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Sunday, 28 April 2002 (song after song) 4:42pm Although I don't expect it to be as late a night as the last few, I'm going out once again this evening, to have dinner at Herbivore with Dax and her boyfriend. We met yesterday at the Gothnic and hit it off famously, especially on the subject of veganism. Maddy won't be joining us, unfortunately, as she's recovering from her very first hangover. (Not bad when you consider she's thirty-one years old.) After dinner Dax is going to see VNV Nation, a show at which I suspect there will be more than a few people still nursing hangovers of their own. 9:53pm Gothnic pictures (but not ours). A hint: black and red stripeys. sometime after midnight "What size do you wear? In women's?" It's always the reasonable questions which sting the most..
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Saturday, 27 April 2002 (this or that) sometime after midnight Apparently I thought yesterday was Wednesday. Wishful thinking, perhaps. Or maybe it was sleep deprivation, since I only got a few hours of sleep on Thursday night after getting home late from People Like Us (at which I hung out with Negativland's Peter Conheim, who recognized me from the Chopping Channel shows). Most nights we're in bed well before 10pm, but when there are late nights, they for some reason tend to be two or three in a row. Friday night we went to a screening at the Artists' Television Access on Valencia called Ladies Love Trannys!, which while being primarily f2m oriented (demographically understandable, considering where it was held) included No Dumb Questions, a documentary about three preteen girls coming to terms with their uncle's gender transition. Although it differed in the details (my nieces being older and already understanding gender and sexuality, et cetera), it hit close to home. Speaking of home, by the time we got to it I was dead tired, falling asleep at the first pillow contact. Which is a good thing, because I needed to be well rested for the Gothnic today, which we followed (after first going home to change, of course) with a club excursion to Smoke and Mirrors. The number of people at both events asking me where I've been lately and saying I need to get out more leads me to suspect that I do in fact need to get out more; I'm not missed, precisely, but it does my ego good to know that I'm at least remembered. And, of course, the comments on my appearance are always nice, and I think I've done a good job of learning to accept them gracefully. I haven't seen Imani for at least a year, and the first words out of her mouth were "You're skinny!" Since blunt honesty is hardwired into herI don't think I've ever heard her say something that wasn't genuinely how she feltit was among the relatively few compliments that I took to heart. Otherwise, it's still hard to convince myself that most people aren't just humoring the poor deluded tranny. Or maybe I'm worried that it would be dangerous to believe the hype. (I wore kitty ears to the club, which I also wore last month to the Some Kind of Queer party at the LGBT Community Center. I put them on before we left the apartment tonight, and I think I confused the heck out of Mina. She looked like she recognized the shapes on the top of my head, but couldn't quite figure out what they were doing on me. The poor thing.) I took advantage of the bring-it-in-and-we'll-play-it policy of Smoke and Mirrors, and as a result I'm guessing tonight was the first time Negativland's "Christianity is Stupid" has been played in a goth club, or any Negativland at all for that matter. It emptied the dance floor pretty quicklywith the obvious exception of your humble narratorbecause of unfamiliarity with the song, though I'm sure once the appropriated vocals kicked in ("Christianity is stupid/Communism is good/Give up") some people didn't know what to think. Lee would have been so proud.
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Friday, 26 April 2002 (you gotta sell) 9:07am Overheard from the very loud Sales Weasel on the phone yesterday afternoon: "Are you going out with Louis later and are you guys going to exchange balls?" (I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know....) "Dude, why don't we have a Bachelor party, dude?" (This was areference to a teevee show called The Bachelor, which I'd never heard of until reading about it in a Salon article.) "If you go out in the 'hood, we'll definitely meet up for a cocktail." (In spite of his authentic gangsta slang, I'm going to take a wild guess and say the 'hood in question is not Hunter's Point.) This morning there's what's usually referred to as a "water cooler discussion" happening at his desk regarding the aforementioned teevee show. Apparently it was high drama, and they were all glued to their sets. And yet, I don't want to leave. Go figure.
