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Sunday, 10 December 2000 (target audience (narcissus narcosis)) 7:52am They finally quieted down by half past three. Until then, Maddy's occasional, usually half-asleep from the couch (to which she'd relocated shortly after I realized that attempting to sleep was futile) exhortations of "fucking yuppies" seemed to sum it all up nicely. Our attitude towards them was not improved by their insistence upon leaving the front gate propped upon, so their ready-to-rumble guests wouldn't have to ring the doorbell. This is not a bad part of townfor as many times as I've had to walk around in the middle of the night I've never felt unsafe, but there's still a reason while these buildings are gated at all. This is something our upstairs neighbor has never seemed to grasp, probably not realizing that just because this looks more like the suburbs than a city, it's still a city. The best thing to do would be to talk to them directly. Directly? As in, direct confrontation? Me? Oh, it is to laugh. I think my excuse is that I was damaged by warring with my last set of neighbors. Shell-shocked is more like it. I can't go through all that again.
I suppose, for right now, I could go back in the bedroom and lie down. Except for that whole
"perchance" thing ol' Billy was trying to warn us about. But being awake isn't much consolation, either.
We rented Eraserhead and Citizen Kane, two of my favorite movies and ones which Maddy has never seen. They're not on DVD yet, but thankfully Le Video has them on laserdisc, and our machine hasn't quite rolled over and died yet. (Almost, but not quite.) This evening will make up for the way the last day and a half has gone. It must. When we were driving around earlier, I didn't really want to come home. Not because I was especially enjoying myself being outI wasn't, and certain drivers had made me feel something resembling bloodlust, which I'm sure can be partially traced back to a hormonally-charged mood swing but I still don't likebut because the people upstairs have been making me feel so uncomfortable. There's nothing worse then being afraid to go into one's own home.
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Saturday, 9 December 2000 (disposable teens) 6:45pm My old therapist wrote back. Dear Sherilyn Pretty much what was I expecting, and certainly as much as I could have hoped for. Others may be steered clear of my old endoc, and that's what matters. I called my electrologist's office today; he still hasn't replaced the CD player. Quite frankly I have no reason to think he will anytime soon, so it's time to start digging out the tapes. Lest I sound too much like a digital snob, my reason for preferring CDs over tapes in this context is that his stereo was a three-disc changer, meaning there was the potential for over three hours of uninterrupted music. Flipping tapes every ~45 minutes doesn't help the flow much. Okay, yeah, we seldom go for three hours at a time without stopping (especially since his phone is constantly ringing, usually with people on the other end who don't understand the meaning of the words "I'm at work, I can't talk now"), but it was nice not to have to worry about it. Oh well. Just because something is nice doesn't mean you're entitled to it. One of my subconscious's favorite ways of fucking with the rest of head is to play a game of this is what you could have, but don't. I think it was a tournament last night. Earlier in the evening, of course, we saw Jonathan Richman with Dana and Costanza. It was fun, as Jojo always is. Before the show, Maddy and I ate at Hamburger Mary's. It's odd how disconnected I feel from the local queer community, and I don't want to be. I really need to get out more.
My mom has asked Maddy and I to stay with her over xmas, and we probably will. If nothing else,
I should do it for all trannies who have been rejected entirely by their families.
I hope they're so fucking hung over tomorrow they can barely move.
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Friday, 8 December 2000 (the fight song) 7:36am Written by my endoc on the form I'm taking to the lab this morning:
[X] Total Estrogens Do NOT Substitute
And, heck, who could blame them? One look at me and it's fairly obvious there's no need
for full estrogen testing. I'm a boy, after all. (Need proof? Look at the name on the ID.
That settles that.) They don't need to be told their jobs,
now do they?
Another rug has pulled out from under me, though, one upon which I was never especially steady to begin with: my insurance company. For some reason United Health Care has gotten the hell out of Dodge (née California), and I've moved to BlueShield, almost by default. Everything about my coverage is supposed to be the same, except for the name of the monolithich provider in question. Indeed, even if you put my old and new cards next to one another, beyond the fact that the new one is printed on cheap paper rather than the somewhat durable plastic of the old (woohoo! let's hear it for backwards progress!), everything is the same. Except, of course, that the lab doesn't cover HMO plans. I wasn't even sure that I was (on? under? through? inside?) an HMO until I doublechecked the card. Mind you, they had no problem with my old card which was also an HMO. But they don't like this one. This is probably a portent of my hormone-related insurance coverage going away altogether, as I knew it would eventually. Because, of course, everything does. At least when we finally get kicked out of the apartment and cast into the raging current of Bay Area housing, I'll be a little more prepared.
