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Monday, 20 April 2009 (away from the farm) 10:45am My Insanely Busy Week begins with a mandatory appointment at the dole office. as a matter of fact, i did hate the phantom menace! 12:52pm There's nothing quite like a mild summer day in Fresno. And I didn't even have to leave San Francisco. 2:34pm On anomalously warm days like today, my neighborhood feels like a small beachfront town. Which is exactly what it is. 10:32pm I should have gone straight home a few hours ago after working out with Raphaela, but instead I hung out in Dolores Park with Rhiannon, because I don't like to waste warm evenings. Besides, I missed a power failure, so win-win. Because I'm dumb and misread the letter from the dole office, I wasn't able to attend the appointment because I didn't bring my Social Security card. So, I have to go back tomorrow morning at nine. Considering that I used to be at the gym at half past six, being somewhere by nine really shouldn't be a problem. And yet it sounds horrendous. After that, I have an appointment at the Jewish Vocational Service for job-search mentoring, and after that I going to SF Station's office to talk about getting Bad Movie Night listed. Their idea. I sense a sale pitch coming upm, but what the hell. | ||
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Sunday, 19 April 2009 (unstalked) 1:31pm I broke away from my cleaning spree to go to the food pantry a little while ago. I find I look forward to the Sunday one of the social element as much as the whole "getting free food" element. The local girl and I hugged hello and goodbye, which was nice since I'm starved for pretty much any kind of physical affection at this point. We're always saying we should hang out sometime, so I'm thinking about inviting her to come see me read at Perverts Put Out this Saturday. Why not? If (if) we do get involved on any level, that sort of thing is part of my life, so the sooner she's exposed to it, the better. 10:18pm Ah, good ol' Bad Movie Night. I love my show so much. | ||
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Saturday, 18 April 2009 (dampening the echo) 10:11pm Really, if someone didn't know betterand if they knew how this place looked beforethey might be inclined to think that I've recently discovered speed, since my cleaning jag resembles that of the classic speed freak. But, no. I'm just really, really into the idea of cleaning and purging and decluttering right now. It makes me happy, and I know I'll be glad I did this when I had the chance. Not that it's all I'm doing. Now and again I'm nipping off to my laptop to copy and rip and edit and upload episodes of kittypr0n to YouTube, finally. In other online video news, Puzzling Evidence has uploaded my reading of "Will the Night" from Sadie's birthday party last October. Although watching it now I have issues with my delivery, I'm still happy with how it turned out, and also happy that my background music worked as well as it did: the version of Low's namesake song from the Songs from a Dead Pilot EP. It was risky, but I think it worked. I've also uploaded a pixelly video of me reading a very rough draft a week and a half earlier at the Taste of Rome open mic, where I was hanging out with Laura and thought it was going to turn into something and in fact it became nothing at all. Y'know, I may be lousy. Watching videos of myself perform (which I don't do very often), it's hard to tell. I have no perspective. Some people do ask me to read, so that must account for something, and there are a lot of people who haven't, and people to whom I've offered to read in their shows and they decline or (much more often) don't respond. So, I don't know. I'll keep at it either way. | ||
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Friday, 17 April 2009 (troubled midwest) sometime after midnight Went to the gym this morning, then some erranding, and back home. Home is good. I did leave again for a while in the evening because I missed the food pantry on Thursday, and Marc was kind enough to have grabbed some tortillas and pita bread for me. One of my errands earlier in the day was actually a massive Trader Joe's run thanks to a gift card my mother was kind enough to send me. My cupboard is now full of canned and other non-perishable things, which makes me feel a little better. | ||
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Thursday, 16 April 2009 (radio silence) 8:14pm The housecleaning continued on today, and finally moved into the bedroom, which has been needing it as least as much if not more than the living room. Won't be as much time for cleaning next week, which is ultra-super busy between job search stuff and meals with friends and shows and all that. It'll probably be a good thing for me to get out more. | ||
