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Sunday, 20 January 2008 (reckoner) sometime after midnight So tired. Didn't get to bed until half past five at Ennui's, and I managed to sleep for about four hours. I did Ecstasy at the party, so my body was requiring a bit more rest than that. I did successfully nap for a couple of hours at the Black Light Distrct this afternoonby some miracle, the giraffe was elsewhere, which is the only way I can sleep in my own home during the daybefore heading to Bad Movie Night. The show must go on and all. Now, to sleep for real. Hopefully. The earplugs are going in and the Buddha Machine is going up high, and maybe they won't start the noise quite so early.
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Saturday, 19 January 2008 (faust arp) 10:43am At the Sunset Cafe. Not my favoritest place to work, but I'm catsitting for Cindy and it's close by, and I'm meeting Maddy for lunch in a couple hours so there's not much point to getting comfy at the Sea Biscuit. Tonight, I'm going with Ennui to a party at Edie's in Oakland. Haven't been on that side of the Bay for a while.
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Friday, 18 January 2008 (all i need) 12:34pm Ennui and I had dinner at Harvey's last night before Rifftrax Live. I haven't eaten there since 05, once with Collette and once with Vash, and I remember why I never went back. KrOB joined Ennui and I in line outside the Castro. He officially invited me and whoever else I bring along hostwise to do the Bad Movie Night thing to his Drive-Out Theater on Monday, February 4. We'll be riffing on Speed. Because, you know, we'll be on a bus and all. So it's appropriate. (I'll bet my archnemesis doesn't get asked to do Bad Movie Night on a bus!) (There. It's out of my system.) Rifftrax Live was a lot of fun, of course, just like before. I think I should be able to squeeze a Medialoper article out of it, which is a good thing, since I have one due a week from today. I finally rewrote the Bad Movie Night blurb to something that's a little more me, and made a header graphic for July which I'm stupidly proud of. It's obviously a detail from the Cloverfield poster and a replication of the font, but still, I'm happy with how it turned out, and I've never denied being a bottomfeeder.
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Thursday, 17 January 2008 (weird fishes / arpegii) 9:51am After rehearsal on Tuesday night, I went to Zeitgeist for Ennui's post-employment celebration. She was at a table in the patio with Jack, Jessie and a few other friends. Though I was still in a shrink-quietly-into-the-background mood from rehearsal, the vibe was entirely different. I felt much more welcome (not that I'm unwelcome at rehearsal, far from it) and actually listened to when I talked. So much so that after a few minutes I unnecessarily apologized to Ennui for shifting the gravity of table, because were talking about the book and Bad Movie Night and other me-related things, and the gathering was about her, not me. She assured me it was okay. They'd been there for several hours, so a change of pace was nice anyway. I talked more individually with Jessie about the book, and though she's only read the first fifteen pages or so, her feedback is already helpful. Her and I then went inside to the bar, since I figured, what the hellit was pushing eleven, I was doing to be driving soon, so why not sample their Bloody Mary, if such a self-consciously hip/tough/alt/biker bar would even make such a thing. If not, I'd fall back on my usual fallback beverage, a White Russian. (I blame Maddy for those.) They did in fact make Bloody Marys, and at seven bucks, it may surpass the Orbit Room as the best in town. It was brimming with chlorophyll in the form of stringbeans and olives (no celery, but what are you doing to do?), and best of all, they went heavy on the horseradish and hot sauce. Every sip burned the back of my throat, which in addition to the salad, is a hallmark of a Bloody Mary. We left a little while later, doing the standard round-robin of hugs on the street outside Zeitgeist. Ennui left with Jessie, and I drove Jack to his and Ennui's apartment. When we got there we sat outside in my car for a while and talked. I briefly considered trying to find a non-metered place to park and asking if I could come upstairs to crash, and he surely would have said yes. He was considerably more schnookered than I was, and I was driving just fine. It was mostly laziness in not wanting to drive all the rest of the way home, and Ennui's bed is still so much comfier than mine, even if Jack's in it and she's not. I assume, anyway, that he sleeps in it when I'm not there, or at least when she isn't. I guess it depends if his boyfriend is there as well. In any event, I'm sure he wouldn't have minded, but I decided against it. Didn't want to create any expectations that I wasn't prepared to fill, at least not at that moment. And not on only one Bloody Mary. Which doesn't mean that I'd have to be drunk, but, well. As I drove home I received a