Sherilyn Connelly > Diary > July 1 - 10, 2005

My Face for the World to See (Part II):
The Diary of Sherilyn Connelly
a fiction

July 1 - 10, 2005


<    7/1   7/3   7/4   7/5   7/6   7/7   7/8   7/9   7/10   >


Sunday, 10 July 2005 (a reasonable expectation of piracy)

The writing plan didn't quite happen yesterday. Much to my surprise, I spent the majority of the day at Annie Sprinkle's house, doing emergency work on her Love Art Lab site. See? I'm even in the credits.

This evening, Embeth visited. It's a schoolnight, so she wasn't able to stay over.

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Saturday, 9 July 2005 (singed to blue)

See, history find ways to repeat itself. Like the last piercing class I attended, back in April with Leanne, we ran out of time just as we were getting started. A very generous tranny girl by the name of Max (Myriam) gave Collette and I the hands-on instruction we needed, as the official demonstration was actually a bit advanced for us. I still consider myself a newbie, and Collette had no experience at all, beyond a comfort with needles via her veterinary job. By the time class was wrapping up, there were five needles in my arm via Max and Collette, and one needle in Collette's.

She'd wanted me to do it, but after five needles I was too giddy and endorphin-y to trust myself. Even more than that, the environment was all wrong; I require neither absolute quiet nor privacy, but the New College had rented out a room down the hall for a children's party, and they were very loud. The sound of the kids screaming and running up and down the hall reminded me quite a bit of the zombie extras hitting the outside wall of the theater in Night of the Living Dead. For the play, it had the desired effect of setting me on edge. In this context, it was very much not desired. Anyway, Max did the honor on Collette as well. It was only in for a few minutes, but that was long enough for her to get sense of the potential.

I really wasn't in any condition to drive just yet, so we stopped at the Lexington on the way back to the car to relax, drink some juice, and come down sufficiently. It was good.

Today, with any luck, I'll get some writing done.

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Friday, 8 July 2005 (the best you've ever seen)

No, not Blacklight District. Black Light District. Normally I prefer to run those words together (tres Kiernan), but in this case, it works better as two separate words. So there you go.


After much deliberation, I have decided not to officially conderm the attacks in London, even though it may affect my chances of being re-elected. Unofficially, sure, I'm condeming like mad. The bad guys will feel the wrath of my condemnation. But not officially.


I wandered around Whole Foods for nearly twenty minutes, not able to convince myself to buy anything in their considerable deli section. My original plan was to try their sushi, about which I've heard wonderful things, but I was scared off by the price. I only pay that much for sushi when it's made fresh, thank you very much. I eventually decided on the cucumber and vinegar salad from the sushi section. Can't go wrong with that, can you? Yeah, you can, if you add sugar to it. Ugh. Fucking Americans with their fucking sugar habit. Oscar forbid something be tart and yummy. No, it has to be sweet and gross. No wonder the rest of the world hates us.

Etched into the sidewalk on Brannan between Third and Fourth (across from the Wells Fargo) is the inscription JEFF C. It startles me every time I walk by.


I've been asked to host Bad Movie Night this Sundayas, as both the original host and and movie fell through. However, Embeth is trekking over on Sunday, and....yeah. No Bad Movie Night for me.


Tonight, it's a play piercing class at New College. There's no telling who'll be there.

sometime after midnight

if you feed something, it will grow.

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Thursday, 7 July 2005 (dead finks don't talk)

Retool 'n Grind last night was good. It was comparatively well-attended, reaching the upper limits of the single digit range, surely a record ever since I began hosting. There were even a few new faces, including Vash, the host of the erotica reading in North Beach a few weeks back. I was quite touched that she decided to attend my silly little event.

Speaking of erotica readings, I am not performing this Saturday at Kinky Phylum. It was looking for a while like Lady Monster and I both would be, but, well, we're not. Alas. It's always a bummer to lose a gig (even when it's questionable whether you had it in the first place), but especially when the flyer is like this. Isn't that hot? I so wish my name was on it. It's almost as neat as the one for the Bad Date Show.


Wanna know what I hate? (Sure you do, or else you wouldn't be reading this.) I hate it when world leaders condemn attacks. You know, the "barbaric," "repugnant," "terrible" attacks. The pigs really know when to reach for their thesaurus. It's so hypocritical, so hollow, this outpouring of "sypmathy" from evil men who can and in many cases have ordered far worse atrocities. But that's politics, isn't it?


addicts, they fuck up your life.