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Wednesday, 15 April 2009 (the rod and the reel) 2:58pm No kidding? It's easier to memorize something if I divide it into smaller parts? Thanks for the tip, Strasberg! 9:12pm The pre-Job Fair workshop this evening was much more useful than I expected it to be. I've already made some connections, I think, and I'm getting a good handle on how to be more efficient with the whole job search thing. For the first time in this cycle, I'm feeling confident about getting a decent job, Global Financial Apocalypse be damned. | ||
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Tuesday, 14 April 2009 (dose the tabby) 11:12am I told Raphaela about the silliness involving my towel, and she was both angry (not at me) and unsurprised. She's never liked the employee in question, whom she refers to as Eeyore, and evidently this part was part of a continuing drama. Of course. Seems Eeyore has been looking for things to complain about regarding Raphaela's clients, to counteract complaints about her own clients. (The main one seems to be that Eeyore has some clients who smell. Like, really bad. I haven't noticed this, because I always expect a gym to smell like sweaty bodies, and because I'm usually in a different part of the gym anyway.) So, when Eeyore saw that I was keeping my towel therepresumably she hasn't noticed my magazine rack and books, which are on top of the lockers next to somebody's shoes and a Walkmanshe saw her opportunity, and ratted me out the small woman, who as it turns out isn't even the owner's wife, but her girlfriend. Now that's some authority right there. So, I brought in a blue towelkeeping it in my bag so Eeyore wouldn't see me bring it inand put it on a different hook in the shower room. The perfect crime. Not all gym types are chodes, of course. Raphaela is obviously a good egg, as is Tyrol. In fact, I wrote him last week: You may or may not have noticed that I haven't been in a class recently. Here's the short version: I lost my job and thus had to cancel my Gold's Membership. (It's a safe bet you don't care to hear the long version.) I'm still working out regularly at a much smaller, far less expensive gym, but I'm missing your spin classes in a big way. Thanks for everything...To which he replied: I was wondering where the hell you went, I just assumed you were buried in work like a lot of my students :)~Daww. Very sweet guy. Meanwhile, events for the Transgender Job Fair start tomorrow. I'm gonna make it work for me. | ||
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Monday, 13 April 2009 (avec absinthe) 9:10am The consensus from last night's Bad Movie Night: The Love Guru is a painful, traumatizing movie. Well, duh. 5:20pm I just dropped off sixty pounds of VHS tapes at GreenCitizen, and there's more to go. | ||
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Sunday, 12 April 2009 (ash tree) 1:53pm Though neither Marc nor a certain local girl who I think has a crush on me were there, this afternoon's food pantry was more plentiful than usual. It must be the tomato harvest or something, because there were a million of 'em. Which is good, because I haven't been eating quite as many vegetables lately for cost reasons. There's the big Easter shindig happening in Dolores Park today, but I'm giving it a miss. Nobody to be there with, so there's no point. Besides, I'm liking being at home, perhaps too much. I have many bags and boxes of stuff to take to GreenCitizen in the nearish future. They charge fifty cents per pound for most of it, and I have many pounds to bring in, but it's so they'll be properly recycled, which is kinda important. Besides, I'm liking how much more open the Black Light District is feeling without old printer paper boxes all along the walls. My upstairs neighbors are out of town until Monday night, which ostensibly means total quiet. Except that my landlord came over and started hammering, so, no. | ||
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Saturday, 11 April 2009 (slack water) 12:26pm I should probably leave the house at some point. I haven't since I went to the gym yesterday, there's nowhere I need to be until the food pantry tomorrow and then Bad Movie Night, and I have lots of work to do inside. But getting outside would probably be a good thing. I still have the poem to memorize for the short film, so maybe I'll go to the beach and work on it. Or not. 1:48pm Received in today's mail: Dear Ms. Connelly,Not entirely unexpected, and not entirely disappointing. Truth be told, it's one less thing to deal with right now. | ||
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