text-message from Ennui, a simple sweet dreams. I reflected on the fact that she was with Jessie, but still took the time to do that, and how easily I feel like I'm fitting into what's actually a rather complicated dynamic. So soon after another one failing miserably, it was heartening to find myself in one that actually works. I went straight home after work on Wednesday and changed. I've been feeling terribly drab lately, and constant exposure to my archnemesis isn't helping. (Which makes no sense because their aesthetic is entirely different from mine and mostly involves earthtones and hoodies, but there's no accounting for self-image.) I haven't worn makeup since New Year's Eve, and since it's been chilly I've been dressing more for warmth than style. This is a wise approach when has recently been waylaid by a cold, but it was starting to cut into my self-image something fierce. Hell, I'm not even sure when the last time was I'd shaved. Since before New Year's Eve, easily. Not that it shows beyond a few hairs on my upper lip, and a blonde fuzz on my cheeks, far less than some girls I've dated. (I'm not attracted butches or trannyboys, but I find femmes with a hair or three around her lips or on her chin to be hella hot.) So I shaved, but on the full goth battlegear, and put on a better-looking skirt than the long velvet one I've been sporting, and switched from my Penny Lane coat to one of my fashionable-in-a-different-way shiny black Chloe coats. As has been the case since 1999, dressing therapeutically involves ratcheting up the gothitude. From there I went into the Mission and hooked up with Jezebel. I'm really glad that her and I have reconnected as friends, that I've been able to move past the icky stuff, and that she was patient. Gives me hope. Anyway, we went to a graboid-feast of a retro diner in her neighborhood called Saint Francis Fountain. It was pretty good, and may be the only place in town I've seen that sells egg creams besides Miller's Deli on Polk. (Vash and I went to Miller's the day before xmas eve, walking there for dinner after spending an hour and a half at The Hot Tubs. We went back to the Black Light District, watched The Office, and went to bed with the curtains open and moonlight streaming in. It was a wonderful night, the memory I'm trying to keep the most. Remember the good times. ) I didn't get one, though I did order the Reuben. Not bad, though not as good Miller's or Saul's in Berkeley. Wouldn't expect it to be, either. I got to rehearsal a little late, but it hadn't started yet anyway. Meliza is also in the cast, and I gave her a ride home afterward. We brought each other up to date on our lives, the similar paths that me and her and seemingly the entire fracking universe followed at the end of 2007. That year was rough on all of us. But it's over. It's really, really over. Everything's over, and starting again. Tonight, I'm going to Rifftrax Live at the Castro with Ennui. Rifftrax Live is Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett riffing live on a movie, making it Mystery Science Theater 3000 live and Bad Movie Night's godfather and like going to church for me. Ennui and I saw Rifftrax Live for our first date back in May, and I imagine we'll go next time it happens.
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Wednesday, 16 January 2008 (nude) 11:48am Something happened last night at rehearsal that I so wish I could have told Vash about. She's the only person who would have appreciated and understood the bit of gossipy k'vetching. And I could have written her, of course. She's dropped me a few lines recently. But, no. I can't. Though I miss it terribly, I'm not ready for that sort of casual contact. I haven't even figured out exactly what my wounds are, let alone giving them time to heal.
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008 (body snatchers) 2:58pm Ripley came over last night. We talked for a while, having realized that doing so online doesn't work for us. It doesn't for many, but especially not for her. A lot of air got cleared. Afterward, we went in search of sushi, my comfort food, and typically the main thing I crave after I'm sick. The place in Pacifica closed earlythough we didn't discover this until we actually got thereso we headed back into the City. Kiki's was also closed, so we went deeper, considering the Spices! on Fillmore. For a place that has no business offering sushi, it was pretty damned good last time. The instant gratification of a boat place also sounded good so we wandered around for a bit in Japantown, but it was after ten and they were all closing down as well. We finally wound up at Sushi Boom II on Fillmore, which was open late and had the word "sushi" in their name and was thus perfect. With our fingers we ate many rolls and rice and sunomono and edamame, and it was good. I paid for it around two this morningyou only rent a Volcano Roll, lemme tell yabut it was worth it. Ten Commandments rehearsal tonight, and then I'm probably meeting up with Ennui and others at a boozehouse to help celebrate her last day of work.
