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Monday, 10 June 2002 (wise old me) 9:25am It's weird to walk out of a bar while your cats are on the teevee screens. Then again, they'd been there all along, as Michelle had asked if she could play kittypr0n at the club being put on by her and Rocco. (I'd originally thought it was going to be a show next week, but I'm easily confused.) Michelle didn't come for physical reasons, and although he wasn't doing much better (they'd been kayaking the day before and it took a lot out of them) Rocco did show up, seeing as how he was alternating between DJing and working the door. When he arrived he had the look of someone who drew the short straw, but otherwise he was remarkably ungrumpy about it.
There was no spoken word and no band, just dancing, hanging out and watching cats. The show was very well-received, much to my surprise.
I mean, it is just cats, and the sound was muted, but that didn't matter. We even got some comments about specific angles and shots,
which is really nice because we do try to be creative and it means people are actually paying attention. (Not that it's necessary, of course.)
Looks I'll be returning to work on Wednesday, and remaining through the end of the month. Meanwhile, the half-days Maddy's been working
will be ending after next week, at which point she'll have the option of going on an extended, paid leave of absence after that. Unfortunately,
her job won't be secure, and when the time is up she may not be able to return. Y'know, it's just as well that I'll probably never come face-to-face
with her abusive ex-husband, because if I did I'd probably take so much sheer pleasure from repeatedly kicking him square in the nuts that I'd
be like the rat with the lever that stimulate the pleasure centers of the brainif not forcibly removed, I'd eventually starve to death.
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Sunday, 9 June 2002 (the first five minutes after death) 9:18am We went to an indie horror movie at The Red Vic yesterday called Wendigo. The audience, all half-dozen of them, were well-behaved, but the movie was just okay, mediocre at best. I think would have been better in black and white with a smaller budget, but that's just me. Amelie and The Lord of the Rings are also coming up, both of which we kinda wanted to see but couldn't work up the energy necessary to deal with going to a regular theater. And in spite of the fact that the cool kids have already seen them multiple times (or have decided not to see a particular one out of loyalty to the other, as any of it matters), Spider-Man and Attack of the Clones have both slipped onto our "Wait and rent the DVD" list, although if the former plays at The Red Vic I might consider seeing it there. Speaking of regular theaters, one of the few mainstream single-screen houses in town is in danger of being torn down and replaced by a Walgreens. Because, you see, there are currently four (4) of those theaters but only fifty (50) Walgreens locations. Clearly this is an imbalance which needs to be rectified. We also discovered that one of the few gothy stores in town without the words "Hot" or "Topic" in the name (and that's been mostly raver stuff for the last couple years anyway) no longer exists, or at least not like it once was. It's still called Shadow of the Gargoyle, but now it's beads. Nothing but beads. Beads, beads, beads, with norms behind the counter playing classic rock. It was where I'd bought Maddy a pair of black feathered wings for her 30th birthday, and we'd hoped to get our wedding dresses there. Now, if you're looking for anything other than beads, you're out of luck. And it's not like there weren't already a bunch of bead stores in town. Y'know, at least having a Walgreens nearby is useful. But is there anything more useless than another a bead store? On the other hand, I've never seen the place so busy. Damn you, Adam Smith.
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Saturday, 8 June 2002 (a love song (for cubs), part 3) 8:27am Every morning this last week I've been awake in plenty of time to go to the gym. I'll let you guess as to whether or not I actually went. Not that I was completely slothful this week, mind you. We did make a kittypr0n episode guide. Like everything else about the show, it was mostly done for our own amusement (or reference, in this case). But that's okay. A few dark hairs have appeared on my upper lip, and there's still a bit of light hair all over, though that's not quite as noticeable. I won't be getting zapped again until after this next round of employment, though. I've had enough for now. Indeed, I may even shave today.
