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Tuesday, 10 January 2006 (the vestiges of the church) 3:10pm The podcast site is now and up running. Well, it'll be "running" soon, but it's definitely up. I feel so modern.
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Monday, 9 January 2006 (flying through the water) 12:53pm For rss publishing purposes, I've been asked to create a blog for my radio show. So, I did. I'm going to keep updating the sfgoth version, since I'm far too much of a net fuddy-duddy to not have a copy of my web site on my hard drive as well. Besides, you never know how long the blogspot thing will last. I'm so glad that during my ill-advised stint on livejournal, I kept this particular site going. Now, if people want to tell me what's wrong with what I say or do, they can bloody well email me. 11:27pm I'd meant "grouped together" in a figurative sense, but in what I think is a really brillant piece of programming on Monkey's part, Karla's show is now on after mine. That's four hours of seriously dangerous radio.
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Sunday, 8 January 2006 (retaining the balance) 10:38pm Big changes are afoot at the radio station. Though I've been tempted more than once lately to bail, I'm going to be sticking around to see what happens. My show being grouped together with KROB's and Karla LaVey's doesn't hurt, I must admit. I downloaded and watched The Aristocrats this morning. I loved it, as I suspected I would, and it's always nice to be reminded that Emo Philips is still alive.
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Saturday, 7 January 2006 (bellyflopping into a river of blood) 1:10pm I wonder, if you set up a tip jar outside your scene at the Power Exchange, would that qualify as solicitation? 9:56pm The only thing keeping me from feeling like a loser about intentionally staying home tonight is the fact that I have more than a few nights (weekend and otherwise) coming up over the next few months. Taking it easy now and again is not a bad thing. As though a testament to the joy of banality, I did a lot of erranding today including a Serramonte run. The scary thing is, I did it all in my car. All told, I drove about twenty miles. Never stalled once. Wouldn't want to try my luck on a freeway or out of town any farther than Daly City, but I think the damn thing's in better shape than I'd realized. It's probably even healthy enough to drive to work, but I'm not going to. (Honest.) The Pirate Cat Radio meeting tomorrow morning, on the other hand...
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Friday, 6 January 2006 (out of the club) 11:08am I am sans zippers and buttons today. But not at all inaccessible. 12:35pm Had dinner and watched some Arrested Development with Maddy last night. It's one of those rare shows which, while brilliant the first time arond, actually gets better on repeat viewings. Same with Battlestar Galactica. That there's a new episode of the latter on tonight, which makes me wish for the first time in years that I have cable. Not enough to get cableoh, hell nonor even enough to want to go to watch it at somebody's place, even if I knew someone who has cable and is speaking to me. Besides, that's why Vlad gave us Bit Torrent. (Though I'm still irked at him about that comment he made about my shoes that night. Dude, I was giving you a lift to Shrine. Show a little frackin' respect to the driver, huh?) Though chilly, the trip home was quite lovely. Maybe it's just the sense of relief after all the rain, but the stars have been especially beautiful these past few nights. The best was New Year's Eve, the night after the new moon, a serendipitous break in the weather for all involved. Vash and I ventured outside the apartment to look at the stars as the acid was kicking in, and decided to continue on to the beach. People ask me if I visit the ocean a lot, living as close as I do, and I tell them that I only really go there if I have a visitor who wants to see it, or I'm on acid. Indeed, the morning after the first night she stayed over, Vash wanted to see it. Now we were fulfilling the other obligation. My upstairs neighbors have recently acquired a dog named Bacon, a small black french bulldog that makes The Dark Room's dog Maggie look like a St. Bernard in comparison. They've been doing a lot of Bacon's housetraining in the entryway, training her to use what looks like the dog equivalent of a litterbox (french bulldogs are fairly catlike anyway) (this dog is catlike), and such a training session was occuring when Vash and I headed out. I'm fairly certain my neighbor didn't pick up on the fact that we were tripping, nor do I suspect she would have especially cared if she did. Certainly both of us have had more than enough experience with this sort of thing; I've been in public (or peoples' homes) while frying more than once, and I don't believe anyone's ever picked up on it.
Sometimes the timing is tricky, though. During that first month or so The Ex and I were together in the Summer of '90, before she broke up with me and
when acid was a lot more readily available than it is now, I dropped at her house but didn't tell anyone. Her and
I had never done it together (neither acid nor the other "it"), and I was expecting to be getting a lift home very shortly thereafter. I ended up staying for a couple
hours longer, mostly just sitting in the kitchen with The Ex and her mother. I was surely tripping harder then than I would now,
since I'd been doing it for barely a year and my brain wasn't as used to it as it is now.
