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Monday, 10 July 2006 (exiting the wake) 3:48pm So I'm standing at the jukebox at the Lexington Club on Saturday night. Vash and I are killing some time before what would prove to be an unsuccessful shuttle-watching excursion into Dolores Park, and she's back at the table engaging in some cathartic deconstruction. As I'm putting in the same dozen or so songs I always put in, a girl from a nearby table approaches me. excuse me, she asks, but was the display clear when you put your money in? She points at the electronic display with number of songs left to choose, which one is playing, etc. no, i replied truthfully. it was blank. yeah, well, the last couple of songs i put in didn't play. She fixes me with a look which suggests that I'm somehow responsible. it actually hasn't been playing anything at all for the last few minutes. i know that, she replies, getting increasingly agitated, but my songs didn't all play. can you tell me when yours start to "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" begins playing. this is one of mine. not all of my songs played. this really sucks. She turns and stomps away.
God, is it any wonder?
I think that's everything.
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Friday, 7 July 2006 (too tired today to hate) 7:12am And another Friday gets off to a smashing start. Yesterday evening there was a rather heated email exchange in which my department (me, in other words) was essentially being scapegoated for a project going off the rails. Said project was conceived poorly and managed even worse, and I did the best I could with what I had to work with. The fun part is, I'm getting accused of screwing things up by the person whose instructions I followed. Have I mentioned that I hate Fridays? Kaiser went much smoother than I expected it to. I got the refill, even though the prescription has changed, and I think I like my new sunglasses; Vash says they're very "New York chic," which I'm sure is good. The important thing is that they do the job. We were out of there by a quarter to six and had time to kill before the art opening, so we hit the Magazine, then had White Russians at Divas while working on a third-seeking ad. The art show was neat, even if it did make me feel tall and lumpy. But what doesn't these days? After a so-so diner at AI BBQ, we returned to the Black Light District to watch some really bad pr0n on VHS I'd bought for fifty cents at The Magazine (the scratchy handwritten label promised a "shemale scene," so our curiosity was piqued), followed by some higher-rent stuff on DVD. As is so often the case, it would have been a lot better without men. Tonight is Soundwave.
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Thursday, 6 July 2006 (feel flows) 10:27am It took a while to get to sleep last night, but it finally happened, and I felt much better this morning. Amazing what getting more than six hours of sleep can do. 1:12pm Whatever my feelings about fart jokes in Charlotte's Web, it always makes me happy to see the giant COLT Studios poster in the window of the Virgin Megastore at Fourth and Market, deep in the heart of tourist country. Virgin even had a signing for the latest COLT movie, Dual: Taking it Like a Man. Mostly I find that impressive because it means they actually got Gage Weston and Luke Garrett in the same place at the same time. I'm still not convinced they're two separate people. 3:28pm If at first you don't succeed, fail again. 4:10pm After what I'm sure will be a fun-filled and hassle-free excursion to the Kaiser Pharmacy for an estradiol refill, Vash and I are going to an art opening tonight. My only regret is that we won't be as properly dressed as we could be. Never mind the mainstream mediathis is the sort of thing that makes me hate my body. I didn't start cutting until my late twenties. At thirty-three, is it too late to be bulimic? I'd try meth, but I just can't get past the brain damage thing. That scares the hell out of me I can't risk getting any stupider. Didn't the word kaiser once have negative connotations? Wilhelm and World War I and all? I wonder if in, in a few generations, the dominant HMO will be Fuehrer Permanente.
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Wednesday, 5 July 2006 (beyond it all) 7:20am Ow. Head hurty. Not as bad as last night, though. Vash and I went to a picnic with some friends in Dolores Park yesterday afternoon. We arrived right as the San Francisco Mime Troupe was finishing up their annual show, and left as the amateur fireworks were getting underway. It was still daylight, but I guess they figured that the sooner they started, the more they'd be able to do before the cops shut them down. I spent most of the time talking with Shawna Virago about recent events. It was nice to commiserate with someone who really knows where I'm coming from. From Dolores Park, Vash and I went into the Castro in search of a schedule for the Silent Film Festival. While in the neighborhood, I got a mocha from the increasingly legendary Philz Coffee. I'd kinda lost track of time by then, but I think it was around seven in the evening. Still plenty of daylight out, so it felt like daytime. Returning to the Black Light District, we considered going out onto Ocean Beach to watch my neighborhood's amateur fireworks, but instead simply listened to them through the window as we engaged in our own waxwork pyrotechnics in the living room. Around midnight, we shifted gears and moved into the bedroom, with the No Other Radio Network on the shortwave.
In the throes of le petit mort, my head started to pound. Really, really hard, a major slamming of the temples.
It was nearly overwhelming, reminding me a lot of when I had pneumonia last year. No fever this time, though, at least
not that Vash could detect. My head just seriously hurt. I took a few Tylenol and applied pressure and tried to cry (it always helps) and most of all tried to sleep, since it was
past midnight and the alarm was set to go off at a quarter to five so Vash could make it to the gym (remember when I used to feel barely safe enough to do that?).
I was still awake by half past one, but I think I slept eventually. Vash's theory is that it was cadmium in the
mocha. Cadmium or no, I probably did have it too late, since in addition to a blinding headache I was seriously wired. I can't say why it waited until that particular moment to make itself known, beyond the fact that like most everything else in Nature, the human body has a cruel sense of humor.
