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Wednesday, 31 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: p.s. you rock my world) 7:22am No Roderick's last night. Went to bed at about 7:15pm and got up at 5am. I honestly can't remember the last time I slept so long. I do feel better than I did yesterday, though, and should survive to the weekend. So, my response to my mother. Delicate enough?
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 16:22:15 -0800 (PST) Could have been a lot rougher, I suppose. Her reply:
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 20:43:59 +0000 She raises a perfectly valid question. Exactly what did I expect? ...I'm at a loss for words. I honestly don't know for certain what I expected. That she'd react negatively, sure. I guess figured it would be somewhere between acceptance and this, one mother's less than pleasant reaction to her child coming out as female-to-male. At the same time, though, whatever I expect is irrelevant at best, because it doesn't change anything. What I'm doing is what I'm doing regardless of how she reacts. This may sound cold and uncaring, but think about it: it's not like I'm going to stop because of her disapproval. She could threaten to kill me (and such things are not unheard of in these situations; by the third page, of the above letter, that's about all the mother hasn't done) and it wouldn't make much of a difference except give me something to be even mopier about. Yeah, I'm understating the case, but I think the point is clear. In a lot of ways it would be much simpler if she just disowned me and that was that.
The need for good, understanding friends. That, I can identify with.
Your sister sees the future
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Tuesday, 30 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: the medication is wearing off) 7:53am We were corresponding yesterday, then, of all things, paranoia over the Melissa Virus set in (I use pine, but her company uses Outlook) and her server started bouncing my mail back. Again, so very nineties. Death Guild was nothing special, and Biff's presence turned me off a bit. (As a god I don't believe exists is my witness, this guy was a dead ringer for the 50's version of Biff from Back to the Future. Honest.) One person did recognize me from both Shrine and Sanctuary and kindly if nervously introduced himself. Lee said he and Marion might show up, but they never did, or if they did, it was after I left. Granted, my energy level suddenly dropped in a big way around 11:30pm and I bailed. Doesn't bode well for Roderick's tonight.
Speak of the devil, Astrid wrote me. I almost can't picture her using a computer.
"You're so bitter," your complaint ...so I turned away before she spotted me. There was no way I was going to make first contact. If I'd been too forward before, she could come to me this time. Which she did. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and there she was, a huge grin on her face. We hugged and I kissed her on the cheeka mouth kiss which she expertly deflected, thus telling me everything I needed to know. She danced with me for a song, then excused herself to go to the bar and say her hellos. Not actually invited to accompany her (as Summer had done earlier in the evening), I continued dancing. I felt none of the "should I follow or shouldn't I" anxiety that I had that awful night a few weeks back. This is where I was, and this was where I was going to be until I felt any reason to leave.
She'd said confident was sexy. So I was confident, and she said it was too heavy. Lee and Seven finally arrived, as did The Ex and Gloria. I ran into them in the bar later; Lee, as promised, was in full Bowie-in-Labyrinth mode, and doing it quite well at that. I couldn't help that be amused that in the interest of the costume's verisimilitude, his makeup was probably the least elaborate I'd ever seen on him. I was equally amused by how smitten The Ex was of Seven's outfit, which indeed was quite...er, fascinating. Tiff was schmoozing on the other side of the room, but I stayed where I was. Lee's not exactly her favorite person, so the odds of her coming over to me were even slighter than usual. I'd wandered out and into the ladies' room. As always, when in doubt it's the best place to go. I assumed the position at the mirror and went to work. Mostly I was just adding to the eyeliner that was already there, which was more than sufficient, but it was still a satisfying feeling. As good a reason to avoid the world, which I realized was what I was doing. Summer came in shortly after I did, quickly reached the same conclusion, and called bullshit on me. Normally she doesn't really pick up on these things, but tonight she had something of a maternal vibe. It's rare but nice when it happens, and no doubt some people wonder what the hell I rate to get that kind of attention from her. Tiff and I encountered one another on the dance floor and danced together for a while. I suspect that's going to always be the one place where we connect, the perfect neutral ground. She mentioned that she was a bit drunker than she'd expected to be, and knowing that otherwise she'd be taking the bus, I offered to drive her home later. She gratefully accepted. I realize how this sounds, but ultimately it was meant as nothing more than a courtesy. I didn't expect we'd talk much on the way, or anything else. By 1am I was jonesing for my traditional orange juice (just about the only thing the bar serves that I can bring myself to drink). Tiff was there, talking to someone I didn't recognize. I figured what the hell and joined her. I'd been aloof enough for one night. Apparently not. She grabbed my arm and pulled me in closer, introducing me "my friend Sherilyn who stands on the edges of conversations." And yes, it's completely true, for