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Tuesday, 31 August 2004 (walk where she walked) 3:28pm After all, Shakespeare's greatest play is about a gravedigger who meets a prince. we're all stars now...
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Monday, 30 August 2004 (empty hands) sometime after midnight The copy of Rent Girl arrived from my mom. That's full circle, I guess. For the record, I have no regrets. I expressed how I felt, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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Saturday, 28 August 2004 (change in the weather) 11:39am The run of Lynnee's show at The Dark Room ended last night. His father was in the audience. Although they have very different personalitiles, there still some block/chip action happening. Erin has an idea for a spoken word show she wants to produce with me. Sure, why not.
Yet another photoshoot today, this time both Maddy and I at a friend's house. I haven't seen anything from the
shoot with Reverend Michel yet. Probably won't until gets back from Burning Man. This is San Francisco, after all.
Not much of anything is going to get done around here until after Burning Man.
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Friday, 27 August 2004 (dirge) 1:20pm Entirely too much of my time over the last day or two has been spent on tribe8.com. I've been given the keys, and boy oh boy did it need a lot of work. Still does, reallythe global navigation is unintuitive at bestbut at least the SEO fascist in me is happier, and the site no longer as though it hasn't been updated for a year or two. Seeing as how it really hasn't been updated for a year or two, it makes sense. I miss doing this sort of thing for a living. It's so much fun. Ironically, CNET has a job listed which is not only in the same field as my recent place of employment, but, in all likelihood, would involve working with them. Naturally, I applied. I bet it's going to come up at the EDD appointment in a couple weeks: We Couldn't Help Noticing That You Keep On Applying For Jobs At CNET. i'm stalking them, because i still haven't gotten over being fired. someday, they'll realize they really want me back... Newgate Prison. Yep, pretty much. I'm talking to a faculty member of Fresno State University about having Lynnee perform there. Nothing is guaranteed yet, but the outlook is positive. He really dug Rise Above, so he's particularly enthusiastic about the idea. Frankly, I had a hunch he'd be into it when I saw the Teletubbies on his bookshelf. That's a good omen.
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Thursday, 26 August 2004 (going, going, gone) sometime after midnight My car is being kept overnight at the garage. It's not so bad in the short term. Traveling on foot (with Muni assistance as necessary) can be good for the soul. Clearly, I need to do it more often, because my soul needs a lot of work. Now and again I toss around the idea of getting a bike. Nothing fancy or costly, a hand-me-down if at all possible. I haven't rode a bike since at least '95, and I kinda miss it. There's the whole exercise thing, too. Though I wouldn't try to ride it beyond the Outer Sunset. I'm not suicidal. On my way to The Dark Room last night, I had my Negative Energy Knife sharpened at Jivano's. I was sure to compliment him on his poetry.
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Wednesday, 25 August 2004 (tough mama) 9:38pm Tomorrow morning, my car goes to the mechanic because of a malfunctioning speedometer. Trying not to think about that. That means no gym tomorrow. I've been pretty good about going weekday mornings, all things considered. And it's always the same; for the fist five or ten minutes I don't really want to be doing it, but after an hour, I don't want it to stop. In two weeks, I have a mandatory appointment with the Employment Development Department to discuss my job search. Really trying not to think about that. Next week, a picture of me from the photoshoot a couple weeks back in will be in an art exhibit. One night only, September 1, at Mikorp studio. I saw the proofs today. They look like I'm doing Mansonbut not necessarily my best Manson. My mom is buying me a copy of Rent Girl, which Maddy and I hadn't splurged on yet. No particular reason, really, aside from being proud of her daughter. How cool is she? There's about to be more oxygen in the City, not to mention more parking spaces, as a huge chunk of the population heads for Burning Man. I envy them, and yet I don't. On Monday, I applied for a DJ slot on Pirate Cat Radio. Haven't heard back yet. I should probably give them until next week before nudging. I've been listening, though, and have yet to hear anything which resembles what I'd be playing. Lynnee has officially been cast as Chico in Duck Soup. Harpo is played by Seanetta, whose Mr. Toad scene in Zippy was the absolute high point of the play, period. Nothing else came close. Period. He was fucking brilliant. Groucho is Frederick Mead, whom I met briefly once but don't really know. And, perhaps neatest of all, Meliza Banales is playing Vera Marcel. We were sitting in my car outside her house last night when she accepted the role over the phone. It was heartening to see that she was really excited to do it. Not that it should make a difference to me one way or the other, since I had nothing to do with the casting, but I suspect I'll feel at least partially responsible if her and Lynnee don't have a good experience doing it. Makes no sense, but there it is. I'd taken Meliza home after writing group. We'd both missed a couple months' worth of meetings for various reasons, so we had a lot of catching up to do. She's a comforting presence, and always helps me put things into perspective when I'm conflicted. I hate to say she's "down to earth" because it's such a cliche, but that's exactly what she is, so deal with it. You Have To Do What's Safe For You. Potent word, safe.
