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Sunday, 20 March 2005 (keeping the company) 7:39am The boot issue has temporarily been solved: I bought a pair of hiking boots yesterday. I'll be wearing those the majority of the time, which will significantly reduce the wear and tear of my Fluevogs. My legs and calves will also thank me, I'm sure. They were on sale for fifteen bucks, marked down from forty-five. I feel a bit better about that than had they simply been fifteen to begin with.
It's been windy but mostly dry this weekend. No doubt the rain will pick back up tomorrow. But that's okay.
Courtney Love is a controversial figure for a vast assortment of reasons that touch on all aspects of sex, drugs and rock and roll, and still, I think that ultimately the scariest thing about her is that she wants. She wants and she's not afraid to say that she wants and what she wants. She is not afraid of her own desire, and that desire is huge: she wants everything, the most cake and the most of the most. She wants the freedom to be who she wants to be whenever without reprimands and reproaches from those who are not so bold.
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Saturday, 19 March 2005 (downward chronicles) 5:40pm The company which pushes Enzyte got nailed for mail fraud. Raided, anyway. Good. They deserve it. They're bad people doing bad things, taking advantage of a foolish and gullible public, post-modern snake-oil salesmen. Actually, I'm not so sure what's post-modern about them. It's the same old fucking scam, barely even dressed up in new clothes. See, I'm happy to watch them burn because I used to have to work for them. Sorta kinda. During my last couple months at the company with the bad man, after I finally escaped from his claws but before I got booted off the payroll entirely, one of my projects was doing SEO work on their sites. I've done a lot of fucked-up things in the name of paying the bills, but in a lot of ways, that was one of the worst. Even the daily order processing I had to do for the handful of Viagra sites our company ran on the side didn't feel so icky. At least the stuff actually works, by all accounts. Enzyte and all their related products might as well be fucking sugar cubes. And, lest we forgetthe European sexual underground! No, really! We didn't just make it up to sound all exotic and shit! I'm tired of having to do bad things to make other people money. For as much as I enjoyed many aspects of my last job, there was one thing that got to me, the thing resulted in me losing the job entirely. One of the company's clients was a lawyer who focused on lawsuits regarding a particular disease. We ran a information website regarding said disease, and I was automatically notified when someone browsed the page. If they stuck around for more than thirty seconds and browsed beyond the first page (thus implying actual interest), I would launch a java-based chat client and ask them if they needed any help. Ideally, I'd talk them out of their phone number and email address to pass along to the lawyer. In other words, my job was to give him ambulances to chase. In the month that I worked for the company, I never chatted with anyone. There was little traffic, and nobody poked around much. They had the option to talk to the "live operator," but you can imagine how well that worked. What's more, the project was functionally dead for the first week and a half that I was at home with pneumonia, since I barely had the presence of mind to continue with my webmonkey work. On my last day, I was told that the lawyer was upset that the project (read: me) hadn't generated any leads and was pulling his funding. That was where they got the money to pay me, so when that dried up, it was all over. It's hard not to feel like there wasn't a bit of punishment mixed in as well, but I'll never know. As for the construction company gig back in December, I wasn't there long enough to detect any evil. But it was surely there, just beneath the surface. Are you beginning to see why walking dogs is sounding appealing? It feels like it'll be the first honest job I've had in years. It isn't facilitating penis enhancement drugs, faux or otherwise, nor assisting predatory lawyers. (For the record, I do not believe that all lawyers are money-hungry opportunists, and I've always distrusted the concept of the "frivolous lawsuit," since I only ever seemed to hear about around elections.) Dogs need to be walked, and they're not trying to hurt or take advantage of anyone. No, not even the pit bulls. It's downright noble compared to what I've done before.