better or for worse I do have a tendency to hover. She was talking to someone she'd only just met a few minutes before, a girl named Sara. Before long Tiff drifted off, because Sara and I hit it off remarkably well. Just going to show there isn't enough room in the Bay Area, it turns out she works at Autodesk, the company I worked at before my current job. I was there March-December '97 and she'd been there since May '97, but since we actually worked in different buildings odds were we'd never crossed paths before. She's tall. As in 6'. My height. Actually talking to a girl and being able to look straight ahead into her eyes is an extremely rare experience for me. The weird part was, she seemed impressed that *I* was tall. Still haven't figured that one out yet, and I'd already come out to her by that point (although it was really just a matter of defining the terms, considering the way I looked). She suggested we exchange email addresseswelcome to 1999. The fundamental flaw in that plan wouldn't strike me until later. Tiff ended up getting a ride from someone else. No argument from me. Before she left, however, she thanked me for the email earlier in the week. I guess maybe she'd actually been hoping to hear from me. Lee suggested a pilgrimage to the Bagdad Cafe in the Castro after Shrine closed. I invited Sara, and to my surprise, she accepted. It was a fairly large groupmyself, Sara, Marion (whom I hadn't seen since Sanctuary last month, when she made me promise to come to Bound the following week then didn't show up herself), Lee, Seven, Perki, and a few other people I didn't recognize. Sara and I continued the getting-inside-the-the-other-person's-head phase, making a shocking discovery: we were both grown-ups who liked Marilyn Manson, and had both gone to and enjoyed the show. She asked if I was busy Saturday night; she wanted me to come to a club with her called described. I'd never heard of it before, and she wasn't entirely sure if it was every Saturday or not, but that it should be fun: she described it with a grin as being a "girl's club." Intriguing, to say the least. No doubt Maggie would disapprove. So as we left we agreed to get in touch on Saturday (well, later in the day, since it was already 4am on Saturday) and figure out the plans from there. ...except it hadn't occured to either of us to include phone numbers, and she only had email at work. Whoops. The best laid plans and all that...
You're my latest last chance
My final hurrah
This day went so fast
I barely even saw you
So we're planning on going out on Saturday. As always, whatever happens, happens.
Now I have to figure out how to reply to Maggie. I can either say what's on my mind
(and it ain't pretty, having a lot to do with both her arrogance and her own sense
of denial), or go easy and pretend the snubbing of the last two and a half months
didn't actually happen.
Uh-oh. It would appear I'm not going easy on her. No doubt this is what my mother would call vitriol.
Y'know? It's all true. Every fuckin' word of it.
My body hates me. It's choosing right now to lower its defensesit wants me to be sneezing and coughing by the end of the week, which would certainly put a damper on any plans. Uh-uh. No way.
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Monday, 29 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: dead of winter) 11:38am She wrote. We're thinking in terms of going to Masquerade this Saturday night. 1:18pm
The resident F2M here just noticed the scratches on my right wrist, and seemed extremely
skeptical when I told him I got them from Jim's cat on Saturday night. Which is
how I got them, but he didn't seem to believe me at first. Very sweet, really, but unnecessary.
I suppose he's seen enough manic-depressive trannies (as have I, and as unlikely as it
sounds , I'm quite happy and well-adjusted compared to most of those basket cases)
to not want to take any chances.
The problem with inevitable things is they always end up happening.
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Sunday, 28 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: ant farm) 7:29pm The Ex's out tonight, at her new guy's place. Well, I guess it depends on how you define "new," since we've both known him for about three years. Very nice guy, actually. Certainly different from me in some very fundamental ways. Not that many people are particularly similar to me, but if The Ex ever grew tired of my temperance (and I know she did), then she's definitely in luck. It'll certainly suck for her not to have a constant designated driver, though. Maggie called earlier. I guess she thinks all is forgiven. I don't think so. Oh, hell! I was gonna call Astrid and I totally blanked! Damn...maybe tomorrow, particularly if there's any time between The Ex heading out and me going to Death Guild. It's been way too long since I've talked to her. She was one of the first people I came out to, and she took it more in stride than anyone else. I really miss her a lot. Missed Gahan's Muppetfest this afternoon (not to mention Happiness at the Red Vic). Tiff was probably there, which actually makes me not mind it so much. We shouldn't have any contact outside of Shrine. Who knows, the whole purpose for us to have met in the first place might have been fulfilled Friday night when I just happened to be in the right place at the right time... ...but that'll depend on what happens tomorrow morning.
expect nothing. she will not save you. nobody can but you. lee's analysis of the situation is quite possibly correct, and if so, that's more than enough.Simpsons, Matt Groening's new show and X-Files. Sometimes, television is a good thing. Then again, they're preceded by one of those fucking America's Funniest Home Videos rip-offs, proof that this culture is almost completely worthlesslike more proof was needed. God is in the TV.