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004 (the quiet companion) 10:06am Have you ever stepped back and realized you were reading about eighty kazillion books at one time? Currently in rotation is Live From New York by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales (gym only), The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt, Booking and Tour Management for the Performing Arts by Rena Shagan, The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig, Make Your Own Damn Movie! by Lloyd Kaufman, ANSWER Me!: The First Three by Jim and Debbie Goad (bathroom only), and, finally, The Great Big Book of Tomorrow by Tom Tomorrow and Slimetime: A Guide to Sleazy, Mindless Movies by Steven Puchalski (both of which are for reading in bed). Jeez. I need to watch more teevee or something.
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Monday, 23 August 2004 (slow drag) 8:16pm I'm constantly amused that The Ethical Slut, the groundbreaking treatise on open relationships, has such an, um, aesthetically displeasing cover. It's almost enough to turn you off sex altogether. Meanwhile, Lynnee made it into Beth Lisick's column: Ladies and dental dams, Lynn Breedlove! We knew, from witnessing her infamous Tribe 8 performances -- bisecting dildos, throwing her boobs around, etc. -- that she was all about the drama, and now she's tackling theater. Jessica Simpson, dreaming of Jeannie, take note! Now a new member of the slashie set (model/actor, musician/actor, socialite/singer), Breedlove is hoisting up a one-person (drama sees no gender) show at the still rather newly minted Dark Room. "Laff-factory jeans." Says it all, really.
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Sunday, 22 August 2004 (scenery) 10:44am Now and again I toss around the idea of going through the first few years of my diary and removing the dead links, which are legion. I've decided against it, though. I like them. They're a hypertextual graveyard, symbolic of a dead past. http://www.sirius.com/~purples/venus/infurs.html was once a Velvet Goldmine fan site, but its host Sirius (an ISP for which The Ex and I both worked in the late nineties) doesn't exist anymore. look at all things which used to be... Zippy closed last night. It was a good, enthusiastic crowd, the perfect way to end a long, somewhat troubled run. I'm both sad that it's over and happy to be moving on to other things, even if I'm not sure what those other things are. It's scary to think that my theatrical career might already be over. I'm probably just being dramatic. (Is that a pun?) Some people who've seen the play call me Karen. Might as well get used to it, since even now I still get called Barbara, my character in Night of the Living Dead. Interestingly, nobody ever calls me "Frankie," from Hitch-hiker's Guide. Just as well. Twice during the run of the play I told someone I was in it, and they responded without a hint of irony, Are You Playing Zippy? That always stung a little. I'd like to think I have some range, but do I look Iike I could play a stubbly male pinhead? Answer wisely. Bryce tells me that a friend in the audience on Friday all but fell in love with me. My God, She's So Beautiful! She Said. I Told Her That You Were Not Only Very Much Taken, But That Maddy Would Kick Her Ass. Well, yeah, if she'd tried anything that would be true, but that's no reason for her not to have said anything to me in person. That's what I get for not immediately going out and mingling with the audience after the show, I guess; as a general rule, I would immediately go into Jim and Erin's room to change back into my regular clothes, during which time much of the crowd would leave. Probably missed a lot of (figurative) blowjobs as a result. I don't do all this just for the love (the ROI is all wrong), but I'll be sad when the love goes away.
Lynnee and I have a photoshoot with Reverend Michel today. I refuse to be daunted
by the fact that I'm pushing 180.
As is his wont, Reverend Michel took a vast quantity of pictures, so I'm bound to like some of them. There are a few which will be considered disturbing, mostly involving Lynnee's knife. But that's okay. The tough part was keeping up with Lynnee. He just has so much more...energy than I do, is certainly far less inhibited. I'm still struggling to overcome three decades' worth of knee-jerk stoicismdamn that Vulcan blood!as well as my latest round of self-image issues. Reverend Michel and I were looking through the pictures on the screen of his digital camera. In this batch, I was consciously attempting to recreate Britney's pose on the cover her first album, which I've always found rather sexy. Not quite as sexy as the video for the title track, but, really, what is? (Y'know, the fact that I gain any inspiration from her at all would seriously damage to whatever's left of my alt cred, so please don't tell anyone, okay? I'd probably never be allowed into the 94110 again if my feelings about pre-skank Christina Aguilera were revealed.) ick, I said. i don't like how i look in that one at all. Why? Michel asked. Because It Shows You Laughing And Enjoying Yourself? Fair question. I'm trying. Honest, I am.
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Saturday, 21 August 2004 (i'm the ocean) 11:12am My work in Zippy went much better last night. Truthfully, it isn't right to compare it to the taping on Wednesday night, since this was an actual straight-through performance in front of an audience. For whatever reason, though, I was much more centered this time around. My energy was a little different than usual, though, since the hidden microphone I typically wear fizzled out, so my voice wasn't amplified and processed. No crutch anymore. It was nice to get to project to the back of the theater. Because I'm a ham and all. | ||
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