She said she did the same test on someone else recently (I considered saying "We're kinda
like roaches, aren't we?" but decided not to) and the results took seven days to come back,
so I can expect the same. I didn't ask if she meant business days, but it stands to reason.
So, I'll probably be getting a call from my new endoc the week before xmas...
The book is actually 918 pages and I'm on pg. 310, but when I typed out 310/918 I realized I hadn't reduced a fraction in at least 10 years and decided to give it a shot. I'm pretty sure 155/459 is about as reduced as it getsthe lowest common denominator of 155 is of course 5, and for 459 it's 3, so I'm pretty much out of options. Unless I want to convert it to a fraction, in which case I'm .337 of the way through.
This is the effect Stephenson's books tend to have on me: they bring out my inner geek, the part of me which rather
enjoys this sort of thing, but is hampered by my overall lack of discipline and tendency to get foggy when it comes to
heavy number-crunching. Which is why I didn't major in computer science in college, because I knew I wouldn't have survived
it. I'm proud of myself when I can do sixth-grade math, for chrissakes. Very sad. I don't know what I'm going to do when
my meager job skills are finally rendered obsolete. Hell, by that point the video-rental industry will be in dust. Nothing
like starting over.
Oh, and based my observations this morning, I suspect I may not be a bleeder after all.
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Thursday, 7 December 2000 (the love song) 6:35am San Francisco public access is greatest achievement of the technological age. Why? Because it's given us Queen Bee TV and Bevornia, that's why. 11:06am Now would be a good time to disappear. 11:06am So I wrote my old therapist, whom I haven't seen in over two years. Hi, [my old therapist]. Just wanted to bring you up to date on recent developments. Poorly written, but it gets the point across. I'd originally ended it by suggesting that she might want to reconsider recommending my old endoc, but decided against it. If she reaches that decision, she'll do so on her own, not because of my suggestion. Something I almost wrote:
But I didn't. I guess it seemed off-topic.
For the life of me, I can't tell if Kate Winslet is still supposed to be overweight or not. Even when Titanic came out and she started getting flak about her weight, I wasn't sure what the big deal was. (No pun intended.)
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Wednesday, 6 December 2000 (godeatgod) 6:13am I haven't shaved since Saturday morning. (I did not shave again before the pictures were taken Saturday evening, and in my mind I can see the shadow starting to creep back in.) I will again Friday morning since we're seeing Jonathan Richman that night, and then I'm getting zapped on Monday. And the cycle continues.
I've never really looked forward to it as such, but I'm looking forward to it even less
now. I have to call and find out if he's at least gotten a new CD player yet. Even if
he has, there's still the shiny new white linoleum on the floor, replacing the brown
carpet. In addition to messing up the acoustics, it the linoleum lends the room an antiseptic
air which I dislike. I realize that's the whole point (he told me as much, and also made
it clear that he was doing it under pressurefrankly, there's little more troublesome
than a grumpy electrologist), but I don't like it. Everything goes away.
But, not to worry, for there are vending machines offering pints of water for $1. I can't
possibly object to that, because if I did I'd be a communist.
I'm not convinced it isn't the same kind of semantic homogenization at work"Gosh, honey, we love wraps, and we don't like sushi because it's raw fish, but, heck, let's give it a try!"but I did, in fact, give it a try. The "wrap" (or "rap") angle is essentially that they skip a step and don't cut the rolled sushi into four bite-size pieces. The net effect is a seaweed burrito, which would be fine if seaweed leant itself to being chewed apart in the same manner as a tortilla. Alas. I also got a california roll (cut regularly, thank you very much) because, as we all know, that's the true test of a sushi place. In this case, the words "thuddingly mediocre" come to mind. Not particularly bad, not particularly good. Pretty much what I expected. I found peculiar the combination of the girl behind the counter having several piercings, and KOIT playing over the loudspeaker. KOIT is the local "lite rock" station, designed for office buildings and retail stores which don't want to risk offending their customers. (I had to endure it while I worked at Diamond Video in early '95. We had a teevee showing movies, but the owners didn't want the sound on, and they most certainly didn't want us to play new releases. Why? Because they were afraid that if a customer saw and heard it playing, they would decide they didn't want to rent the moviewhich, of course, flew in the face of half a decade's experience of having movies I'd selected getting rented by a customer after they stood and stared at the screen for a half an hour. It always seemed to happen during the shootouts in Miller's Crossing. "Dude! This looks fuckin' killer! Let's rent it!" I can only imagine what happened when they got it home and attempted to decipher the plot. Served 'em right.) Anyone who appreciates KOIT is not going to appreciate being served by someone with a septum piercing, and vice versa. I just don't get this city sometimes. The place was empty; the few times I've gone by it before (it's right next to Brian's girlfriend's store in North Beach), I've never noticed anything resembling a crowd. However, they already sell branded clothing and merchandise. I suppose they have their priorities straight, kinda like companies that lure employees with stock options rather than pay.