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Saturday, 27 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: climbing to the moon) 10:14am Long long night at Shrine and beyond, first on the dance floor and last to leave, and I'm still entirely uncertain about everything that happened between those two points and thereafter. This weekend may continue onwards and simply get stranger and more interesting, or the promises of last night may evaporate as they always seem to. Guess it depends on whether or not she writes today.
Is there anything more nineties than writing your email addressboth
home and workon the back of a club flyer? I seriously doubt it.
Of course, if there was any functioning gray matter between the two of us, we would have thought to include phone numbers. But apparently there isn't, so we didn't. Not to mention she only gave me a work email (more on the certain significance of that later), implying she may not have email at home...a minor detail, but one that makes a lot of difference for communication over the weekend. So I got to Shrine of Lilith at about 9:45pm; The Ex's cousin Gloria was in town, and though they'd probably be coming out later, I was on my own for now with the car. I was once again in the simple skirt/t-shirt/tights combo which I'd now officially worn to Shrine two weeks in a row, tres gauche but I didn't care; I liked it and it was serving me quite well. Anyway, the club was mostly empty. No great shock; usually this sort of thing doesn't start picking up until around midnight or so. Still, it meant I had the dance floor to myself, which was nice. It trades one form of self-consciousness for another: rather than other people dancing (making sure you don't collide, that you don't feel too dorky when everyone else is much more graceful, etc), there's the issue of being observed by the people along the walls. There weren't a lot of people there, but those present didn't have much else to do but look at me. Eventually the floor began to gradually fill up, including, much to my surprise, Summer. I hadn't expected her to show up quite so early. She only made it through one song, citing the difficulty of dancing for very long in the corset she was wearing. So after giving me a few pointers on dancing (bois never put their hands over their heads, but girls do), she invited me to join her in the bar. In the bar the next minor surprise of the evening came with the arrival of Victor, her photographer whom she hadn't thought was going to make it. Summer introduced us, invoking Betty Page as she always does when when talking about my appearance. Victor neither agreed nor disagreed, but he had other things on his mind: alcohol, nicotine and plenty of both. He hadn't yet seemed to come to terms with the whole "smokefree bar" concept. After schmoozing with Victor's entourage for a while (mostly standing back and letting Summer do most of the work, because it's what she's best at, though I did talk for a while with a guy in the film program at SFSU, where I graduated with a film BA in '97), I wandered off to see who else had shown up. I knew that Sym wasn't going to show and The Ex was at best a definite maybe (after all, there were lots of other things happening on a Friday night to show Gloria), so I was primarily curious about Lee and Tiff. At least, I was looking forward to seeing Lee. Tiff, not quite so much. "Torn" is probably the best word. I made the first of many trips into the ladies' room for a touch up. I can accomplish quite a lot with just an eyeliner pencil. It's also fascinating to see the difference the lighting in there makes compared to the light in the bathroom at home; what seems almost garish at first becomes practically subtle. As a result, I was becoming more confident with this particular approach, which seemed quite overstated at first. (When she first saw me made up earlier in the evening and I commented that I didn't think I'd done as good a job as Tuesday, The Ex replied, "Well, you still look dead." As always, a high compliment.) Not that I'd wear it to work or anything like that; I do have a certain grasp on reality. Pandora and Louise could get away with that sort of thing (and probably even Summer), but not me. No doubt I'll return to something genuinely subtle eventually, but for now, this is what works for meprobably once my facial hair is truly gone for good, and the upper lip hair is definitely noticeable right now matter what I doand I'm sticking with it. Victor was on the dance floor when I returned. He'd apparently discovered one of Shrine's better-kept secrets: while it may be the height of rudeness, you can get away with smoking while dancing. I congratulated him on his discovery. He also had his drink in his other hand. I've never seen him work, but he definitely plays hard. Then again, I may have seen him work. A short while later he went onto the stagewhere nobody was dancing, confirming my observation than in spite of it also happening to be Boi's Night Out and Big Hair Night 2, it was ultimately a slow nightand got out a heretofore unseen camera. Now, I'll admit I tend to exist in a place somewhere between paranoia (Why are you looking at me?) and narcissism (Do you like what you're seeing?), but I'm pretty damn sure he was taking pictures of me. I know that pictures were at least being taken because of the red light and the flash, and it seemed to be pointed at me. And it was someone who knew who I was and had already expressed interest in photographing me. I suppose I'll find out soon enough. As it is, we're tentatively planning on me joining him and Summer at her place on Sunday. So, later, I'd migrated onto the stage because it actually offers a little space, and I couldn't help but notice Tiff entering the room....
