Horehound Stillpoint.
My gay boyfriend. I swear, if he was into girls, I'd
be willing to make an exception about boys.
Daphne Gottlieb.
Monique Everhart.
People used to say we resembled each other, especially when I wore my glasses.
Now I'm going blonde, and I prefer not to wear my glasses. How stupid am I?
Tim Donnelly.
Connelly? Donnelly? Coincidence? Yes.
Tara Jepsen.
Reading for Tara is, of course, Mitzi Fitzsimmons.
Peter Maravelis, and partial audience.
There's a lot more people out of frame to the right.
If you look closely, you can see JT LeRoy isn't there.
Sherilyn Connelly (me).
I am not the Queen of Posture.
Sherilyn Connelly (again).
Action shot!
Sherilyn Connelly (hey, it's my page).
I think the cameraman was looking for roots. Note
the Henry Miller book behind me; it doesn't mean
anything, but you should note it all the same.