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Wednesday, 5 June 2002 (ballad of distances, part 2) 7:01am I'm getting zapped again this morning. Chip, chip, chip. 8:56am I dreamed last night that I encountered an old friend, yet another with whom I split socially in high school when I blossomed as a geek and he didn't. (Did I mention that the Berkeley coffeehouse where the other ex-friend of mine worked has closed? I'm glad I'd already gotten that bit of stalking out of my system.) (Wait, how would I know unless I went by there again?) (Stop asking questions like that.) He thought he recognized me from somewhere, but didn't seem sure, although he was asking unsettling questions like "Has your name always been Sherilyn?" I woke up before I had to give him a straight answer. Then again, why should I have had to? I think there are certain circumstances in which I don't need to be completely open about these things. At least it's not a slippery slope or anything. 6:10pm 217.
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Tuesday, 4 June 2002 (ballad of distances, part 1) 9:08am A list of all the trademark applications for "Let's Roll." Take that, kittypr0n #5 was on last night. Between the flyers and a message I sent to the sfgoth-announce list, more people than ever missed it. It looks like I'll be working again this month. Potentially for a couple days next week (pending budget approval), and definitely for the two weeks after that. Well, as "definitely" as is possible until I'm actually there. Lew said that he'd look into getting my hourly rate raised, but I'm not holding my breath, and if the net result is me not working as much it's obviously not worth the tradeoff. (Unless the raise is significant enough that I'll be getting paid more for working fewer days, but I don't see that happening.) And for as frustrating as the off-and-onniness of all this is, I'll probably make as much working two weeks this month as I would if I'd been working retail full time. It still feels like putting off the inevitable, though.
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Monday, 3 June 2002 (fac 21) 5:35am It's just as well that I didn't try to read at K'vetch, since there was a one-item-under-five-minutes rule which my piece probably would have violated. Unfortunately, it also meant that Maddy wasn't able to read all three poems she'd intended, even though it would have been considerably less than five minutes, but that's okay too. She read a poem about her ex-husband, and it was very well received, complete with people coming up to her after the show to say how much they liked it. One girl suggested we come to another open mike at a different bar, and if that isn't positive reinforcement, I don't know what is. She also mentioned that she'd seen us on the train before and had always wanted to talk to us, but didn't want to seem like a geek. Of course, my immediate thought was "Someone would actually notice us? But how's that possible? We're so nondescript!" Michelle and Rocco weren't there, which was a shame, but there were a lot of familiar faces, and the vibe was very open and supportive. In spite of being held at a bar on Portero, there were no hecklers to speak of, although there was at least one drunk guy left over from the basketball game that was on the teevee earlierI think the team with the media whore who was in the genie movie and bad video game was playing, but for the sake of my soul I try to keep as little sports stuff from entering my head as possible so I'm not going to do the necessary research to find out for sure. If I could just go into hibernation when football season began so I can keep my distance from the swine, I would. (And I'd best not get started again on that monstrosity of a corporate-branded ballpark downtown, and believe you me, it would be easy, especially after this last Friday when after making a wrong turn while driving to the bookstore I was forced to get onto 280 to head back in the right direction and got ensnarled in the traffic heading for The Big Game. I voted against the damn thing. I tried, I really did. Funny how the big economic upturn that Willie Brown had promised would happen if the park got voted into existence, didn't.) Anyway, he for the most part kept quiet, although he made odd moaning sounds every so often. I got the impression that he's a regular patron of the bar, one who won't let himself be chased away by the monthly influx of queers, and so long as nobody bothers him he won't really bother anyone else. More or less. Necessary evils and all, and drunk people are to be expected when I go into bars. As often is the case at dyke-oriented events, there were many more F2Ms than M2Fs; there was one other besides myself, and frequently I'm the only at all. Of course, it's always possible that there are some that are passing so well I can't read them, but I'd like to think my radar's pretty good. (And, quite frankly, if I can't read someone, I don't wanna know.) While I don't doubt that it exists, I have yet to personally observe the blatant discrimination against F2Ms by the dyke community I've heard so much about. Nor, for that matter, the