More to come.
Christ! Did anyone on the damn list besides Kali happen to actually read my original post? Where they're getting all this "I like variety" stuff is a real mystery, because it bears absolutely no relation to the point I was making. But I seem to have struck a nerve, one I wasn't even aiming for. I could post another litany of all my non-goth interests, but it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. C'mon, kids! Learn to take the fucking labels and make them your own! If queer can be an empowering word, anything can...if you just have the courage to say "Go fuck yourself, this who I am, this is what I do, and if how I live doesn't fit within your narrow definition of what my behavior should be based on what you think [insert word here] means, kindly refer to my original suggestion of going and fucking yourself." Nah. It's so much simpler just to deny it. "We're here, we're goth, get used to it" will never be a on a banner. Thus endeth the rant.
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Friday, 26 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: last stop: this town) 10:36am Yesterday was like a series of light but stinging slaps, as though I'd passed out and someone was trying to wake me up without actually hurting me. Many of the little things (and some of the big ones) that I thought I could rely on seemed to evaporate. The Razor, no doubt suspecting that I was starting to get just a little too complacent, takes another slice. There was, of course, the drama involving my doctor and the insurance. Thankfully, the hormones are still being covered, but although the prescription was for two months, that evening the pharmacy told me the the insurance will only cover one month a time. Sheesh. Fine. Whatever. Still can't complain too much. Earlier, though... After picking me up from work (but before I went to the pharmacy), The Ex gave me some bad news: she's taking someone else to the Alanis Morissette concert next week. (Yeah, I know, ooh, Alanis, she sucks, how can I possibly like her? Fuck you.) This hit me kinda hard. Not because she was taking the guy whose place she'd spent the previous night (I'm not saying they slept together, I really don't know and don't care too much, however it's a safe bet that in the two months since we've broken up she's probably gotten laid more than the previous two months when we were still together) and said it was going to be "sort of a date," I've grown accustomed to that sort of thing and what seems to be the unavoidable fact that soon she'll be moving on completely and never looking back It was just that I'd been really looking forward to it, since I've been liking the new album a lot, and though it wasn't like she'd absolutely promised she'd take me she said yes when I asked originally, and after all, I took her to the Manson show (after her strongly hinting for quite some time that she was interested and me ignoring said hints until almost the last minute), and I thought this would be kind of an equivalent to that, me going with her to one of her things like she came along with me to one of mine, unlike the Neil show which has been a mutual thing for years and unless she finds someone else who's also into Neil we'll probably always do those together, and heck, I'd even gone to Tower the morning they went on sale to buy her the tickets because she wasn't feeling up to it (she ended up getting them on the phone while I was still standing in line after an hour but that's not the point), and now, well, it didn't matter because I couldn't exactly ask her not to take him, it was her decision, and that was that, but goddamn if I wasn't starting to get a little choked up all the same, and while I was genuinely shocked that something as ridiculous as this would bring me to tears, it seemed to be doing the trick... She asked me if I was all right. With a small yet insincere smile plastered on my face, my eyes shiny but not too moist (and using all my will to keep it like that) I turned, nodded, and returned my gaze out the passenger window, where it remained for the rest of the trip. I did at one point briefly try to explain myselfyes, I'd been looking forward to it, I'd romanticized the whole thing a bit too much (proof that we could remain friends, do stuff together)and she accepted it graciously, not getting nearly as upset as she would have had every right to. How I seem to keep forgetting the rules of breaking up, particularly when you do the breaking up, you will you give that a rest, already? the statute of limitations of self-loathing in this situation has long since passed. didja ever notice that she never once suggested getting back together, on any level? unlike your pathetic self when she dumped you all those years ago?kinda lose your rights to complain too much about what the other person does. Yet she wasn't angry, and a lot of that might have had to do with the slight glow coming from her. She seemed happy (how about enjoying a moment for once?), and was rolling with it. As well she should. Not that I can afford it, but I checked this morningSheryl Crow tickets are still available. For that matter, REM goes on sale this weekend.