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Tuesday, 5 December 2000 (the last kind word) 9:06am It just occurred to methis is Advent, right? I always thought Advent was kinda cool. What with the candles and all. 1:15pm The restroom at the theater last night is perhaps the harshest light in which I've yet seen myself. It was not promising. But it is what it is. Maybe it'll change and maybe it won't.
We've started taking St. John's Wort. Ports and storms.
So the power button on my new computer hasn't been working properly. Essentially, it's been stuck in "on," making restarting or shutting down difficult at best, as I've had to pull the power cord from the back. It's not that big a deal to me, really. I don't mind the inconvenience, such as it is. But, still, it's a computer fresh out of the box not functioning properlyand, for how much was spent on it (I don't know, but I'm sure it was a pretty penny or two), that's not a good sign. So, after a few gentle prods from Maddy, I reported it. The tech who initially installed it came by to take a look and replicate the problem. Which, of course, he could not. "But, I swear, it was making a funny noise on the way to the garage..." I am so embarrassed.
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Monday, 4 December 2000 (so much for the afterglow) 9:17am The power's back on. Yay. On Friday afternoon at about 4:30pm, it went off. When it becomes functionally impossible to work that late on Friday, the logical thing to do is to just go home. Not around here, though. Inertia is a powerful force. A few people still had power (I wasn't one of them), and were told that it was likely to go off at any moment, and as such they should shut down and go home. But, nosurely we can still work for a few more minutes? Please? Apparently a transformer blew out, or something like that. (Pike's office provided a neat view of firetrucks surrounding a source of purple smoke.) I found it amusing that during the last few heatwaves, we've been repeatedly warned that we might lose power. Instead, it didn't happen until what passes in San Francisco for cold weather. Then again, I'm easily amused. The fishnet shirt Astrid got for me at the Serious store in Hollywood arrived. I'd forgotten how one feels when it fits properly. I heard my old endocrinologist referred to as a "fascist" this weekend. Not based on my own experiences with her, but others'. At least I'm not the only one. (Which isn't exactly comforting.)
My entire body seems to itch, constantly. It's from the hormones, although I don't remember if this happened when my skin
reconfigured itself the first time around.
After the movie we walked to the ice rink in Justin Herman Plaza. As we approached, the PA in the Embarcadero Center was playing the opening song from the Peanuts Christmas special. It was more than a little surreal. Of course, once we got to the rink itself, all we could hear was whatever was being played by whatever radio station happened to be the sponsor at that moment. Three more weeks, that's all.
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Sunday, 3 December 2000 (a copy of an imitation) 6:54pm Marilyn Manson is playing in San Jose next month, and tickets went on sale this morning. So, just in case, we got up early (at least, what qualifies for early on Sunday for Maddy) and went to the nearest Tickets.com outlet when they opened. After all, this is a show that's gonna go like the proverbial hotcake, right? Um, not exactly. Anyway, we're going.
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Saturday, 2 December 2000 (dress rehearsal rag) 11:41pm There. A whole roll wasted on me, even a few with a lei. Though I doubt those'll be seen anytime soon.
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Friday, 1 December 2000 (famous blue raincoat) 2:08pm So I have my shiny new work computer. Naturally, I'm expending a lot of effort to make it as much like my old computer as possible. (Considering I've gone from Win95 to Win2000, it ain't easy.) That's a metaphor for something, but as usual, I'm at a loss to say just what. Apparently word has gotten out that I have a CD burner, since I'm already getting requests. Woohoo! I'm popular! Now all the cool kids will like me! Did I need one? Not really, no. Brian insisted I should ask, mainly to see if I could get away with it. Apparently, I can. None of this changes the fact that I'm wanting sushi again. It's probably safe to shave by now. As of tomorrow it'll have been a week since I got zapped, and I last shaved on Thanksgiving, eight days ago. I cut myself that morning (that stuff yesterday about unintentional vs. intentional bleeding when the skin is pierced of course does not take shaving into account), never a good omen. I still think it was the Fresno air affecting my skin. That stuff'll mess you up every time. Well, I doubt that there's a higher incidence of shaving accidents in the Central Valley as compared to the Bay Area, but the air quality is just different enough to me to be noticeable. And I am quite convinced that had I stayed there any longer, I would have gotten sick. Lord knows that's happened enough over the years. Before I go down there again I'll have to get a megavitamin shot or something.
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