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Wednesday, 10 January 2007 (and on and on) 8:22am My cold has returned with a vengeance, so I'm emailing sick to work. Dumb stupid body. At least it waited until after I went out with Zuki.
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Tuesday, 9 January 2007 (judah to ocean) 6:12am Vash, Rimma and I went to see The Kronos Quartet at Temple Emanu-El last night. Great show, not quite as eclectic and unpredictable as last year's nine-eleven concert, but still pretty damned good. It had been Rimma's suggestion to go, since they were debuting a piece by her boyfriend, J.G. Thirlwell from Foetus. Well, you know, "boyfriend," kinda like Horehound is my gay boyfriend, or Fabio and Irwin are Vash's WFMU boyfriends. Kronos also did a new piece by Meredith Monk, whom I really dig, but I decided against referring to her as my girlfriend (with scare quotes or otherwise) when I realized that she's two years younger than my mom. I'm demonstrably not an ageistbetween Collette and Jezebel, I've covered a fair amount of groundbut, um. Not. Going. There.
The temple was packed, and the cantor who introduced the show mentioned that she was happy to see such a big turnout for new music. The cult-like following of
The Kronos Quartet notwithstanding, given the average age of
the audience (we were definitely among the younger minority), she probably has a point. When I go to a classical music concert, especially if I'm paying for it it,
I wanna hear something new. I can listen to Mozart for free at home.
Damn. Maybe Storm was right.
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Monday, 8 January 2007 (i just want to see his face) 8:45am The staring was by a very young girl at Progressive Grounds who could not tear her eyes away from me, while the Severe Lesbian who was accompanying her said not a word. I spent most of the afternoon there writing, it being one of the few likely places in the Mission where I could get free wifi and a place to sit and a power outlet, though that last is eternally tricky. Jezebel got there around a quarter past seven in the evening, and we met up with Vash and her friend Zoe at The Dark Room for Bad Movie Night. Snakes on a Plane, our first movie of 2007, and my first night as I begin officially sharing hosting/organizing duties with Jim. It was a lot of fun, a gloriously raucuous, overpacked carnival, everything I'd hoped it would be. I did pretty well considering how tired I was, having been at the Power Exchange until half past four in the morning. Not one of my better nights there, in some ways, but I think I've learned my lesson. The right clothes for the right job.
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Sunday, 7 January 2007 (waiting for the day) 3:57pm Something you never hear parents telling kids anymore: it's not polite to stare. Haven't heard that one in a long time. But if I didn't want to get stared at, I wouldn't look like this, now would I?
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Saturday, 6 January 2007 (the continuance of life) 6:18pm I suppose that's what I get for expecting anything. After dinner at the sushi place in Pacifica, Vash and I headed across the Bridge to Wonderland. It was around half past seven and the party wasn't supposed to start until eight, making our target time no earlier than nine. Even at a party in Oakland thrown by what's essentially a straight couple (Leyba's history of bottoming to whiskey bottles notwithstanding), we were operating on San Francisco Queer Time. Vash was tired, and decided to take a nap. Jezebel and I had been up until one in the morning watching Galactica, so I joined her. She set her alarm for half past eight. I was going to just sleep on top of her bed with my clothes on, but she asked me reasonably enough to take off my boots, so I did. Kinda chilly in there, so I joined her under the sheets. We woke up at half past three in the morning, acknowledged the time, and went back to sleep. Oh well. We missed the party, but at least I'm well-rested for an allnighter at the Power Exchange. I spent most of the afternoon at the Three Dollar Bill Cafe, home of the Queer Open Mic. Got a Medialoper article for Monday pounded out. I took New Year's week off, but I'm determined to stay on on track. Damnit. From here, I'm going to see Duck Soup again before the rest of the evening's festivities commence.
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Friday, 5 January 2007 (willing the call) 4:13pm Last night, Jezebel and I went to the dress rehearsal of Duck Soup, which opens for real tonight. It was a lot of fun, if a tad bittersweet. I'm getting used to it, though. A shout-out from the stage during the intro ("Bad Movie Night with hostess Sherilyn Connelly!") felt nice. Tonight, Vash and I are going to a housewarming party at Steven Leyba's new place. I expect fireworks.
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Thursday, 4 January 2007 (accumulation) 8:35am I've updated my root page, making it much more me-centric. Which is the point, really.
