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It's almost reassuring that Governor Schwarzenegger considers the same-sex marriages to be illegal. Having his support would have been too surreal. Although I'm still embarrassed to have him as governor. Speaking of such things, from his statement: The people of California spoke on the issue of same-sex marriage when Prop. 22 was overwhelmingly passed in 2000. I will abide by the oath I took when I was sworn-in to uphold California's laws.In all fairness, he's right; it is his job to uphold state laws. At the same time, those dim bulbs who passed Prop. 22 also voted you into office. Maybe there's a connection? It's been an insanely busy week. In addition to working during the day I've been occupied in the evenings, either visiting friends, at some kind of rehearsal, or both. Not much time for writing, and lordy, do I have a lot to write about. At least I'm finally making some progress on my opus about Saturday night, and I have permission from the Famous People involved to mention them. Although, as is always the case, I'm writing about myself, not them.
3:23pm Looks like I'll be keeping busy for the next few months. I'm scheduled to feature at Poetry Mission on May 27, and there's going to be a one-night revival of Night of the Living Dead on April 23. Provided they can get the entire cast, that is. Maddy and I are in, as are Sid and Nell. If it comes together, it'll be a very weird experience. Although the original run of the play was less than six months ago, it already feels like a very long time, because it was such a turning point in my life. I'd always been open to the idea of an restaging, but not quite so soon, let alone for just one night. But I'm going to be a part of it, no matter what.
9:48pm I rocked the house at Oral Fixation. That is all.
sometime after midnight Chronologically, last Saturday occurred before last Monday.
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Two reasons why my mom rocks. When I called her on Monday to tell her Maddy and I had gotten married, she said she'd been hoping we would. In regards to Bush being quote-troubled-unquote by the recent gay marriages, she wrote this:
Bush is quoted as saying he is "troubled" by the gay and lesbian weddings in San Francisco. I just wish that he were equally "troubled" by all the lives lost in the unnecessary "war" in Iraq, and the lack of jobs in the U.S. and the list goes on and on about which he should be "troubled". We must get him out of office in November. I am so proud to be that woman's daughter. Really, though, the man's got a point. (He's the president, after all.) It is troubling to think that if Maddy or I were hospitalized, we might be able to visit or make medical decisions while certain tax-paying (and probably non-voting, unless a celebrity is running for office) American citizens disapprove of us a couple. I mean, if a total stranger with no experience or understanding of queers aside from the media and the ingrained societal belief that homosexuality is unnaturalalthough that Queer Eye for the Straight Guy sure is funnydoesn't think we should be married, well, who are we to go against their wishes? How can they be expected to sleep at night, knowing that sodomites may no longer be treated like second-class citizens? Is that fair to them? I don't think so.
12:10pm Sometimes, of course, City Hall just pisses me off. I've been called in for jury duty again, barely a year later, and once again under my old name. Feh. It really should be out of the system by now, and I fully admit I haven't been as proactive I should be about it. My brother Jonco, who knows a thing or two about the system, has said that since I haven't voted under that name in a few years it'll be removed from the records. No such luck yet. I wonder if the fact that I keep getting juried keeps it alive. So I'll fill out the "Request to be Excused" questionnaire again and explain what's going on, then contact the county clerk to see about the name getting removed altogether. Eventually I'll get old and die. The end.
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I didn't realize until hearing Howard Dean's ostensible concession speech from last night that he had also been pillaging Harry Truman's legacy. Can't say I'm surprised. What does surprise me is that Bush has yet to condemn the the continuing queer weddings. Not that I can find on whitehouse.gov, anyway. It's a shame, really. If it had started a few days earlier, we could have asked NASCAR's Michael Waltrip, recent celebrity guest host of Ask the White House, what he thinks. He's no Dale Earnhardt, but he'll do.
11:39am Lynnee has invited me to feature at K'vetch in March. (The day after our Twilight Zone, in fact.) I am so honored. It's the first place I read in public, and while I've read there every month since thenexcept for the few times I couldn't make it, and the recent anniversary show when I was part of the feature marathonit feels like a homecoming all the same. Which isn't the right word at all, but it's the best I can do. I guess maybe it means I haven't entirely worn out my welcome there. Kirk Read and Larry-Bob have also asked me to read at Smack Dab, their monthly open mic, sometime this spring. Yay for gigs.
1:22pm Speaking of giggery, while I can't complain about realityI'm reading at Oral Fixation on Friday, and Lit at the Canvas the following Mondayit seems I'm also keeping busy in other people's dreams. In Matthue's, to be precise: i had this dream last night that you got onto def poetry jam and they were making a special exception because you don't write poetry, but russell simmons was so excited to have you that the episode said DEF POETRY AND SHERILYN'S TRUE-LIFE STORIES JAMDaaaaw. I hope I get a pair of official Def Jam Pants like his.