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Friday, 18 March 2005 (yellow label silence) 9:50pm Things learned today: when there are ten dogs, four of which are pit bulls, it's just Lynnee and I without Kit, and it's raining, and one of the dogs has never walked with the others, and Lynnee was up until half past five in the morning bouncing at the Endup, we should not attempt to walk all ten dogs at once instead of two groups of five like the wiser, more experienced walker Kit suggests. And, if we simply must do so, then the new dog should be on a leash from the beginning in case it decides go running off, which it almost certainly will since it hasn't gotten to know us yet. Oh yeah, and they should be taken not to McLaren Park but to Balboa because of the layout. In spite of all that, there where no major mishaps. We didn't lose track of any dogs, at least not for more than a minute or two at a time (which is normal), and the only injuries were to our nerves. One of the reasons Lynnee and I make a good team is that we can get totally stressed but not take it out on each other. We cop to anything which might seem like snark, and we're generally able to laugh about it all a few minutes later. Today was a rough one all the same. It was my first day out in the rain, and it was a light one at that. Other days will be worse, I'm sure. Just gotta get used to it. I also have dirt under my fingernails. That's a new one. I haven't felt this beat at the end of a day since Girl Army. It won't always be quite so grueling. When I'm on my own I'll be walking smaller groups of no more than five, more likely three or four depending on how many I can fit into my car. While there's evidently no shortage of large dogs in the Sunset, I'm get the impression that there aren't quite so many pit bulls. They seem to be more of a Mission/Bernal dyke phenomenon. How that's for Middle America's worst nightmare? Not only is San Francisco crawling with homosexuals, but the mannish women are armed with pit bulls! Anyway, it's not that I'm afraid of them. They really have gotten a bad rap, and the stories about the danger they pose have more to do with the owners than the dogs themselves. One of The Ex's younger sister's boyfriends, for example, deliberately mistreated a a pit bull puppy so it would grow up mean and dangerous. I really fucking hate humans sometimes. Anyway, the only threat they've posed is possibly getting knocked over as they chase each other around at high speeds. Next week, I have a big decision to make.
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Thursday, 17 March 2005 (on the downlow) 11:10pm I wore my six year-old sneakers (the pair immortalized in this picture of Mina) today, and my legs feel much better at the end of the day than they do when I've been wearing my Fluevogs. Confirmed what I already knew: I need to get a pair of decent hiking boots. I just get butcher and butcher all the time. The best part of this becoming my new job, if it indeed does? (And there's no guarantee that it will. The potential for failure is still high.) I'll finally be able to justify getting a Dog is my co-pilot bumper sticker. I've always wanted one, because I'm amused by anything which might offend theists. Speaking of my craptastic car, I saw another lapis blue Neon today with not only the same paint peelingthose are a dime a dozen in this townbut with the same rusting roof issues. That cannot be a coincidence. (No, it can't. Shut up.) Makes me feel just a little less negligent.
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005 (perfect just like me) 5:45pm Getting very close to the "picking up shit" phase of the job. When I'm actually working by myself I won't have much choice, and it'll be part of my life. Not looking forward to it. Thing of it is, I can't remember ever not doing it for a living. Every job I've ever had has involved picking up shit. (When I worked for the very bad man, it was also frequently shoved into my face and I was forced to eat it. It was like being one of the victims in Pasolini's Salo, except I wasn't paid as well.) The difference is, I'll be doing it literally now. It's like what Anna Joy used to say (according to Lynnee) about stripping: at least when she was taking her clothes off, she was taking her clothes off for real, not just metaphorically. I get that.