Either way, I suppose I'd really only need one.
The Ex's cousin is in town for at least the evening, and will likely be coming to Lilith with us. No, that's not quite right: she'll be going with The Ex, and I'll be along for the ride out there.
it's crazy what you could have had There's a possibility they won't be going and I'll get to use the car, but I'm not holding my breath. Or maybe they'll take the car and I'll bus it out there. Never can tell. Got the pictures from Tuesday night; used up the last bit of space on my credit card. *sigh* Very little red-eye since they're b&w, but damn if practically every one of them isn't blurry. Christ! I don't get it! It's not like The Ex's a caffeine junkie who can't hold the camera still, so what gives? Still a couple of them aren't too bad, and at least one is kinda cool. Oh, man. My mother just wrote. Haven't even looked at it.
steady, now. you were getting frustrated with her not writing, now she has. read it, already.It's short, 1,294kb. Less than a page. Not the long response I was hoping for, with questions and observations and shit! would just fucking read it?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 18:18:17 +0000 My immediate thoughts: Surrealistic? Welcome to my world. I suppose notwe should all be insulted. But that's neither here nor there. Offering to come up here. Wow. Not a response I was expecting. Gonna have to be a delicate response.
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Thursday, 25 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: going to your funeral part ii) 6:21am i made up the bed that we sleep in I've never had sex in a dream. Period. Not once. Ever. Not when adolescence first hit a decade and change ago and all the wrong chemicals starting surging. Not even just now when we were together and she was wanting me and i was wanting her and everything was right and perfect except my subconscious hates me and can't allow these things to happen so it didn't. I wonder if it'll make seeing her tomorrow night even more anticlimactic.
but now it's time to hang on, here i go 12:38pm Ah, the system. Beyond the limited yet significant degree to which it actually works for me, I'm extremely fucking sick of it. I saw my endocrinologist this morning for the first time since mid-January. This is the doctor who actually prescribes the hormones, and checks me regularly to make sure there's no problems. Altering one's fundamental body chemistry is a perilous business, and many things can go wrong. This is one of the reasons I've never been seriously tempted to self-medicate; I only have one shot at this, and I wanna do it right. Too much is at stake. ...to make a long story short (first time for everything, huh?), in spite of finally being insured and having selected this particular doctor as my primary caregiver in the insurance application, I ended up having to pay cash for the appointment after all, and as a result I'm pretty well fucked monetarily until I get paid next Thursday. Seems that at some point between me filling out the paperwork in January and actually receiving the card earlier this month, my doctor dropped out of the particular insurance plan I'd selected. Nobody in the doctor's office was aware of this, however. It was, to say the least, frustrating. The frustrations didn't end there, however. Physically, I'm coming along just fine; my breast development, which for better or for worse is the primary yardstick, is what it should be. My weight has also held steady at 180. This is the first time it hasn't dropped between visits, but considering I was at about 230 when I started last September, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Now, my shrink had originally given me a list of four or five endocs around the Bay Area she could refer me to. Said referral is the quite the holy grail when you're starting out, since most reputable endocs require it before prescribing hormones. (The key word is reputable. There are those who don't give a damn, and at first I *was* seriously tempted to contact one that I'd heard about, a "dirty old man" based in the Tenderloin who provides for the Motherlode girls. It passed, however.) To get the referral, you have to go through at least 12 weeks of analysis, which I did last summer. My first session was on June 16, 1998my 25th birthdayand I got the referral in due course. I'd chosen this particular doctor for two reasons: first, her office was about a ten minute drive from my apartment or an hour's walk, and since my shrink was in San Rafael and my electrologist was in Alameda I liked the thought of not having to cross a goddamn bridge for a change. The second: according to my shrink, she genuinely enjoyed what she did, and liked to make it fairly quick. Not so quick as to be dangerous, but not taking longer than necessary, either. Since at the time I was in the midst of a severe mid-life crisis (mainly owing to starting when I was 25 rather than I when I was 20 or 18, when it would have been much more effective), I liked the sound of that. Wouldn't you know it, her philosophy has changed considerably. Not only did she refuse to prescribe a testosterone blockerheight of cruely, thatbut for the last couple visits she's said she was about to put me on a third and more potent med, estinyl, which would amp up the process. Sounded good to me. So when she said today she'd be keeping my prescriptions the same, I reminded her about the estinyl. After all, last time she said I hadn't developed quite enough to start on it; this time she said I'd moved beyond the first stage of growth. Which, according to what she'd said before, meant the time was right. Nope. She doesn't prescribe estinyl anymore. I blinked. What the hell? Had she completely lost her passion for this? Why not? It's not made anymore. While I'm no longer convinced of the global conspiracy against me, this is the sort of thing which suggestg me that it must exist. Story of my fuckin' life as a consumer, really. If I develop a loyalty to a product it disappears from the market before long. This certainly fits that pattern, particularly considering my prior observations that the timespan between cause and effect seems to be shrinking. In any event, she says upping the dosage of premarin from 5mg a day to 7.5mg will have essentially the same effect as the estinyl...but we won't be doing that just yet. *sigh* Of course not.
