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Tuesday, 10 March 2009 (world serves its own needs) 2:23pm Had lunch with my father, because I'm in town and it's the right thing to do. Plus I actually like hanging out with him, which helps. I'm now at Planet Java, around the corner from his house. It's been a while since I've done the "sit a table in a coffehouse with my laptop" thing. | ||
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Monday, 9 March 2009 (renegade steer clear) 9:48am I think I'll see Watchmen in IMAX today. What the hell, I'm on vacation. 11:55am The VegOut iPhone app Sister Edith pointed me towards has already paid for itselfI found an awesome cult-run vegan restaurant in Fresno, just like the many back home. And it's in The Tower District, of course. 12:51pm Oh, Fresno thrift stores, will you ever stop giving? (Ignoring the part where I have to pay for stuff.) 2:20pm Yet another epic flirt fail. I'm getting good at it. 7:02pm I dug Watchmen, though the actress playing Laurie couldn't redeem what I've always thought was a poorly written character. She's flawed, which is fine because all the characters are flawed, and that's what makes them interesting, but since the first time I read the graphic novel and the half-dozen or so times since then, I've gotten the impression that Alan Moore is a tad misogynistic. | ||
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Sunday, 8 March 2009 (feed it off an aux speak) sometime after midnight Arrived in Fresno. Why I'm here is something I'm still figuring out. | ||
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Saturday, 7 March 2009 (nowhere to be seen) sometime after midnight My AIRspace performance tonight (which has been more on my mind this past week than losing my job) went off without a hitch. It was twenty-odd minutes without the paper in front of me, I didn't forget any of the lines or blocking or anything. Turns out I can do this. | ||
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Friday, 6 March 2009 (a tournament of lies) 10:33am The last day. I've been listening to "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" on repeat. Because. 3:49pm Filled out my exit interview (which Officer Dave said was one of the best he's read), got my final check, deleted the remaining hundred of gigs left on my work computer. Still haven't turned in my keys. Maybe i'll see if I can get them to let me keep the key to the parking lot. Not holding my breath, but it's worth a shot. | ||
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Thursday, 5 March 2009 (the dark side of this room) 2:40pm I canceled my Gold's membership. Since my billing date was yesterday (missed it by that much) and I paid for first and last month when I signed up, I can still use it through the end of April. Which I'd really like to, but that's a sixteen-mile round trip, and gas is starting to get more expensive and my income is about shrink greatly. So. We'll see, I guess. The AIRspace piece is shaping up splendidly. It's all committed to memory, seeing as how I was able to recite it while I drove to work this morning, and Leni and Jim have been really helpful with actually turning it into a theater piece rather than just a story being a told. Indeed, I may finally be crossing the murky border into performance art. (Next up, then: a reinterpretation of Daisy Steiner's "Rabbit.") | ||
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009 (your grasping expectations) 3:43pm From my notebook yesterday. 3/3/09Wow. Severance. Those really were different times. I'm working the door for the Zero Film Festival at The Dark Room tonight, and afterwards I'm continuing to rehearse my AIRspace piece with Leni and Jim. It's coming along nicely, I think. | ||
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Tuesday, 3 March 2009 (sing the darker of) sometime after midnight Long, busy, productive day. Made some connections, got some gigs, hung out with friends, made some new ones, flirted like it was going out of style, discovered I'm going to be on teevee later this month, somewhat inadvertantly volunteered to teach a writing class, and rehearsed my AIRspace piece with Leni and Jim. Among other things. | ||
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Monday, 2 March 2009 (a point of no return) 9:40am My work computer tells me that my password is expiring in four days. Usually it gives me ten days' notice. My last day is this Friday. Shit's getting real. 10:21am It always works this way. I dread the rainy season, I hate it when it starts, but after a few weekslike, right about nowI grow to accept it. I don't like it, but here it is, and it'll last as long as it lasts. 11:40am Just had a one-on-one with Tim. He's sorry to see me go, wishes it didn't have to be that way, will always be available if I need a recommendation, et cetera. It was kind of him. 3:15pm After discovering that Hot Topic no longer carries Manic Panicfeh!I got a new bottle of Fuschia Shock at Rainbow. I'd been going back and forth on the hair issue, if maybe I should reblondify my bangs to make myself more quote hireable unquotable. Except, no. Aside from the fact that bleaching my bangs would fry them even more, it's a slippery slope: what about the squid, then? If I lose the squid, I'll still have a headful of dreads (which is what my natural hair's been doing with itself these past two years, dreading away), anmayd even if I had more naturalish hair right now, there's still the fact that I'm a six-foot tall tranny, which has never done me any favors in job-hunting. Not to mention the fact that California employment just hit ten percent and is going to go up before it goes down, so the odds I'm facing won't be swayed by my mane. Ergo, the hair stays the way it is. Going to see Raphaela tonight. I'm not quite at my best, but my throat's feeling okay, my eyes haven't excreted goo for a few days, and most importantly, it's been two weeks since I've worked out and it's driving me batshit. I don't like how relatively easily I got out of the habit of daily exercise, especially consider what a big deal it's been for me since August. Things change, epochs shift, I know, but I'm not going to backslide, not yet. 8:11pm Ah, the post-workout euphoria. I've missed this. | ||
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Sunday, 1 March 2009 (hidden refuge) 5:20pm The upstairs dog arrived this morning. Both Perdita and I noticed, because it barks. Which is what dogs do. I've spent most of the day at the office, continuing to clean off my computer. There are other productive things which I can be doing, but they aren't getting done. 7:10pm Leni offered to help me out with my AIRspace piece. I'm still crushed out on her something fierce, so of course I said yes. It's a rare and wonderful thing when it works out that way, that someone I have a thing for but isn't available becomes a friend instead. Should have happened with Laura, but it was like trying to grasp mist. It just doesn't work. sometime after midnight Bad Movie Night was packed, one of our infrequent sold-out shows. The kids, they love the Xanadu. | ||
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