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To answer the inevitable (and understandable) honeymoon question: nuttin'. Even when we were done, outside City Hall with certificate in hand, we couldn't help but stick around join the crowd cheering on the other couples exiting the building. When we finally pulled ourselves away, we shared a salad at Blondie's on Powell. (Damn, but their miso dressing is good.) Then, to the Stonestown Hot Topic to look for more of the neat capri pants we found on a shopping excursion Saturday morning with (e). Finally, home to collapse in bed. Neither of us are fully recuperated, and my feet are still sore from standing on concrete and marble for eight hours. All the same, I just took Maddy to the bus stop for her first day at the new job, and I'm hoping I don't get too much static from The Boss about missing yesterday. We have plans with Rimma tonight. A Twilight Zone rehearsal is tomorrow, among other things. Life continues apace while the battle about what we did rages. (Be sure to know thy enemy.)
8:54am The Boss asked how yesterday went, and congratulated me. Whew.
10:22am How it looked yesterday, via sfgate. If you know to look for them, you can see the umbrellas. How it looked on Valentine's Day (800K image for fast connections or patient people), via shooter.net. Note the slight difference in the weather. See where the line goes off the frame on the right side? That was actually where we got into line at 8am Monday. For those unfamiliar with Civic Center geography, that's almost three-quarters of the way around the building, the opposite corner from the one shown in the sfgate picture. Oh well. It beats the rigmarole of a traditional wedding.
4:10pm The pictures. Me being me, I'm not crazy about them. Nothing to do with the photography itself, mind you. I wish I hadn't been wearing the beret, but it was to keep my head from freezing outside, and taking it off inside would have given me severe hathead. (Berethead, anyway.) I'd also hoped to perform the ceremony on the nearby steps both for the Eisensteinan possibilities (hell, we may have even been able to find a stroller to set loose) and so Maddy and I could potentially be at eye level with each other. No such luck, and a result, I feel like I loom over her. I hate that. She says she doesn't see it, but I do. Yes, I still have a complex about my height. Alas. And, as is the case with ninety-five percent of pictures of myself, I look...odd. But they're of Maddy and I getting married, damnit. I appreciate the pictures for what they represent, which is what matters. I'm happy they exist at all.
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Considering the lovely weather we usually get on such overtly queer days such as Pink Saturday, I can't complain too much about it being cold and rainy as we make our way downtown. I admire hardcore mofos who've been camping out overnight. Still, I can't help wondering, what's newsom up to? why's he doing this? what's his angle? just a few months ago, the queer community was rallying against him... Meanwhile, I've decided the primary difference between dyke parties and fag parties: less fucking on couches and more vegetarian food.
8:30pm Tired. So very tired. Standing on the sidewalk for five hours in the rain (on and off, mostly on) and then a few hours more on the marble floors of City Hall will do that. But Maddy and I are married now, so it was worth it. Now, to sit back and watch the legal sparks fly.
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Maddy and I saw only saw Danielle for a few minutes this evening, but she demanded to know why I hadn't yet written about Jackie and Shar's party last night. I explained to her that I hadn't had time, which is truemost of the day was spent rehearsing my Twilight Zone at Spangangabut that I would soon. She said she'd be bugging me about it until I did. She also assured me that I had her permission to go into as much detail as I want. I don't know how much of a chance I'll have tomorrow, though. There's no telling how long we'll be at City Hall. But I'll have my notebook, just in case.
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I started this diary (or blog, if you prefer, though I really don't) on February 12, 1999 at c0g's suggestion. (Is it me, or are we almost far enough away from that year that it's starting to sound mysterious and futuristic again?) One would think that five years of (almost) daily writing would have sharpened my skills, but as this entry demonstrates, one would be wrong. Maybe by 2009. Meanwhile, just to prove that everybody's doing it now: my brother Jim's blog. It's just...wow. The notion blows my mind. I'm sure we all know someone who would never, ever do such a thing. And yet. Resistance is, indeed, futile.
12:57pm Yay. Maddy found a job, one that she's actually going to enjoy. It's similar to mine, except she's getting paid decently right out of the gate (as opposed to below minimum like I was), and her new boss doesn't think he's getting ripped off if she's not working every single second. Best of all, we're DINKs again. Combined, we're still making less than my salary at CNET, but that's okay. We don't need much.
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Wow. Is there anything you can't find more information about at en pee are dot oh are gee?
12:29pm According to Scott Thorson's book Behind the Candelabra, Liberace lost his virginity to a Green Bay Packer. That factoid never fails to make me happy.
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