All I can hope for now is that the insurance company hasn't called bullshit on covering my hormones,
or tonight when I take in my prescriptions I'm going to be facing a roughly $220 bill I can't begin
to pay. At this point, though, anything is possible.
Seems I'll be working with Summer on Errata after all. This should definitely prove interesting.
i'm in the front row with popcorn
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Wednesday, 24 March 1999 (electro-shock blues: efil's god) 9:33am This is how I'll look when I'm buried. That was the thought going through my head last night when I untied my hair from atop my head and let it down, always the defining moment in the makeup process. That's really when I know if it'll work or not. Up until that point it's all fairly theorectical, based on faith that the otherwise seemingly unrelated elements will come together as a whole, becuase during the application process it borders on abstract. Particularly this time; I was going considerably less subtle than usual, making liberal use of shadow all around the eyes (which are fairly sunken to begin with) and the uber-gothy white powder. Lots of it. And why the hell not? I was in a foul mood. The day, which had been ambivalent at best to begin with, turned ugly after The Ex picked me up. Something big and heavy damaged the curb outside our apartment. Chunks were broken off, and the strip of metal which lines the curb in our neighborhood was sticking out, quite jagged and ready to puncture any tire which dared to even look at it wrong. I'd noticed it a few days ago (in retrospect, right after the moving truck had arrived with deliveries for our upstairs neighborit may have been there before, but if so, I didn't see it), but The Ex had only seen it today. Now, I'd dropped The Ex off at the apartment on Monday night before going to pay the rent; according to her theory, I may have caused the damage because when I left I "peeled out" (I seem to recall having simply driven away, but from her perspective I peeled out) and if I was driving recklessly when I left it stands to reason I was driving recklessly when I came back too, and could very well have clipped the curb when I was parking. Never mind that it would have taken something with the force of the Tungeska Meteor to rip apart the curb and the metal strip like that, and if I'd done it, Newtonian physics implies that the car would have been in equally bad shape. Not really, but there was a noticeable scratch on one of the tires, which to her served as further evidence of my culpability. It made perfect sense. She wasn't saying that was beyond a shadow of a doubt what happened, but that it was possible. Without invoking once more my mother's tirade about my hair (and, to be honest, even I'm sick of hearing myself bitch about that), I can't remember the last time I'd felt so insulted. She automatically assumed it was me and worked backwards to figure out a way to place the blame, in spite of no real evidence and about a million other possibilities. We hardly spoke the rest of the way home; I had nothing to say, with the possible exception of how much her accusation hurt, and lord knows that wouldn't have done a damn bit of good. I was also too busy processing the fact that she'd clearly lost all respect for me. And holding back any possible tears was important, lest it confirm her theories about my emotionalism and the destruction it was causing. So, I figured, why not goth out completely? What did I have to lose? The Ex worked from seven to nine, and when she got back I'd be taking the car to Trannyshack. I hadn't been for a while, and I was still on a quest to get those damn pictures. Anyway, when I took my hair down I was actually rather impressed with what I saw. I don't think I've ever quite nailed the one-foot-in-grave look quite so well. When through most of your life you have serious weight issues, both real and imagined, this becomes a major acheivement. I went into the bedroom to use the full-length mirror. Even beyond the esoteric hypergoth aesthetic, everything clicked. My hair was still shiny black and rootless from having been to Miguel's on Saturday (and down in Betty Page style, not in pigtails), and I was wearing the same simple skirt/t-shirt/tights outfit which I'd been getting so much mileage out of. This was me at my most beautiful. Yeah, my mood improved. Considerably. Hollow though it may be, if I can't take pleasure from these things, if I can't savor this sort of victory and this sort of realization of what I thought was an utterly unreachable dream only a few years ago, then there's possibly nothing left to be happy about at all. For this I feel no shame and make no apologies. Realizing that this might be my only opportunity to dance to music that spoke to me on any kind of an emotional level (Trannyshack's music is usually generic dance club stuff, hard enough for me to dance to let along connect with), I turned off all the lights except the xmas lights in the living room and put on "Moving Through Time" from the Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me