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005 (an abyss in motion) 9:54pm There was some filing which needed to be done at the my last job. I was told they wanted me to do it, then I was shitcanned before I got a chance. Maybe it'll never get done now. I guess it isn't my problem, is it? Didn't walk dogs with Lynnee today. Instead, I worked on business cards. Gotta make myself all professional-looking and stuff. I contacted Stompers. Turns out the boots in question are no longer being made (of course they aren't), but that they get a lot of requests for 'em, so they'll be checking their vendors for similar items. In the meantime, I'm strongly leaning towards another CD/DVD purge at Amoeba to defray the costs of a pair of Lucky Studs from Fluevog. ( If I'm really brutal with myselfthey're my favorite Neil Young albums, and the only ones to survive the last purge, but do I need to own Trans and Landing on Water and Dead Man on CD when I've long since ripped them to mp3? especially considering I'm not enough of an audiophile to recognize that they don't sound as good that way? I can probably finance them entirely. They're a little more expensive than I'd like, and I'm not so crazy about the name, but unlike seeming every other pair I've tried to track down they actually fucking exist, and in my size, and with hooks rather than just eyelets so they won't take forever to put on. Besides, nobody needs to know what they're called. Maddy and I went to see Dr. Strangelove at the Red Vic tonight. I've seen it a zillion times before, but it never ceases to blow me away. How can humans, so flawed, make something so damn near perfect? Lovely girl, you're the murder in my world
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Monday, 14 March 2005 (irresponsive) 12:10pm jump, or be pushed. what's it going to be?
Week Two, the first full one. It gets more real now, I think. Rain is predicted for Friday,
which will be good experience. It's funny, ironic, somethingI've always been
glad I didn't have a job which required me to be outside. Ha! That'll teach me. Rather,
it confirms what I already knew: all fears come true. Whatever you don't want to happen,
will. Whatever you don't want to become, you'll find that's what you were all along.
The mishaps continued, all the way into the radio station for my show. But it's all better now. I guess. My left leg hurts. It's been hurting since last week. From all the walking, no doubt. I've gotten back in the habit of doing crunches in the morning, a regimen I let slide several months back. Now, the trick is cutting out the late-night munching. Like, I'm at the studio right now, and I'd like nothing better when I leave than to swing by the taqueria across from The 12 Galaxies and get a burrito. (Cancun is much closer, but I don't like it as well.) There are many, many reasons why I shouldn't, not the least of which is maintaining the proper calories ingested/calories burned ratio. I'm pretty sure I've been burning more than I've been ingesting, which is a very good thing, and I don't want to upset that balance. I want people to start worrying that I'm not eating enough, like they did a couple years back. I have issues. What, you don't? Thought so.
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Sunday, 13 March 2005 (a cherry ghost) 7:01pm Between the the shock to my system of all the exercise I've gotten this week and the late night on Friday at the party, I was the ambulatory dead on Saturday. I had no business being out in the world, and yet Maddy and I had lunch with Jonco and Heather in Union Square as they swung through town, then walked around the Evil Sony Metreon for a while because going home sounded depressing, then finally went home only to be lured out again by Cindy. (I can only hope that means she forgives me for running long at her open mic on Friday.) By the time we got back home at ten, I was uber-tuckered and went straight to bed, sleeping until seven this morning. When I sleep for nine hours straight, nearly twice of what I normally get, that means I'm seriously drained. I got a sense of how Lynnee must have felt on Friday, since he worked from eleven on Thursday night to five on Friday morning, and managed to get about four hours of sleep before having to get up to walk dogs, and he had a Tribe 8 show later that night. I was kinda pooped myself on Friday evening, but at least I didn't have to front a punk band. Doing better today. I had to flake on hanging out with Matthue, but I've been all kinds of productive otherwise, recoloring Maddy's hair and rewriting an email interview for a book about Ladyfest '04I'm actually really happy with how the interview is turning out, and turn part of it into a piece in its own rightand doing mine and Maddy's taxes. Didn't leave the house once. I'll be out of the house enough this week as I continue to accompany Lynnee on his dogwalking rounds, hopefully working up the courage to start doing it myself. Normally my father does our taxes, but our original plans to go to Fresno got waylaid, and we're not sure when we'll be down next. I'm told that he's not doing very well, so the sooner we get down there, the better. Oh, I've also been boot-hunting from home. Called around to the San Francisco stores listed on the Doc Martens site as carrying their product, only to find that the majority of them either don't carry them anymore or are phasing them out. Swell. Stompers here in town as has been suggested to me from a few directions. (Ironically, they're right around the corner from the company I worked at up until a week ago.) They don't carry Docs anymore either, but look at the picture in the upper right corner. Those are totally the kind I want to get, dead ringers for my dying Fluevogs. (I like the girl's hair, too, but that's another topic entirely.) Naturally, I can't actually find them for sale on the site. Because they don't exist anymore. They can't possibly.