treatment of M2Fs as deviant males. It could just be the circles in which we've been hanging out, and Michelle did tell us that the Dyke March has issues with F2Ms joining. No matter how the surface looks, the politics are always lurking just beneath. And, as I say, the milieu surely has a lot to do with it. I'd imagine people who get together to actually have sex rather than just talk about it (not that sex is a pervasive topic in spoken word, but it isn't an uncommon one, either) are no doubt more picky about these things. That's one of the reasons why I'm not too worried about running into Maggie anytime soonshe'd probably find it all terribly boring. She's not a Lesbian to just jabber about it, for pete's sake! Talking about her recently published novel Godspeed, host Lynn Breedlove said her mother kept asking "Why? Why? Why did you have to tell that whole world you've done acid?" Boy, I can relate to thator, at least, I imagine I will eventually. Lynn's response was, "Mom, all someone has to do is look at me and they can tell." At least I'm not quite there yet. (And never will be, Mom. Don't worry.) Anyway, her mother was there and actually read a piece of her own, so it's safe to say there's no hard feelings. It turns out the club in a couple weeks doesn't have anything to with the mostly-defunct Sister Spit, though The End of the World will be playing, along with Deep-Dickollective, who were at the LGBT Center opening and whom I'm very much looking forward to seeing again. They're a queer hip-hop group (as is TEotW, to an extentRocco's pretty blantant about his tranniness, as well he should bethough it figures more into D/DC's music), which is far more of an anamoly than it oughta be. (Tangentially, I sincerely wish I could let the somewhat homophobic Eminem know that I'vedownloaded his new album and have no intention of buying it. I probably won't even listen to it. But I have it and he didn't get paid, meaning he has to beat the shit out of me now, and it's surely made all the more insulting by me being a faggot.) The club is also on the 16th, my birthday, and that sounds like as good a place as any to be. Dax, who shares my birthday minus seven years, offered to have a dual party for us, but with all due respect to her, this sounds like more fun. Plus it doesn't involve driving to her place in Vacaville, which is a big plus. After the show, both flush with the success of the evening and rather hungry, we went to the Safeway down the block and got garlic bread and ice cream (Soy Delicious, in my case), went back home to eat and watch MST3K. Probably not the wisest course of action for me considering I spent much of the evening wondering what to wear when I finally read that won't make me look too fat. Some people, such as myself, never learn.
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Sunday, 2 June 2002 (piano aquieu) 9:07am At the reading Friday night, Michelle asked if she can play kittypr0n on a screen at a club in a few weeks. It's a Sister Spit-related event, I think, and Rocco's group The End of the World will be playing. We said yes, of course. The sound will be turned down, so the net result will just be...well, what the show boils down to: video footage of Oscar and Mina with music playing over it. Even off to the side, it'll still be our biggest audience yet. Which makes it scary.
Speaking of scary things, I'm considering reading at K'vetch tonight. My face isn't quite healed yet, but that's okay. (And, wouldn't'cha know,
I can already see dark hair coming back on my upper lip. Completion takes 300-400 hours on average and I'm only at 216, so it figures.) I'm
also in kind of a weird place at this moment, which may or may not be all the more reason. Maddy and I had an emotionally intense
nightreferred to as a "fight" in some lexiconsfollowed by extremely bad dreams, such as my new pimp getting angry with me,
not for having read me as a tranny (for which I was expecting to get beat to within an inch of my life) but because I didn't kiss him with
tongue. (I was wearing a really nice coat a la Penny Lane in Almost Famous,
but somehow that didn't make up for it.) At least I have a pretty good idea of what I'd be reading: a diary entry from last year
about Maddy's mother forcibly drawing blood from her. Then again, that might be
a bit much for the first time out. Guess I'll have to practice and see.
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Saturday, 1 June 2002 (gasfarming) 7:55am Better check your browser settingsdoesn't the text seem awfully large all of a sudden? Ha! Get it? Because I increased the font size on this page, and...um, well, okay, it sounded funnier before I actually typed it out. Speaking of bad jokes, I apologize for the Barbara Lee reference the other day; it was practically using her name in vain. That was wrong of me.
At Maddy's insistence, I've made an Amazon Wish List. (If the link doesn't work, I'm registered as sherilyn at ossuary dot org. I didn't want to use my sfgoth address 'cuz
it's really tough to get off their spam list.) My birthday is June 16. And that's all I have to say about it.
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