soundtrack, which just happens to be one of the loveliest pieces of music ever. I'm constantly astonished that it isn't in heavy rotation at goth clubs. (Perki? Are you listening?) The Ex arrived home while I was dancing, and I thought I saw a smile. In fact, I know I did. The bad vibes from earlier were gone, as I suspected they would be. This was a different situation. Were we different people? Or, more specifically, was I? No, I don't believe so. I've never considered there to be any kind of a division in my personality or a separate persona when dressed or anything like that. It's not like assuming a role; if so, I probably wouldn't haven't failed quite so miserably with Tiff. (One of the more confused Rusties at the Neil show on Friday asked, "Alter ego?" I replied, quite honestly: "No, just me, only moreso.") I'm not pretending to be something I'm not, or doing anything that goes against my essential nature. Because it's what us exhibitionist/voyeurs do, we shot nearly an entire roll of our newly acquired b&w film on me. For as many ways as this is all driving us apart, it also brings The Ex and I together. She takes great joy in being my photographer, and I do believe she finds me beautiful. This would all probably be much simpler if she was repulsed by every step of the process and wanted nothing to do with it, but that's simply never been the case. She's been scared, worried, nervous, yes, and understandably so, but also ultimately very supportive. So I put my hair up in pigtails (my standard look for going out, plus it keeps my hair from getting in my face when I'm dancing) and I went to Trannyshack. Y'know, I think I can officially say I'm getting bored with it. I danced for a while, looking perhaps just a smidgen out of place, and as always trying fairly unsuccessfully to adapt my body's limited range to their music's rhythm. If nothing else, Blondie's "Atomic" allowed me to relive the days when I'd come to 80s Night at the same bar (the Stud at 9th and Harrison in San Francisco) and gave me an incredibly strong If Only She Could See Me Now vibe. She lost faith in me, and I'm not sure I've ever forgiven her for that. Before too long I returned to the front room, in my usual position in front of the mirror by the pool table. I kept an eye on the door for Meesha and Tina, as well as the two queens who'd taken my picture and promised to email it but never did. They never did show up, and by 11:30pm a plan was forming: Roderick's Chamber. I'd still never been to Roderick's. It was on Tuesdays, just down the street, and it was music I could dance to. (*sigh* Okay, let's get it out of our system, shall we? Altogether now: "I will wewease Wodewick!" There. Can I continue? Thanks.) Right after I started seriously considering bailing and hitting Roderick's, as will almost certainly happen you're at Trannyshack and dressed like a girl--and, if I may be so bold, are one of the cuter non-genetic/non-working girls--I was approached. A boi about my age, cute enough as bois go (think Eddie Vedder's younger brother). He was drunk, but not belligerently; rather, I got the impression that it was for courage. Drunk enough to approach mewhat an odd concept. He started by observing that I'd been standing there keeping to myself all night long (the unstated implication being that he'd been watching me all night long); why? What was I doing there? This was intriguing because as a pickup line, as it bordered on existential and in fact was a question I'd been asking myself. We talked for maybe an hour or so, and while I didn't get the impression he was hitting on me per se, I made the occasional reference to The Ex as though we were still together and was vague but discouraging about my plans for the rest of the evening. His eyes lit up when I mentioned that I usually go to goth clubs, and while I'd decided I was going to Roderick's next I didn't mention it. Cruel and elitist, perhaps, but in these situations it's way too easy to pick up extra baggage. Particularly considering he was from out of town (Seattle, eerily enough); I had no intention of being more of a tour guide than absolutely necessary. Eventually he confessed to something I'd suspected anyway: that he was a cross-dresser and had once been on hormones for two months. The reason he stopped was the problems caused with his girlfriend regarding the inevitable loss of his sex drive, an issue with which I am intimately familiar. Sadly, that seemed to be the only reason he stopped. Perhaps he's better off for it, I obviously don't know all the details, but if he had the presence of mind to begin (albeit with stuff bought over the internet, questionable at best) then it's a shame he had to stop for that reason. If it's the right path for him, he needs to take that path and accept whatever sacrifices come with it. Who knows, maybe I inspired him a little. Being the self-important bitch I am, I'd certainly like to think so. I let him feel my right breast to get a sense of what six months of hormones will doit seemed only fair, as he was clearly