I probably didn't talk much, and if that struck either of them as weird, they didn't mention it, any more than they commented on how I seemed to be studying
the wood grain pattern of the kitcken table more than usual. One of these days, though, I really need to track down
that one Bonnie Raitt video that came on VH-1. Just to see what it looks like now.
What I'd really like to hear is the John Cage Organ through the Silophone.
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Thursday, 5 January 2006 (les yeux sans visage) 10:58am What are you wearing today? Below, I'm wearing fairly tight plaid pants which would be bondage pants if they actually had any hooks for straps or chains, which they don't. Above, I'm wearing a black shirt with the Lexington tank top underneath. I also have both my Rainbow Brite thermal undershirt and gray sweater for commuting, both of which are in my bag. When I have them all on plus my scarf and beret, the weird looks I'm constantly getting seem perfectly reasonable.
I am not so much stretchy as bulgy.
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Wednesday, 4 January 2006 (skipping a groove) 10:58am Our office bear is leaving us to work for FEMA. Ah, the irony of it all. I mean, not to out him as gay or anything (though the mission statement of this goddamned blog has always been to reveal the dark personal secrets and exploit the vulnerabilities of other people), and I'm sure the most rudimentary background check by the government would uncover that he's done pr0n, and I doubt any of said background checks are going to involve studying the online diaries of coworkers. In any event, it cracks me up at that they'll hire open gays to help clean up at the aftereffects of terrorism, but not to actively prevent it. Makes a gal proud. 1:01pm Futzing around with the radio on my phone yesterday afternoon, I heard something to the effect of "President Bush said that all of America is praying for the safe rescue of the miners." I honestly didn't know at the time what miners he was referring to (I've been on something of a newsmedia blackout lately), but, for the record, I am not praying for them or anyone else. I don't pray, and I do believe there are atheists in foxholes. If you want to blame me for bad things which happen to other people because of my lack of prayer, if your god is such a prick that he'd let people live or die based on whether or not I'll plead and kowtow before him, that's your problem, not mine. (No pun intended.) 5:12pm I managed to resist the temptation to get my hair reblondified before going to Fresno for xmas, but I'm finding that I simply can't face the Cotillion with prominent roots. Because, you know, I'll be on a large stage in a big theater, and it'll be much more obvious than being up close and personal in my mother's living room. Hey, it's vanity, not logic. Getting it done at my usual local salon is going to be tricky at best given my schedule between now and then, so I've made an appointment at the The San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cosmetology for the night before. What could go wrong? sometime after midnight Pretty good Retool and Grind tonight, my first since October. More importantly, Cindy has posted pictures from recent QOMs. Please note how dead sexy my gay boyfriend Horehound looks wearing my leather jacket and not much else. The less said about the picture of me to the right, the better, though at least I'm reading from Crash.
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Tuesday, 3 January 2006 (heroes and villains) 7:34am Work again, jiggity jig. Back in my gay pr0n wonderland after what feels like an extended absence, but was really just a three-day weekend that got off (heh, I said "got off") to a slightly early start on Friday. I'm in the office early, having been dropped off by Vash, who spent a record-breaking fourth night at my place. We realized that her only reason to go home was to work on 'zine stuff which she had with her anyway, so she stuck around and did that while I wrote. Ironically, I probably got more work done with her there than had I been alone. Later in the evening she dipped her toes into Galactica, and liked it. Another convert.
Super-busy month coming up, with both BAVC classes the Queer Open Mic on the second and fourth weekends, as well as
Bad Movie Night, the Cotillion, and probably other things I'm not remembering.
my phone has tetris!!!
That is all.
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Monday, 2 January 2006 (scoring red) 1:42pm Better, today. Didn't get much sleepfor the first time since I got her, Perdita was spazzy all night longbut enough to make me feel back on track. Once again, I am so glad to have today off from work. Work of the variety I get paid for, that is. I've been working on piece for this year's TGSF Cotillion. I'll get all of three (3) minutes onstage, and I'm not listed amongst the performers in the promo materials. Good thing my piece is already going to be angry. The theme of the show is "Hooray for Hollywood," and the name of my piece is "Burn Hollywood Burn." Fuck shit up!
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Sunday, 1 January 2006 (year of brass) 10:12pm So very tired. Vash and I engaged in flippingzeecanderfalloofin here in the Black Light District for New Year's Eve, and I don't think either of us has quite gotten our energy back up to normal running levels. Good thing we both have tomorrow off. We did leave the house today to visit attend Loren's annual New Year's Day sugarfest. My first time, though Vash is a regular. Given the tininess of this town, I was not especially by the presence of Stoo, a pal of mine and fellow Pirate Cat Radio DJ, and to discover that he used to be in a band with Loren's husband Mason. Just to compress things further, Mason is working on booking some shows with Ethan Port from Mobilization, who I interviewed on Rush Hour on the Event Horizon last June. Everybody already knows everybody.
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