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Saturday, 12 March 2005 (a place that you'd rather be) 8:05am My shotgun cough is long gone, as is my fever. I spent several hours this week hiking around McLaren park, and danced for much of last night to both my DJ set and Collette's. I think it's safe to say I'm completely over the pneumonia. All of which makes this news story all the more chilling, about a thirty-one year-old actress who died last month of pneumonia. (Hey! I'm thirty-one!) In fact, she died on the first day I stayed home from work, which means nothing whatsoever. Equally meaningless is the attention paid in most of the articles to her role in Meet the Parents, a movie which I'll never forgive for stealing one hundred and eight minutes of my life. I'm not claiming to have been a fan or even been truly aware of her existence, but I'm really bothered by the emphasis in the press on that movie. The first line of the AP story, which the majority of the news outlets reprinted as is:
Actress Nicole DeHuff, who memorably took a volleyball in the face from Ben Stiller in the 2000 hit movie "Meet the Parents," died of complications from pneumonia.
That's her fucking obituary, a reference to a cheap slapstick laugh in a bad movie. The According to more journalism-minded articles, she was misdiagnosed twice. The first time she was sent home with a painkiller, and the second time it was declared bronchitis. Man. And this was at a real hospital, too, with the full power of the Screen Actors Guild heath insurance behind her. While my case was not as severe, I think I got better care at the low-budget Waddell Clinic. Gosh, though, doesn't that article make you want to go out and rentor, better yet, buyMeet the Parents right now?
Feh. I'm tempted to say "fucking media whores," but some of my friends are whores, and I don't want to insult them.
"Stagger Lee" - Nick CaveWow. Looking back at it, that's actually quite a lot. Predictably, the dance floor was barren for the first hour (excepting Maddy and/or Collette at various times), so I indulged myself a bit. The second half, when people I didn't know were dancing, I focused more on the goth club crowd-pleasers. Nothing wrong with that, though. The DJ after me seemed a little (perturbed? surprised? put off?) by the fact that I was running it all off my laptop, saying in what I was surely meant to be a joking tone, You're Like The Anti-DJ! Feh. Whatever. It was all the same to the people on the dance floor, and it allowed me to dance a bit as well. What's wrong with labor-saving devices, anyway?
The device in question is a Mac Pismo PowerBook G3, which he'd earlier informed me has inferior sound to his newer, shinier Mac laptop. Yeah, whatever. (Dunno
what kind his is. Slightly larger, and literally shiny, silver as opposed to the black of mine. I don't keep up with these things.) It does the job just fine on the radio, as well
as at The 12 Galaxies. All things being equal I'm more comfortable with Windows than Mac, but what I have is what I have. OS issues aside (and I think
getting militant about one platform versus another is fatally stupid), I'm growing fond of my clunker of a laptop, which probably should have croaked by now.
Instead, the obsolete little guy just keeps chugging along. Very punk rock.
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Friday, 11 March 2005 (pictures of matchstick men) sometime after midnight My first post-pneumonia reading, at Cindy's open mic, was a resounding bust. Crash, burn, fizzle. (If you don't think it's possible to fizzle after burning, you weren't there.) I foolishly attempted to do my Vagina Monologues piece from memory, and messed up in a big way. I went over time, too, which I feel extremely guilty about. Later, I did a two-hour DJ set at a private party. Received accolades a-plenty, including one from the host, who was taking a chance on me. It helped make up for my miserable failure earlier in the evening..
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