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Monday, 14 January 2008 (15 steps) 10:24am After rehearsal, I swung by my office to print out the latest edits on the manuscript (providing my own paper and toner, naturally) and a single-spaced version to give to Ennui's girlfriend Jessie. The three of us met up with Edie for dinner at Big Lantern before heading to the Dark Room. We bitched, processed, k'vetched, planned, compared. It was good. (The feature at Bad Movie Night, Spider-Man 3, was not so good.) 11:58am Before I left the apartment yesterday morning, I was struck by the urge to clean. I never finished to my satisfaction over the holidays (and damned if the place refuses to stay clean), and every so often one area or another gets my attention and I have to take care of it now. In this case, it was the corner of the kitchen counter between the sink and the fridge, traditionally home to piles of take-out menus and unused paper towels and medication bottles with one or two stray pills inside, if even that many. It required an hour of time that I'd intended for other things, and they were already being very loud upstairs (I think they had company who brought bowling balls), and I didn' t put on my earplugs because I was watching/listening to The Newsroom and in general trying to exercise my moribund right to just be in home on a My landlord wrote last night to tell me that he'll come down after he does some research on soundproofing. Yeah. I suspect that after he realizes how much it'll costand at the moment I refuse to even consider paying for any of it, because it's not my fault, goddamnit, all I ever wanted was peace, and they took it awaymy options will be to deal with it, or leave. I know better than to think I'll win this battle, but I'm seeing it through to the end.
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Sunday, 13 January 2008 (the great destroyer) 1:26pm At Ten Commandments rehearsal. It's one of those situations where I make a joke, nobody reacts, someone else repeats it, and everyone laughs. So I'm keeping to myself. I'm not altogether healthier, just healthy enough to be out in the world, and I'm pretty sure I'm not contagious anymore.
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Saturday, 12 January 2008 (you cause as much sorrow) 12:25pm Feeling a little better today, but not yet well. I've been considering leaving the house, the comfort of my newly-redsheeted bed and the space heater which has been running for at least thirty-six hours, but I also feel like that would be pushing my luck. On the other hand, they're home today, upstairs. They didn't seem to be for much of yesterday. There's been a lot of running and crashing and banging, and though I have earplugs in (which I have only taken out to shower) and the speakers playing the Buddha Machine directly over head and my big Princess Leia headphones on, that's still not enough when something slams into the floor, which happens often. I haven't heard back from my landlord about his meeting with them on Wednesday. Why should I? Why should he? What's to tell? Nothing's changed, nothing will change. 9:30pm At the Sea Biscuit. I've been here about half past two. I felt disoriented on the drive over, but that was probably both because of how bright it was outside (I hadn't been outside since Thursday night) and the fact that I hadn't eaten much of anything but some yogurt and a can of tomato soup for the past thirty-six hours. Had my usual tuna sammich for lunch and then my equally usual mocha, and I felt much better. Well enough to concentrate on my work, anyway, which is as well as I need to be. (There's a new employee, a cute little faux-hawked butch. For these past few months that I've been regularly working here, she's the first person to ask me what I'm working on, and she seemed all kinds of impressed that it's a book. Yay for lit groupies!) Had a bowl of their vegetarian chili for dinner a little while ago, which I think confirms that my appetite has returned, or at least that I'm at the point where I'm so annoyed at being sick that I'm just soldiering on. Got quite a lot done today, enough to feel comfortable to pass on the current (if only two-thirds complete) draft to a friend of Ennui's who doesn't know me or anything about the events described. My question, naturally, is: does this make a goddamned bit of sense? sometime after midnight Late at night is when I miss her the most, when I find it hardest to believe that she's gone. This is when it especially hurts.
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Friday, 11 January 2008 (when the deal goes down) 6:38pm I'm at home, resting. I've been here all day long. Called in sick to work, and for the most part I've still been in bed. I had plans to hang out with my old friend Ilene tonight, but I had to cancel. Not that I've been isolated, of course. I've been online via my laptop and talked a lot with friends. But all from my warm comfy bed, drinking lots of water, which I'm hoping means I'll feel better tomorrow.
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