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Tuesday, 10 May 2005 (leverage reversal) 9:40pm I like to think of myself as fairly tough. When something potentially uncomfortable is happening, I tend to pay as much attention as I can. When a needle is entering my flesh, be it to draw blood or inject a medicine or just for play (breath and intimacy), I like to watch it go in. That should be part of the experience. I wish I could have watched when my big toenails were removed both times, but they made a point of not letting me. Tonight, though, I simply had to look away. I couldn't watch. I had to diassociate myself, turn away, pretend it wasn't happening, just will it to be over as soon as possible. The really annoying part? I got about half as much as I was expecting for all the DVDs and CDs I sold at Amoeba. I'm an American, so it hurts to part with my possessions, even for a good cause, and insult is added when I have to undersell. Still, I accomplished my primary goal: justifying the cost of these boots. I owe a few people a lot of money, people who are probably reading this page, but I do require new footwear, and I don't splurge often. Besides, as Taos pointed out, I've earned it.
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Monday, 9 May 2005 (concerning distance) 9:40am In the egalitarian manner for which the pr0n industy is famous, weekly plant-watering duties are divided up between all the employees. According to the schedule posted on the refrigerator, it's my responsibilty the third week of July, and again the third week of November.
See? They have to keep me.
My radio show is tonight. Not really feeling up for itmy stomach continues to unhappy with mebut I'm going all the same. When my mom talked me out of going barhopping on Saturday night, I commented that as soon as I got back into town, I was so going to hit the Lexington. (Which I then had to explain as being a dyke bar.) The Lex is right around the corner from the station, but my body probably won't be up for going, thus saving me from an hour or so of not talking to anyone, of neither picking up nor getting picked up upon. Kinda like my mom did. Speaking of Crash, the official website from '97 is still up. It's an "intense, high bandwidth site," so described because of the heavy use of animated gifs and embedded music. Those were the days, huh?
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Sunday, 8 May 2005 (dark spanish sky) 10:28pm I have a full-sized futon now. I returned home from Fresno to find it sitting in the entryway of the house. Seems my upstairs neighbors don't need it anymore, and they thought I might have a use for it. Except for an inexplicable stomach ache at the moment (nerves? stress? too many of those peanuts from Casa De Fruta?), this weekend has gone much better than expected.
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Saturday, 7 May 2005 (true aim) 9:55pm Fine. No Fresnookie for me. My mom all but pleaded with me not to go out tonightor, at least, not to go where I was planning on going. She got all kinds of paranoid about the idea of me going to a gay bar here in Fresno by myself. So, I'm staying in to set her mind at ease. And tomorrow's Mother's Day, after all. Besides, she's probably saving me from a lot of frustration, however inadvertantly. At a Japanese restaurant this evening, I saw a pigtailed blonde girl who couldn't have been more than five years old eat sushi with chopsticks. If children in Fresno are being started that young, then maybe there's hope for the species after all. Doesn't take much for me to lose that hope.
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Friday, 6 May 2005 (the american precedent) 10:58am Managed about four hours of sleep last night, so just to be on the safe side, I'll be driving to Fresno early tomorrow morning rather than tonight. Probably won't take much longer (she said naively), I'll be wide awake, and it'll reduce the amount of time Perdita will have to be alone. I got so little sleep because the Serenity screening got out well past midnight. It was worth it, though. I haven't been part of a big fannish movie event in several yearsthe opening night of Star Trek: Insurrection, maybe?and not much has changed. The Trio from Buffy would have felt right at home, though I'm sure the people in costume would have disagreed. In any event, I'm glad I didn't watch the trailer first, as everyone else seemed to. It's kinda nice to be surprised, which is why I've avoided the Hitchhiker's Guide trailer as well.
The one thing I expect from a teevee show turned movie is good cinematography. If you don't light it dramatically,
there isn't much point. (This is why The Motion Picture and Generations are among my favorite
Star Trek movies: whatever their story problems, they're gorgeous to look at. I consider First Contact
and Wrath of Khan to be somewhat flat in comparison.) Serenity delivered nicely, I'm happy to say.