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Wednesday, 3 January 2007 (welcome to annexia) 12:19pm My landlord came over last night to caulk (heh heh) the likely ant entry points, and to replace the toilet. Not entirely sure why, but the new one is shiny and solid and the seat is attached properly, which is a nice thing. We didn't talk about the upstairs neighbors at all, and unfortunately, they were quiet. Not a single thumpthumpthumpTHUMP!THUMP!THUMP!thumpthumpthump the entire time he was there, damnit. In spite of my less than pleasant experience there on Xmas Eve, which was just not a good night by any standard, I decided to give Daljeet's another try on New Year's Eve. Called and asked if they'd gotten in the pants I'd liked, PVC "rocker" jeans by Shrine, in size 36. The guy laughed and said no. When I asked if he ever carried them in that size, he got cranky and said that he didn't have them in stock right now. Deja vu. Was he ever going to? He said that he was unlikely to get them above 34, and I quote: i can never keep the larger sizes in stock, because when i get them, you big people just buy them right up. you take advantage of me. I repeated back what he said so a shocked-looking Vash could hear it and to give him a chance to defend himself (he didn't), then said: yeah, the nerve of us fatsos, buying your clothes and keeping you in business. we can't be trusted. And hung up.
We went to Leather Etc., where I got a couple pairs of 36 on sale. Fuck Daljeet's.
I'd learned to recognize her discomfort quite well over the past few months, exposed as I was on a near-daily basis, and it was palpable from the moment we stepped in. We looked around for a minute or two, her not saying a word. Then I picked up a vibrator, switched it on, and turned towards her. That was the kicker, and she ran out of the store. We drove home in silence, and she didn't step foot back in until later that year. I don't remember if when she got out of her catatonic state I got yelled at for making such a blatantly sexual move on her in public with everyone watchingbut if I didn't, it would have been one of the only times I didn't get punished for an infraction, real or imagined. Vash and I met in a sexual context. She first saw me at a Good Vibrations(!) reading which Loren had brought her to, then invited me to read at an erotica show she organized the following year. Hearing her read a highly perverse piece at the Queer Open Mic intrigued me all the more, and it at another erotic art show which she curated that I decided that I was going to date her. We engaged in major PDA the following Friday at the Folsom Forplay party, and again later that night at the Cat Club before she suggested going back to my place. The Black Light District was not in the best shape at the time, but the fact that the living room floor needed to be vacuumed didn't keep us from spending some quality time on it before moving into the bedroom.
I met Jezebel at the Power Exchange, as well as Storm and Zuki, not that I've gone out yet with Zuki or am expecting to a second time with Storm. Not everybody's comfortable there, and that's
fine. But it's a pretty good barometer. The point is, I'm not going to let myself be fooled
again. And if does happenI am, after all, barely human, and frequently make mistakesI'll extricate myself from the situation a hell of a lot faster.
Vash is even less of a moviegoer than I am these days, and this was our first time going to a googolplex together. During the commercials for video games and previews for movies based on video games, such an insult after paying ten dollars for tickets, I read aloud to her from the first chapter Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking. Helped us keep our sanity.
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Tuesday, 2 January 2007 (silencing your sisters) 11:02am Written in my notebook on July 20, 2005: There is no safe place. Got it? No such thing. Wherever you are, there is always the risk of intrusion, invasion, violation. Even in your home. Especially. A home is the most unsafe place of all, because it presents an illusion, a false sense of security. It can change at any time. You have no claim to your own piece of ground. The moment you declare it yours, it begins to slip away. Nothing is permanent, and nobody is forever, least of all who you are as a person. When you change, don't fight it, don't overanalyze it, don't pat yourself on the back for how brave you are. It's meaningless. True then, truer now. Continued ant incursion last night combined with the nerve-frazzling sound of kids running and screaming back and forth. Managed to temporarily fight back the ants. Not a damn thing I can do about the sound from above. After getting home from the Power Exchange around five in the morning, Vash and I were back out of bed at half past eight. Engaged in our coffee-beverage-and-bagel ritual at the blessedly open Sea Biscuit, hit the store for supplies, then returned to my place so she could make cookies for Loren's annual New Year's Day party. It's all about the ritual(s).
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Monday, 1 January 2007 (a necessary adjunct) 11:17pm 2007 began somewhere between a bang and a whimper. Egos were bruised, hearts were torn and mended, my back and torso were lit on fire (as were Jezebel's and Vash's), and my left arm felt like it was caught in the gears of some indifferent factory machine. Looks like it was grazed, too.
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