, I think he said "Mr. Connelly." My headphones were on, and when I realized what he might have said, I asked him again what the name was. He was leaving the office, though, and either didn't hear me or didn't bother to reply. I didn't quite feel up to pursuing it in front of all the other customers, so I returned to my book. While I was there, I decided to try Bed Bath & Beyond for black bedsheets for the living room walls. Target doesn't carry them, K-Mart no longer exists, and I refuse to travel to Wal-Mart, where I must sadly confess to having gotten the original set. I'm rather embarrassed that the place hadn't occurred to me before. They had them, and I was standing in the checkout line, a preteen boy and girl ahead of me in line with their mother keep stealing glances at me. Brief stares, anyway. I tried staring back at the girl, but it only really works with people who are aware that staring is considered rude; evidently this is not a lesson the mother had imparted. Before long, I heard the boy whispering to the girl in a voice which clearly wasn't as whispery as he'd thought, That's A Man. The girl replied, quiet enough for me not to hear. Evidently she was uncertain, because her brother nodded his head and said Yeah, That's A Man. Surely accustomed to tuning out the majority of her progeny's conversations, the mother paid no mind. I felt trapped and helpless. What the hell could I do? Fix them with my best glower? Yeah, that's a swell way to seem feminine. Tell them no, i'm not, or more accurately, it's none of your business? I put on a little foundation this morning, but otherwise, I was barefaced. This is how I look. There's only so much I can do about it. It feels like there's been a lot of that lately. A couple of the guys from the Programming department came by my desk yesterday afternoon to ask if it was possible that we could get the date of production for every movie we offer. I replied that while anything's possible, and we wish we could, the probability of it is close to nil. One of them laughed and said what sounded like I Knew He Was Going To Say That! I could be wrong. But that's what my body heard and reacted to.
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Friday, 27 May 2005 (acid-laced cider) 12:26pm My passenger side rear tire died this morning. It's been doing the slow-leak thing for at least a week now, and I've been keeping an eye on it and filling it almost every day, but it's dead now. Calling AAA to have it towed to a shop felt like way too much hassle, so I took the train to work. I'll bet getting the tires replaced tomorrow, but I've long since volunteered to help set up a play party at the Citadel tonight, so I have a lot of hoofing ahead of me. (Hey, at least I don't have to try to find parking in SoMa on a Friday night.) The guy at Big O Tire called me "sir" when he hung up the phone. I'm using a temp computer at work. Excel and Word never functioned properly on my reguarl computer, so it's being nuked from orbit. Unfortuantely, I was unaware that Oulook Express downloads mail to the hard drive rather than keeping it on the server. Ergo, I've lost all my work email.
Please don't take a picture.
Or maybe this. Yeah, much more likely. We're made in its
image, right? Isn't that how the stupid little fairy tale goes?
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Thursday, 26 May 2005 (sins of scripture) 8:31am Sometimes I think this country deserves to hated. 9:26pm Thanks to the astonishing generosity of Taos and Kai, I now have a hand-me-down shortwave radio. I've been fascinated by shortwave ever since I was a kid, listening to the distant broadcasts on my mother's receiver, finding something romantic and eerie about the scratchy, faraway voices. It made the world seem much bigger and more mysterious. There's a reason I play Numbers Stations recordings every week on my radio show, after all. I'm really excited about the fact that I can listen to coordinated universal time in bed at night Good lord, I'm becoming more like my mother all the time. Oh well. Our recent differences in opinion aside (and how I should live my life is something we haven't agreed about in many a moon), there are worse people to take after.