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Thursday, 25 April 2002 (choke intro) 8:43am At shortly after 7am CST, Dana gave birth to Emily Autumn Martini, 8lbs 6oz and 21.5" long. No reports of a third eyeball, but there's still time. (I kid, of courseit surely would have developed in the womb.) 10:05am Meanwhile, it's "Bring Your Kid To Work Day." (Or "Take Our Kids to Work Day." Then again, it may be "Bring Our Kids To Work Day." It depends on where you look.) On the one hand I'm really missing my old office with its door, but on the other hand, at least I'm at work at all, and shouldn't complain. And Leigh doesn't seem to have brought her kidswho first met me at Autodesk in '98so there won't have to be much explaining. 12:17pm The axe just fell again, sort of. As Lew put it, I'm on "break" next weekand possibly a week or two after that. I'm told I'll definitely be back for Phase Two of the current project, but they're not entirely sure when that'll be. But soon. It beats getting cut off entirely, I suppose. 1:53pm The lesson regarding the DVD player is to keep on good terms with A/V geeks. I haven't heard from Howard since shortly after The Great Overshadowing (my guess is that he moved back to New York in his city's time of need), but the guy here at work who had actually recommended what kind of player to get in the first place was kind enough to open it up and fix it. Yay. It sucks when ill-gotten gains don't work like they're supposed to.
Meanwhile, I just discovered that legendary minimalist/drone composer Terry Riley
is playing tonight. I'm not goingit's at Yoshi's in Oakland and costs $20, whereas
People Like Us is at Studio Z (nee Transmission Theater) in town and I'm on the listbut I really need to start
paying closer attention to these things. Especially since I'm unemployed again. I've also come to belated conclusion
that we need to use some of his music on kittypr0n. Public access television really is a great way to exercise your
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Wednesday, 24 April 2002 (across the borderline) 9:15am Needing a break from the somewhat heavy books I've been reading (most recently Laura Fraser's Losing It: America's Obsession with Weight and the Industry that Feeds on It, Ann Powers' Weird Like Us: My Bohemian America, and an aborted attempt at Ruth Brandon's The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini, which was way too Freudian for my tastes), I've started on Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I don't read much fiction these days, but iIt was at the library, and a little fluff occasionally is a good thing. Then it's probably on to Elizabeth Wurtzel's More, Now, Again, what with my allegedly bizarre preoccupation with junkie stories. Even if it does have another ego-killing author picture.
Those are what I carry in my backpack for the commute to and from work, anyway. At home I've been reading
George and Mike Kuchar's Reflections from a Cinematic Cesspool.
For the last few nights I've been reading aloud from it in bed to Maddy. I'm sure George would approve.
So I won tickets from KFJC to a show tomorrow by sound collage artist Vicki Bennett, aka People Like Us. I'd never heard of her before, but the words Plunderphonics and Negativland associated with her were enough to get me to overcome my reluctance to call the station from work. (Both Dino and the Sales weasel recently planted nearby are regularly on the phone, and the weasel's usually very loud as is their wont, but it was still kind of embarrassing.) Also present will be Wobbly, whom I'm somewhat familiar with from his shows with Negativland last year as The Chopping Channel. There were only two shows, but I'm proud to have attended both. On that note, I've just happily discovered that they're available on mp3 from Wobbly's site. I haven't picked myself out yet, but I'm one of those voices and/or clapping hands in the background. I do love living in this city.
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Tuesday, 23 April 2002 (magnetized light) 10:10am My face mainly looks like I need some Clearasil, so I suppose it could be worse.
It's looking like I might stay with the company after this week, but Lew doesn't know
for sure yet. I may find out today.
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Monday, 22 April 2002 (complex numbers) 10:14am It only took two hours to get my face and top half of my chest done, bringing my total to 212. I did lay off the Green Death, though I cheated/panicked a little and ended up taking four vicodin before starting. Without the liquid medication there was a bit more sheet-clutching than usual, but I didn't feeling as wasted as usual afterwards. All the same we wound up deciding not to go to Michelle's shindig. Instead, on the way back into town we took a detour into San Bruno so I could get more blank CD-Rs at CompUSA which lead to us getting lunch across the parking lot at Fresh Choice which we naturally followed with going to Elsewhere Books in the Inner Sunset to use the credit we got from Dana which resulted in us spending an hour and a half browsing though the big clearance sale around the corner at 9th Avenue Books so of course after that we had to go down the street to Pasta Pomodoro only to discover that they've substantially changed Maddy's favorite dish which begat us going to Safeway to satisfy her pasta cravings and do the standard weekend grocery shopping, the net result being we didn't get home until 8pm anyway. Meanwhile, I continue to hate that I missed Gore Vidal's talk.
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Sunday, 21 April 2002 (shooting dirty pool) 9:11am Weetabix!
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