I dug up all the paperwork. I guess now I just need to go in and actually cancel the membership. It'll be a fifty dollar charge, but that's still cheaper than what I'm paying for the monthly membership I now no longer have the courage (or discipline to get there by six under my own power) to use. Then what? I don't know.
Meanwhile, I'm listening to streaming audio from the site for Wicked Wisdom, a metal band fronted by
Jada Pinkett-Smith. They're more than a little controversial, since her
celebrity surely contributed to her getting a spot on last year's Ozzfest tour. (I'll always regret not having gone in 2001 to see Manson play Ozzfest, since that
was the final one before The Osbournes hit, and I can't help but think the festival got much uglier after that.) The controversy, combined with the fact that
her lyrics have been derisively compared to that of a "moody gothic teenager" and the simple fact that she's a black actress playing to crowds of primarily white
metalheads (not known to be the most recially sensitive and/or gender-equitable group) makes me extremely curious and more than a little sympathetic. I hope
the band does well, just to piss people off.
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Tuesday, 4 July 2006 (she is benediction) 9:12am Today always makes me think of "Gloria" by Patti Smith: it's the birth of somebody's country, but not mine. 11:10am In his remarkably candid and funny commentary track for the 1989 movie UHF (which my brother Jonco and I saw in the theater, along with about a dozen other people nationwide) "Weird Al" Yankovic points out a shot in which the director wanted to add a fart sound. Al, however, vetoed it. He simply wouldn't stoop that low. And it's not like the movie is above crude humor; Emo Philips with the table saw still cracks me up, and both that and the poodle scene were removed from television version. In our brave new world of 2006, halfway through the second (but not final) Bush administration, a new CGI-driven Charlotte's Web movie is being released. The trailer claims it's from "the most beloved book of our time." Haven't read the book in question for a decade or two, but I'm not remembering this scene: as a rat runs across the edge of a gate, a cow farts and send the rat flying. Allow me to restate: there's a fart joke in Charlotte's frackin' Web, for the love of jesus. I personally think the movie is a perfect candidate for being remade with modern technologythe original film is as old as I am, as carbon-dated as a polyester suit and sickeningly saccharine in that way which made me hate children's movies when I was growing upbut...I mean...a fart joke? Happy birthday, America. You get the culture you deserve.
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Monday, 3 July 2006 (half-empty vessel) 8:54am Pushing nine in the moring, and thus far I'm the only one at the office. Can't say I'm surprised. Not many people chose the eight to four schedule in the first place, and we were sorta kinda given the option of taking today off. Sorta. The decision was made behind closed doors to let us take today as a holiday if we got a sufficient amount of work done last week, but behind the time the word made it to the employees, the decision-makers had changed their mind. This'll happen. Their prerogative and all. It was then grudigingly announced that we could take it as a PTO day if one's manager approved, and it was fairly obvious that certain managers were not going to approve. Didn't really matter to me much one way or the other, as I don't know what I would have done with a day off anyway, especially since Vash has to work today and tomorrow. Such, I suppose, is being a grownup. Of course, this doesn't mean that if we're told we can go home early, I won't be the first out the door.
There was karaoke at the wedding reception on Saturday. I wasn't sure I was going to participateI'd been feeling shy and not
especially wanting to go onstage, which is never a good sign with meuntil I saw Manson's cover of "Tainted Love" on the list.
That pretty well made the decision for me. Hole's "Celebrity Skin" was also tempting, but for better or worse, Manson's key was at
least in my range. I did sign up for Alanis's "Joining You," but the reception ended before then, which is surely for the best.
I'd like to think Poppy would be proud, since her recent books are why I'm eating things with "stinky" or "intestine" in the name. (Her earlier books, however,
are not why I've drank blood. That's just a coincidence.)
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Sunday, 2 July 2006 (deep through the park) 11:01am Conversation with a friend at a bar after the wedding last night, as I was contemplating where to go from there. I'd like to go out and get some action, but there's really no place where where genetic girls and tranny girls hook up. The Lexington is all about GGs hooking up with other GGs, and Divas is mostly about men picking up tranny girls, and I'm not into men. You're not into men because you're heterosexual? No, if I was into men, that would make me heterosexual. I'm female-identified. I consider myself a girl. Oh. I've never really been sure what you consider yourself to be. I shudder to think what it's like for those who get SRS and still encounter this sort of thing. It must feel like an even bigger gyp.
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Saturday, 1 July 2006 (drawing the luck) 4:06pm Every street feels like a gauntlet. When Vash dropped me off at 18th and Mission so I could go to Jim and Erin's wedding at The Dark Room, I almost asked her to circle around and drop me off in front. Am I afraid of just walking down the street now? I've always been cautious and aware of my surroundings, but never so...oh, why mince words? Never so scared as this. Not even when I was just starting out. Was that the fearlessness of the ignorant twenty-five year-old? Am I bitter and old at thirty-three? Maybe this is my crucifixion year after all.
I'm off to the side, out of the way, taking up nobody's space but my own. You must not try to compete. You will not win, nor
place or show.
A group of teenagers just got on, sitting across from me. Hooded sweatshirts and backwards baseballs caps and aggressive heterobraggadacio. I feel only marginally safer because there have been no outward manifestations of violence, and thus far, they are paying me no mind.
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