curious, but a poor sense of location resulted in him poking my upper rib cage, so I guided his hand. Perhaps it was a major event for him, I don't know, but it didn't do a damn thing for me. Except maybe reveal that I'm a tease. He did make a semi-bold move on his own; he asked if I'd had any electrolysis done, so I naturally turned and looked at myself in the mirror, openly lamenting that I hadn't shaved before going out and that I could see my shadow clear as day. So he touched my cheek with the back of his hand and said he couldn't feel a thing. It was disconcertingI tend to have strong personal space issues, as certain schmucks at Lilith will attestbut he clearly meant well, and there's a more than distinct possibility that his theory of touch is not dissimilar to mine, that a little is enough, be it a hug or a rubbing her foot? remember that? remember how it lifted you out of the darkness just for a moment even if she probably didn't even realize you were doing it? at that point in time she was no longer aware you existed and that this one minor little contact which really could have been with anyone you were in such desperation was all that was keeping you alive and she couldn't have even begun to guesskiss or just rubbing someone's cheek can be a wonderful thing. In any event, I felt neither aroused nor violated. Much to my surprise, he left before I did, at about 12:15. We said our goodbyesI was very gracious, naturallyand I left about five minutes after he did just to be on the safe side. I briefly considered just going home, but nah, I'd been getting plenty of sleep lately. One late (work)night wouldn't kill me. Besides, my curiosity about Roderick's was growing by the minute. And certainly nothing was keeping me at Trannyshack. For that matter, whether or not I'd be coming back at all was becoming uncertain. The semi-thorough search outside Roderick's took me by surprise, but I suppose it's necessary at such an establishment. (3rd and Harrison, very close to where I used to work.) That was just one of the many ways it proved to be unlike Lilith. I'm using this word way too much lately, but the vibe couldn't have been more different. It was louder, larger, darker, more intense in every way. I fell in love with it almost instantly. And, like The Stud, it used to be a hangout of Louise's. Now it would be mine. After walking around to get a sense of the layoutthe word "Chamber" is particularly apt, because there's a lot of 'emI went onto the dance floor, which itself was probably larger than the entire basement that Lilith occupies. And it was packed. The only place I could see where there was any room was the stage. Unlike Lilith, the stage of which is elevated maybe a foot, this one was at least five feet off the ground, hence drawing even more attention to whoever was up there. And I'd had bad experiences on Lilith's stage, including the drunken shirtless behemoth who saw me and thought to himself, "Ramming speed!" I confess, though, I take a certain amount of pride in the fact that my post about the incident started the thread on the sfgoth-junkies list which resulted in "Biff and Chip" becoming our all-purpose phrase for frat-looking people. Always happy to aid to my peoples' sense of superiority. Biff and Chip didn't seem presentthis was as GAF ("goth as fuck") a crowd as I'd ever seenand there was room, so I went onto the stage. On the one hand it seemed wrong that my first time there I would put myself into the proverbial spotlight (proverbial because there were many many spotlights going). On the other hand, there's a lot of be said for walking into a place and acting like you own it. So that's what I did. I felt underdressed, though. Everywhere else, be it Lilith or So What or even Trannyshack, what I was wearing felt like plenty, and the fact that it was casual was an important detail. But this situation required more. The fishnets would clearly be making a comeback. Cognizant of the fact that I did have to go be up by 5:30am, I left around two. I explored the bar area a bit first, though, to see if I recognized anyone. I didn't. (Chances are someone recognized me from Lilith, though. This isn't ego, just a logical assumption. I seem to be quite noticeable.) I did, however, discover the girl walking around with the tray of free sushi. Free, if store-bought, sushi at two in the morning.
I was clearly home.
Summer just told me that her photographer Victor, whom as near as I can tell is the only person whom she trusts to take her picture, will probably be at Lilith this Friday and would like to meet me for a possible photo shoot. Very odd, and more than a little intriguing. Particularly because this is clearly something Summer orchestrated, as I've had no contact whatsoever with the gentleman and I doubt he even knows what I look like. Summer seems to think I'm worth his time. Her friendship is clearly on her terms and her terms alone, but I guess when you're on her good side she'll watch out for you in ways you can't predict. Curiouser and curiouser.
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