I'm strongly considering renaming my apartment. It's been called the Cozycave for only a year or two at this point, but so much has changed since then, not to mention the last few months. (Naming an apartment all is rather silly, of course, but that's beside the point. I've long since stopped caring about such things.) (So strange to think that, in about two or three months, I'll be the same age as my mother when she conceived me. I don't think my life now could possibly be more different from hers was at the time. It's a safe bet she didn't name the house on Scott Street, or the one I grew up in on Tenaya for that matter.) The current frontrunner is the Blacklight Black Light District. Sure, it's all kinds of goth and pretentious—which is a good enough reason right there—but it's derived from one of my favorite Coil albums, which just goes to show I'm incapable of a single original idea. Besides, it's fairly appropriate, especially when I take a picture with the black and xmas lights turned on and the camera's flash turned off. Sure, it's all smoke and mirrors, but why should pictures of my home be any different than pictures of myself? call it fake, i call it good as it gets...

sometime after midnight

Collette and I attended another class at the Citadel tonight, along with Taos and Kai. A term I've heard a few times previous was used, but the significance of it never dawned on me: aftercare. Literally, it means the top taking care of the bottom after the scene, helping them come down from what can be a very intense high. I observed it at The Power Exchange a couple weeks back, which is why I got a good vibe from those people, and it's what was missing from that night last year. (No, not that night. The other one.) The way the evening ended seems all the more inevitable. History will not repeat itself.

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Wednesday, 6 July 2005 (cathartic theatricality)

Chicken, The Dark Room's cat, needs a new home. I really wish I could take him, but even if I didn't already have Perdita the logistics would be daunting, seeing as how he's an un-neutered male indoor/outdoor cat with a tendency to mark territory. I could get him fixed easily enough, but even then, it would greatly disrupt both Perdita's life and mine, especially hers. Could you disrupt this face?

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Tuesday, 5 July 2005 (the same old ground)

Another of those moments: after watching the City's fireworks display from the hill on Buena Vista Park (which means "good view," don't'chaknow), starting to walk back down to Haight, but grinding to a halt because we can't help but sing along with the hippie with the guitar playing Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here."

At about a quarter past midnight, just as I was getting ready to go to bed, I got a frantic call from Maddy. She was locked out of her apartment. I have keys, so I rescued her.


The issue of Girlfriends with my Poppy interview is now on sale.

Regarding that Marilyn Manson cover band idea, I've decided that I want it to be all girl/trans, and that I'll front as Courtney Love rather than Manson. Kinda like Dread Zeppelin (Elvis impersonator fronting a reggae-style Led Zeppelin cover band), but more musically faithful. I think there's potential.

sometime after midnight

Had dinner with Lynnee tonight, the first time that just him and I have hung out in a while. It was good, as always. He allayed some of my fears, reassured me that some of the decisions I've made over the last few weeks have been the correct ones. For as hyper as he can be, there's something in his solemn nod that speaks volumes. Afterwards, we watched Jacob's Ladder at his apartment (it was either that or Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, and thankfully I got to choose), then headed to the Lexington. There, I met a person whom I strongly suspect is going to be the first recruited member of the band. I'd been considering calling it Fundamentally Loathsome after my favorite Manson song, but Coma White is probably a better name, in spite of how much mileage I've already gotten out of the title. It'll be easier to fit on a flyer, anyway.

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Monday, 4 July 2005 (no mystical design)

Anatomy of a perfect moment: in the back row of The Dark Room (where I felt safe) with Collette watching Independence Day for Bad Movie Night, nicely baked. The fellow who smoked me out told me that he'd been there for Star Trek V, and that I really cracked him up.

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Sunday, 3 July 2005 (went to church incognito)

After a really good sushi dinner on Friday night, Embeth and I stayed up well past midnight watching movies, Punch-drunk Love followed by Videodrome. (We'd long since planned on Eraserhead, but thanks to the utterly foul packaging which uses to help justify the cost of the movie, the DVD has been badly scuffed.) I was up before her on Saturday morning as is usually the case, so I read The Invisibles on the living room couch until she awoke. She had an appointment in Berkeley that afternoon which she couldn't miss, so after a late breakfast at one of my neighborhood's greasy spoons, she headed back to The Beast. The afternoon was spent with Maddy, taking her to Target and points beyond. The evening was with Collette. Tonight will be Bad Movie Night at The Dark Room, the first time I've gone when I wasn't actually hosting.

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Friday, 1 July 2005 (in times like these)

Existence does not imply abundance.


Big three-day weekend coming up, and aside from tonight I don't have anything really planned, not even for Monday. I know the places I don't want to be, however, and that's a start.

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