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11:31am Compared to Club Pirate Cat, the turnout at Retool & Grind earlier in the evening was like the Pope's funeral. We actually got a new face in the audience, Alexandra, visiting from back East. She was pretty much it, but still, one audience member is better than no audience members. There was the small core group, a few friends of the organizers, but they almost don't count. They've seen it all before. Speaking of seeing thingsor, rather, not being seen, one of the regulars told that a picture and bio of me was printed in the Chronicle's Datebook section, promoting the Tranny Roadshow in Berkeley. Presumably, it was from this page. I had no idea. By my math it would have been in the March 27 issue, which also happens to be the day I broke up with Maddy. Lovely. I'm sure there probably people who find that significant somehow.
Aside from myself and Monkey, the promoter, the only person to show up for Club Pirate Cat was my old friend
Sara. Quality always trumps quantity, though, and it was great to see her. We haven't really talked since...well,
a very long time ago. She runs a monthly club called
Swirl at the same venue, and has suggested
me being a guest DJ in a couple months. Yay for gigs of all kinds.
It occurs to me that Danielle did at least one pr0n movie that we know of, The Casting Whip, under the name Danielle Hell. She says she did a couple others, including at least one with Kelly Michaels, but she doesn't remember what they're called, and I can't find any evidence of them online. All the same, I just might be able to get The Casting Whip at a substantial discount. Worth a shot. The bad: Miss Gaye Universe I have no problem with pageants. (I won't participate, but I have no problem with their existence. It's the spelling? "Gaye?" What's with the E? What the fuck is this, colonial America? It feels almost like they're trying to distance themselves from the word "gay." We're Not Like Those Filthy Gay People! We're Gaye! I mean, though accurate, gay isn't the word I tend to use to describe myself; I prefer queer, especially since "gay" tend to connote being male, and I find queer to be more inclusive.
Gaye, though? No. No, no, no. Don't even try. You're gay, you're queer, you're a fag just like the
rest of us, whether male or female-identified. Deal with it, and don't be afraid of it.
Ideally I'd have tonight to pack and relax a little, but no; I'm going to what is rumored to be an advanced screening of Serenity, Joss Whedon's movie version of his cancelled teevee show Firefly. The tickets sold out fast, but Collette managed to snag a few. As I say, it's still a rumor. One which seems to have a lot of supporting evidence, but part of me is still expecting it to be Revenge of the Sith or something along those lines. Not hoping, mind you, though I'd get a kick out of the audience's reaction. Collette will be sitting Perdita while I'm gone. I feel a little guilty, disappearing for a weekend after I've scarcely been home this week, but Perdita can handle it, and I'm sure Collette will make her feel plenty loved. There was a bit of a controversy about that decision, as Maddy has some issues with Collette, and had also hoped to get sitting duties. Thing is, she's at least an hour away on the Muni, and Collette can drive over in about two minutes. No contest. But nothing is ever simple. My niece Shandon is moving into San Francisco on June 1. Problem is, she starts her new job in town a few weeks before that, so she'll be staying at the Cozycave in the meantime. For some of the meantime, anyway. I'm gone during the day as well as many evenings, so it shouldn't be too impractical, plus if she's working evenings that means someone will be there for a while during the day with Perdita. So, that's a good thing.
Still feels really weird, though. The last time I had a houseguest for that duration was Imani in November
'99. Two days after Imani left, Maddy moved in. I know that won't happen again, that this doesn't mean I'm about
to get into another long-term relationship, that history won't repeat itself. But I'm surprising even myself with just
how gunshy I am. I think it's going to be a long time before I realize the depth of my issues, before I learn
how not to flinch...