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Wednesday, 25 May 2005 (winter light) 9:44pm The meeting yesterday was fairly painless, as have most have been since then. I'm trying my best, and the boss respects it. Can't ask for too much more than that. Given what an intense crunch period we're about to enter, I find myself wondering if I wasn't put on salary simply because it would ultimately be cheaper than paying me for the overtime I'm sure to be working in the near future. Okay, probably not. I'm getting to use the parking space this week, but starting next week, I either try my luck out in the jungle, or I start taking the train for real. Wheee. When I have money to burn, I want to get blue contact lenses. Just to see what I'd look like as a full-on Aryan. On a more affordable level, I'm going to be taking up Taos on her long-standing offer to tweeze my brows. I've never been crazy about them, and now that the hair above them is light, they feel even heavier to me. (Seeing the occasional picture like this doesn't help much, either, since I'm very suggestible.) It raises a question which I've pondered for years: how much can I do to my appearance and still look like me? Will I recognize myself as a blue-eyed blonde with shaped eyebrows? Yes, I think I will. Other people may find it off-putting, may not think it's how I should be, but that's okay. I'm long past feeling the need to live my life according to other peoples' expectations. I'm a selfish slut, remember? Downright slatternish. The choices I make are my own. If someone else thinks I've made the wrong one, that's their problem, even if they're right. It was my wrong decision to make. By the way, after two months, I think it's safe to say that I'm not getting back together with Maddy. It was safe to say after two days, but a lot of people didn't want to accept it. Guess what? Time's up. Accept it. I am not going to "come to my senses." It's really fucking insulting that anyone would even suggest such a thing. Coming to my senses what realizing that being in the relationship was tearing me up. Got that? I was not happy. I may not be pure sunshine now, and in fact I've been in a lot more pain than I tend to make obvious due to a long history of not being comfortable expressing such things, but I'm better than I was because I no longer feel trapped. Yes, it was a trap I got myself into by marrying her not once but twice (as she often reminds me, in addition to the fact that we were together six years and that she's thirty-four years old), but right or wrong, I've extricated myself from the situation, and I'm better off for it. She's a great person and we hope to always be good friends, but we are not going to be a couple. Even if we do ever get intimatewho knows? sex with her might be fun again somedaywe sure as hell won't be monogamous. Period dot. And don't fucking pray for me. I believe in neither prayer nor miracles nor whatever invisible man in the sky you happen to think is pulling your strings, okay? I think a miracle would be your invisible man getting hit by an invisible truck and dying. In three words: get the hell over it. Thank you, drive through.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2005 (not free) 8:48am Thanks to Maddy being subscribed to the San Francisco Freecycle Network, I now have a second futon mattress. Between the two, it's much more like sleeping in an actual bed. Not that I'm sleeping between the two mattresses, but you know what I mean. Being a real employee doesn't make the anxiety go away, not entirely. They can always change their mind. I don't think that's going to happen, but it doesn't make me feel any less nervous about an impending meeting. Several of us were given a list of studios to call to request their 2257 documents, and the boss doesn't considering leaving a message to be enough. The problem is, there's only so much one can do on this end. If they don't answer their phone, what else am I supposed to do? Get them to speak to me through sheer force of will? Doesn't work like that. So, I'm expecting to be cranked at, along with a few other people as well. So not looking forward to it.
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Monday, 23 May 2005 (silent oak) 2:39pm I am now an official full-time employee with benefits. I'm making almost exactly what I made when I started at CNET in '99, but now I know: don't accept the raises. Well, not too many, anyhow, and have a backup plan. 5:05pm There are worse sins than selfishness and impatience. If I haven't committed them yet, I probably will someday.
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Sunday, 22 May 2005 (machinations) 11:02am I got off work early on Friday, so Collette and I went to a matinee of Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist. I dug it quite a bit, and am curious to see Renny Harlin's version, just for comparison's sake. We were at The Square Root Googolplex in Daly City, which had already started to fill up when we got there, and was downright packed when we left. Many young and old virgins in costume, waiting to see the other prequel. It felt downright seditious to not be in one of those lines, to not be swept up in the cultural tide. (Collette, neither a virgin nor in costume, had seen it the dary before.) Later, I went The Dark Room for the second season of The Twilight Zone plays, and the latest Uphill Both Ways show. Twilight Zone made me a little sad. I made the conscious decision not to direct an episode this time around, and though I put my name on the list of available actors, nobody cast me. I haven't been in a play since Zippy last year, though I fully admit I haven't been keeping as close an eye on casting calls as I should be. I miss being on stage. I do know I'm not going to be in the next two plays at The Dark Room, since they're already cast, and I wasn't even approached. Guess they know I'm not right for them. I'm a regular at Bad Movie Night, though. That's something. And I have plenty of gigs over the next few months, so I'm not truly stagnating. It just feels like it.
The application deadline for AIRspace at the Jon
Sims Center is in a couple weeks. I don't think I'm going to make it.
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Saturday, 21 May 2005 (choose to believe) sometime after midnight I kissed c0g tonight, after six years of curiosity. Thankfully, as with the last time I kissed a boy, Collette was nearby to cleanse my palette. I want to like boys, honest, but...
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