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Wednesday, 4 May 2005 (disillusionment and consequence) 8:51am I finished up the Wicked Messenger piece this weekend. Wrote the majority of it, actually, bringing it up from about fifteen hundred words to just shy of four thousand. Even found time on Sunday to edit and rewrite it. All this in spite of a new cat (in helped that she spent much of Saturday hiding). as well attempts to lure me out into the world. I'm rather proud of myself for my discipline. That I was able to spend so much time writing, or at least attempting to write, is the point of the recent major changes in my life. One of the points, anyway. When it's discussed at all, usually in forums to which I am not directly privy, my desire to not be in a relationship (with or without Maddy, monogamous or otherwise) is the focus. And why not? That's the more dramatic and juicy stuff, isn't it? And then when you throw in me already (already!) dating someone, a mutual friend no less, and even physical evidence left behind if you squint and use your imaginationwhat else does there need to be? I would not have been able to finish the piece this weekend if I had not been able to set my own schedule, to come and go as I pleased, if I had some sort of commitment to another person. To be able to do so is one of the reasons I broke up with Maddy. Not this piece in particular, of course, though it did prove to be a catalyst. As is often the case on weekends, I woke up before her on Sunday, March 27. I wrote about the Purim reading from the night before, then worked on the piece for the book. After she got up, I moved to the couch and read so she could use the computer to get her morning LiveJournal fix. Around noon, she asked if we could watch one of the movies she'd rented the night before. It was really bad, as we knew it would be, but fun. Given what happened next, it's hard not to wish it had been something with a little more substance. Afterwards, I got back on the computer to start writing again. Maddy said she wanted to watch another movie with me, pointing out that I'd already written for a few hours that morning. As is so often the case with couples as dramatically fucked up as ourselves, one thing lead to another, A few hours later, I broke up with her. The actual process of speaking the breakup aloud and thus making it flesh was long and drawn out, filled with minutes of silence as I mustered up the courage. I'd known for a long time (weeks? months? years? don't ask me, I don't know) that it would happen, and after seeing The Nice Lady on Friday I realized it had to be sooner rather than later. There was a moment when I knew it happen now: Maddy said she felt like I was taking advantage of her by staying in the relationship, since she was employed and I was not. This was something that had come up before, the idea that if I could support myself financially, I'd break up with her. I couldn't say that she was wrong. Part of the horror of losing my last two jobs had been the feeling that I was once again beholden to her, that she would have to continue to support me. So, having very little money and no immediate prospects (aside from an interview the next day at a pr0n company, which would surely go nowhere), no way to pay the next month's rent, I broke up with her. the moment i let go of it...
I can now write, or do whatever I want, whenever I want. I need to make the most of this new, alien freedom.
It's a music request, of course. But damn if it didn't get my hopes up for a moment.
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Tuesday, 3 May 2005 (all you want to be) 11:10am Poppy, in response to my entry about twinks (this one in particular): Even less fun than just looking at him is having written several novels about boys who resemble him, and thus having people assume you are still attracted to his type, or even occasionally having his type come on to you. These days, if I'm anything, I guess I am kind of a chubby chaser.Good lord. It's bad enough when the well-meaning little gothlings ask her if she's going to write a sequel to Lost Souls, or walk up with a stack of 'em at signings for a book she wrote during the second Bush administration. I mean, yay for her books selling, butwell, read my interview with her in Girlfriends, if it ever gets published.
It hadn't occurred to me, but yeah, the main characters of her early novels are quite
twinkalicious. Goth twink, no less. Heythat's not a bad idea, providing one's measure of good and
bad are determined by potential profit, andoh. It's been done. Figures. (That link contains explicit male nudity. I'm not going to disclaim
about that anymore, because if you haven't figured that out when I'm
talking about gay pr0n, you don't deserve to be warned.) I do find myself wondering if these pictures were originally supposed to be some kind of Matrix reference, and have since been repurposed. Or maybe the other way around.
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Monday, 2 May 2005 (oversound) 5:20pm I brought Perdita home on Friday night. This is what she looks like asleep on my desk. The picture actually makes her look smaller than she is; while I would hesitate to use the word considerable, she is not lacking in heft. She is also not lacking claws, which is why I may not get to keep her. The language of the as-yet unsigned adoption papers implies very strongly that if I have any intention of getting her declawed, they may take her away. And the fact is, I do intend to have her declawed if I feel it's necessary. (Please don't bother emailing me with your personal views on why declawing is terrible and inhumane, because I've heard it, okay? You aren't going to be the one to show me the error of my ways.) I briefly considered just lying on the applicationme? i would never consider such a thing! why, i'm insulted that you would suggest that I could be so cruel and barbarous as that!but, no. Fuck that. I'm sick of dishonesty, of false fronts, of pretending to be who and what I'm not, and what I am is a person who doesn't think declawing is bad thing, especially for indoor-only cats. If she was going outside, then yes, absolutely, she would need her claws. Ironically, another requirement is that the cat stay indoors, where the claws are needed the least. Feh. I guess we'll see what happens. If they decide to take her back because they realize I'm a bad person, fine. I'll be sad, but I won't fight them, either. I refuse to get into a custody battle, and there are always going to be cats who need homes.
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